Face Sculpting Index - Saturday Demo - Log 5: If Thine Eye Offend Thee.. Pluck It Out |
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norajean_sf: after the top of the hour break we can do something with his eyes. clayladyinred: yeah.... I'll do that :-) norajean_sf: and I'll get a link before I save log on how the eyes are going to be done. mazutwo: what jar do I put the money in and where does it go the money that is clayladyinred: I knew you weren't dumb :-* norajean_sf: Sculpt/Eyeball/04-24-03-Thms norajean_sf: Scroll down on this page to see how the eyes are going to be done. I'll be back after saving log. Break time, Maz chat up a storm so you don't get booted off. LOL clayladyinred: Maz the quarter jar is where we pay up when we put ourselves down.... it's not real LOL clayladyinred: stepping away for a minute mazutwo: see that was a dumb question nndewbre: biaf clayladyinred: not so Maz... it just hasn't been mentioned much lately, so you had no way of knowing mazutwo: ithink I will have one in my shed and when it is full give it to the hospice towards the special bed. I did that when the kids swore norajean_sf: That's exactly how it works norajean_sf: instead of dropping in coin money when folks swear clayladyinred: great idea! norajean_sf: we drop in coin money each time we doubt ourselves norajean_sf: creatively norajean_sf: saying things like "oh I don't have any talent." kerplunk, in goes a quarter. mazutwo: yes well lately I would raise a small fortune norajean_sf: then the money goes to buy more art supplies norajean_sf: the biggest nay sayer we got is ourselves norajean_sf: if we could stop that internal voice of doubt we'd go far mazutwo: I like more art supplies just love to shop for them hate clothes shopping norajean_sf: I got to find the circle kemper cutter thingie, brb mazutwo: I know I am awful to myself and I procrastinate because of it mazutwo: goodness poor man he looks like hes been in an argument norajean_sf: ok, off to see if hubs needs anything before I begin on this eyeball effort greatauntjudy: He's a Borg! norajean_sf: Sculpt/Eyeball/04-24-03-Thms mazutwo: what's a Borg norajean_sf: Resistance is Futile norajean_sf: It's from Star Trek Next Generation, half human half machine greatauntjudy: He has been assimilated. LOL! greatauntjudy: It's from Star Trek. norajean_sf: ant colony mind set norajean_sf: brb mazutwo: oh I missed most of those as I was doing night shift when they were on here leasbeadheaven: 3 cheers for NJ's hubs for sharing her with us!!! clayladyinred: getting shots to epson clayladyinred: yeah, James is wonderful! mazutwo: yes the man has to fend for himself mine made french toast for breakfast leasbeadheaven: thank goodness mine's at work or he wouldn't be too happy with me...hah! mazutwo: My DH doesn't mind as long as I don't talk while he is watching sport or reading the paper leasbeadheaven: yup. that too norajean_sf: oh hubs is settled mazutwo: funny creatures men norajean_sf: we lost Shawna again? mazutwo: oh dear not for good I hope norajean_sf: Shannon, since we have digital pictures of this eye process you can take shots as I'm moving and we'll add the link to the eyeball section on the web, what do you think? norajean_sf: has everyone seen the eyeball process on this page? Sculpt/Eyeball/04-24-03-Thms norajean_sf: are there any questions before I get started with it? mazutwo: yes NJ dear I have studied it well mazutwo: no clayladyinred: NJ, you want me to get shots WHILE you're doing the eyes? with the tools and such... not when you stop? correct? norajean_sf: Ok, I'm going to condition some white clay and then I'll be using a slice of this eyeball iris to start his eyes. A circle of flesh is used for upper and lower lids. The circle is cut off center because the upper lid has more skin. Maz chat as you need to in order to stay online. norajean_sf: Shoot at will, Shannon clayladyinred: ok :-) mazutwo: ok thanks NJ clayladyinred: let me do something real quick before you start norajean_sf: We have the step by step in digital pictures already and can refer folks to it. Ok Shannon I'm conditioning white and you just say "when" clayladyinred: ok.... ready mazutwo: that angle is good for showing the featurs well mazutwo: features clayladyinred: I've never tried eyes this way before... I'll have to give it a shot mazutwo: that is a cane right clayladyinred: yep, I believe so Maz :-)_ mazutwo: How much pressure do you use NJ when you are pressing pieces into place is it a stroke or a press clayladyinred: I can't be sure, but I think she was just rolling the edge down a bit... mazutwo: yes its hard to tell if it is a stroke or a press or both combined clayladyinred: true norajean_sf: His eyes are really googly clayladyinred: LOL clayladyinred: that was fun! norajean_sf: but I'm going to build up his forehead and under his eyes to his cheeks a bit. norajean_sf: Bringing someone in spksgntly2 has joined the conference. You have invited spksgntly2 to view your webcam. clayladyinred: welcome Spksgntly :-) mazutwo: hi spksgntly2: ehllo hello hello.....I made it spksgntly2: late but made it clayladyinred: I'm sorry, but I don't know your real name :-( spksgntly2: Debbie norajean_sf: Let's do Roll Call clayladyinred: ok! hi Debbie, I'm