Skin Tone (Photo Gallery needs to be fixed ) The photos that capture the process of making skin tone in American descendants of Africa. |
Tools the color of clay and various tools I'll be using to sculpt the faces. |
What You Looking At?
(Photo Gallery needs to be fixed )
Or what do you need to look at when sculpting faces. |
Famous Faces Study ((Photo
Gallery needs to be fixed ) Oprah Winfrey, Woopie Goldberg, Old Jane Pittman, Halle Barry Wesley Snipes, Denzel Washington Morgan Freeman |
Bone Clones (Photo Gallery needs to be fixed ) If you're going to sculpt a head it's best to start with a skull. | Sculpt-Mold-Iterations |
How to do hair extensions (Photo Gallery needs to be fixed ) on a cured figure. Heavy Metal Centaur shows you how it's done. |
Face Molds: 04-20-08 Face Molds 04-27-08 Faces 05-13-08: Making a Face Mold 05-08-08 Add Face Mold 05-05-08 Faces: |
Wanna Know about me? | Links by the hand full Links to websites and tutorials to help with learning how to sculpt faces. |
Communities & Forums: CITY-0-Clay where I've been hosting since 1999 |