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What we need to do for Ancient Egyptian Prep | Ancient Egypt |
We got to mix clay so we can
simulate... Dolomite Carnelian Garnet Feldspar Obsidian Green Faience that was used to imitate feldspar and turquoise, Faux Faience...LOL that tickles me for some reason. Gold Cowry Shells...small, gold, gold and more gold...press the thinnest sheets and cut out and start making little bands for braids on wigs. With these mixes we can make jars, daily goods like mirrors and make up kits, all sorts of jewelry. We got to figure out how to make seed beads for minis. Like take a strand of dental floss and drag it through TLS and cure, if we cut little beads off of that ...could that work? Could it work for tube beads? For a lot of collars were made with rows and rows of tube beads. Faience was good for that because it's a paste and reeds were dipped in it and then they were dried and fired. The reed would burn up. Ok, if we took a wax reed, covered it in clay or dipped it in tinted TLS, cured it on or over paper towel, could we not get these delicate tube beads? Glass paste was used on gold, so why can't we do tinted TLS on gold? I'm looking at the painting of Tutankhamun and his wife, Ankehsenamun, it's on the back of a gilded wooden throne. It uses glass paste and semi precious stones. So there's green and gold and blue and pearl and the cutest thing, both of them are only wearing one sandal, for they walk as one and only need one pair...a sign of a loving relationship that one sandal symbolism. The Jewelry that is just the best comes out of the Middle Kingdom (c.2055- c.1650 BC). Diadems (a gold band inlayed with precious gems that went over the wigs, fancy headband), bracelets for wrists and ankles, pectorals and collars. There's shallow bas relief, the wall is flat, a drawing is done on the wall, someone carves into the wall for a shallow bas relief, another person comes and starts painting broad areas, another person comes and paints in the details. Like an assembly line these walls were carved, painted and prepared for the final day of who ever was in power at the time. What subject should one lean toward in the Egyptian study? Only what one loves. I love Hathor. She is depicted with a human face with cow's ears. I am born in the year of the Cow so I cotton to her. She welcomes the dead to the Afterlife, appearing as a cow emerging through Papyrus, which is sacred to her. She's always been popular from the Narmer Palette, which dates from 3100BC to today where the women in Southern Sudan do "Cow dances", holding up their arms like cow's horns. Are these contemporary dances echoes of the dances to Hathor of old? She represents divine motherhood. Sometimes she is a slender woman wearing a headdress of a pair of cow's horns with a sun disc between them or the human form with cow's ears. Sometimes she is represented as a woman with the entire head of a cow. What's not to love already? Of all the coming and going of Gods and Goddesses popularity, raising mortals to the level of Gods, through all that Hathor persevered, like the good mother, nurturing, loving and protective. If one were afraid of crocodiles one would appease the God that controlled crocodiles. If one wanted help with any of the everyday activities of life, from getting the lover you want, helping fertility and childbirth, protecting children, cursing your enemies there's incantations that were written on statues, water poured over the incantation was then consumed by the supplicant for the wish to come true. Said's father, who is from Morocco, writes prayers with water soluble ink on paper and puts it in a shallow dish of water, when the ink washes off the water is to be consumed and the prayer sent to Allah...just Pharonic cultural beliefs influencing folks again. I told Said if he doesn't feel this is a First Commandment beef he can humor his father. If Said feels it's superstitious then he should say "Thanks but no thanks". The reason why I mention this is a statue that represents a God or Goddess is often surrounded with prayers, incantations, that most folks couldn't read, they just took it on faith that it said what it said. They used these little statues to help control their daily lives. For unlike the Afterlife, one does get hot, cold, old, sick and die, and they felt they needed all the help they could get. Just some thoughts about this. I'm on the edge of my seat to do miniature Ancient Egyptian items. Doing minis is fun, but doing minis that echo only contemporary themes misses out on a wealth of color, design and cultural understanding of people of a bygone day whose influence is still felt all over today. |