Shannon! norajean_sf: NoraJean, San Francisco spksgntly2: debbie ny leasbeadheaven: Lea, NY clayladyinred: <----- West Virginia spksgntly2: nice to meet you shannon leasbeadheaven: where in NY, Debbie? mazutwo: Maz Australia clayladyinred: you too Debbie spksgntly2: just going to ask you the same thing....Rochester leasbeadheaven: oh, LI greatauntjudy: <--jude, Tehachapi, CA spksgntly2: this is bigger head than last night nndewbre: Norma, Georgia clayladyinred: very native american sounding name Judy :-) clayladyinred: I think she's going to do smaller a little later Debbie :-) spksgntly2: almost like a face mask donnarae44 has joined the conference. You have invited donnarae44 to view your webcam. donnarae44: hi everyone clayladyinred: yes, she has an armature under it, with foil on top, so the clay won't stick to it clayladyinred: hi Donna! spksgntly2: which has me wondering...you know that stuff they use for casts..can you make a real persons face mold and cover it in clay?? mazutwo: hi Donna donnarae44: i didnt know there was going to be a demo today. just got lucky and checked lol clayladyinred: hmmm.... good question Debbie clayladyinred: LOL well we're so happy you did Donna mazutwo: um I have used bandage for casts and paperclay donnarae44: thanks Shannon clayladyinred: how did that work Maz? spksgntly2: did you do a face? clayladyinred: ooh, brow has been built up, and now NJ is building up the cheeks mazutwo: ok abit fiddly with the bandage as it had to be damp and smoothed but a good impression donnarae44: NJ how do you keep from squishing him when you are adding the clay? spksgntly2: get my grandaughter as a guinea pig mazutwo: yes we made a lot of masks for a show at a doll club I belonged to clayladyinred: neat! mazutwo: make sur she can breathe as it is pretty confining so nostril holes are very important clayladyinred: Donna that's a good question.... I get something looking good, then it inevidatibly gets squished when I work on another section donnarae44: yes, me too. cant seem to keep from squishing mazutwo: if it is moving around as you do it that will help maybe a lazy susan type thing clayladyinred: I've been trying setting sections with my heat gun... but that's difficult with a face.... you have to have everything so far just as you want it... works pretty good for other body parts though mazutwo: how close do you get with the heat gun clayladyinred: firm clay helps a lot too clayladyinred: I try to stay around 4 inches or so.... I found out it's very easy to get scorch marks clayladyinred: but you have to keep it moving clayladyinred: NJ, he's looking great! mazutwo: yes I would think so as too long in one spot could be disasterous donnarae44: wish i coulda seen how she got those neat eyeballs in there spksgntly2: yeah I missed that part too clayladyinred: yes.... well I've heard some people say they scraped away a bad spot and redid it.... but I haven't tried that yet mazutwo: canes mate canes clayladyinred: Donna I got screen shots norajean_sf: eyes are too big, time for an eye job donnarae44: fantastic shannon clayladyinred: I will send the link to the epson album later :-) donnarae44: ok great. thank you clayladyinred: yw clayladyinred: I haven't been able to do a good eye cane yet... so I paint my eyes clayladyinred: uh oh....an eye ripped out!!! donnarae44: ohhhh NJ is doing an eye ectomy spksgntly2: the movie jeepers creepers is flashing through my head clayladyinred: ok... creepiest face so far.... LOL donnarae44: Its cool that you can just take them out and replace them mazutwo: facsinating how she rips and smashes and smooshes donnarae44: wish they could take my bad parts out that easy lol clayladyinred: yep.... she's Way over The Fear....LOL clayladyinred: LOL me too raven_hill_wench has joined the conference. clayladyinred: wb Raven mazutwo: THE FEAR of FAILURE??? raven_hill_wench: if I get knocked off again I quit! lol donnarae44: although i wouldnt want my eyes riped from my face like that clayladyinred: you got it Maz! clayladyinred: LOL poor Raven raven_hill_wench: lol You have invited raven_hill_wench to view your webcam. clayladyinred: LOL Donna mazutwo: chat a bit Raven as I have to or my server shuts me down donnarae44: must have been staring at another woman lol donnarae44: that'l teach him mazutwo: :)) clayladyinred: LOL perhaps.... I'm curious to find out why NJ took his eyes out mazutwo: they were too big her opinion donnarae44: cuz he was flirtin raven_hill_wench: maz I usually dont hjave that problem, I can leave my pc online all day with no problem, its just today clayladyinred: nostrils! he can breathe! donnarae44: not if he's flirting. wont be breathing long mazutwo: Raven I have 10 hour at a time contract but some days it is far to busy and they shut me down if they think I am not working clayladyinred: hehe raven_hill_wench: that would drive me nuts maz norajean_sf: top of the hour, I got to save log. raven_hill_wench: I once went 72 hours staying online with no problems mazutwo: yes I can't wait for Broadband to get here in the country it takes so long for technology to catch up raven_hill_wench: I miss my broadband, had to give it up until cash flow gets better so Im stuck on dial up |
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