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Newbie Box Swap: "All Things Miniature"  - The Review Plan

Even if you're not signed up for the Newbie Box Swap and you may even think that you're not "into" miniatures the techniques that are going to be reviewed have potential of being utilized elsewhere.
Like the cane construction and sculpting.

Most folks who say they don't do miniature just don't know when they do. Rarely have I seen clayers making flowers in real size.

The mini food can be turned into pins and beads.

The faux wood that'll be utilized can be inlay on tins, background to pins.

The mini printables when covered with Translucent Liquid Sculpey make really nifty embellishments on picture frames, light cover switches, key chain fobs, and even nightlights.

A mini scene uses all polymer clay techniques, and then some, when you add figures and furniture into the mix.

For those who are interested in miniatures and sculpting, and who need some ideas for the Newbie Box Swap, here's the deal....

Since the topic of the Newbie Box Swap is "All Things Miniature"  I took pictures of a biscuit breakfast we just had here at home. You'll meet Bushyaib, my third born, and Amy, his sweetie. From that I'll start reviewing the various polymer clay tutorials it would take to replicate this breakfast.


In this web section there's 6 pictures. Most of them have links to other areas of my site that show examples of the techniques that are going to be reviewed.

There are some links in this web section that will take you to pictures of finished cane that need step by step tutorials made for them, like the banana cane, for nifty slices in a fruit salad.

There's going to be a new tutorial for quick rise biscuits, like I made this morning. I still don't know how I'm going to get that effect on the sides of the biscuits, roll it over a texture sheet or someting, maybe we can brainstorm about that.

I intend to make a page that has all these links, with thumbnails, plus other sections as they get built for this review.

For those who are new to miniatures do check out Jim Collin's website. There's information on "What is Scale?" e.g., one inch in miniature equals one foot in real life for 'one inch scale'. There's calculators to figure out size ratio. There's printables for the paper products in your room box. There's patterns for paper appliances, which could be strengthened with TLS. Tons of stuff.

So now I'm actually going to eat this breakfast. Bushyaib and Amy are long since finished and out the door. I wanted to get these pages up and posted.




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