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2003 February Highlights

Egyptian Influence with the Jewish, Christian and Muslim Communities Ancient Egypt 
Isis hiding in the reeds with Horus, coming out of the papyrus with
her son who is to be the first official Pharoe of Egypt, leading her
to be associated with Hathor who is seen as a cow coming out of the
papyrus is a foreshadowing of Moses found in the bulrushes. It is also
foreshadowing Jesus, Mary and Joseph hiding in Egypt for three years
and staying until Harrod died, they emerged from the reeds at the
water's edge to get the boat that took them to and from Egypt. The
Coptic Church in Egypt is very big on the Jesus in Egypt angle.

Isis holding baby Horus, the Virgin Mary and the Christ child... same

The cult of Isis, as loving Mother Goddess, reached as far as York in
England. The Romans felt her cult was too strong and put a kabosh on
it and fostered the take over of the image with the Virgin Mary and
baby Jesus.

Horus having his eye poked out by Seth. Thoth, the god of scribes and
writing, spit in the eye of Horus, making it all better. Jesus cured a
blind man by spitting in his eye. Magical Spitting is seen in spells
from Egypt to the Middle Ages.

The Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus was accepted in Egypt so when
the Coptic Church came with the Holy Trinity it wasn't a far reach for
Egyptian Christians to accept.

The only place where Israel is mentioned outside of the Bible in
ancient times, is on a wall carving by the son of Ramses the II who is
often thought of the Pharoe of the Exodus. It is said that they had
settled in Canaan. For a hundred years there were Canaanite Pharoses
on the throne, called the Hykthos, or "rulers from a foreign land"
that's how Semitic people got settled in Egypt in the first place.
RamsesII was a big time builder and put that burden of making mud
bricks on these settlers.

The Tabernacle was created for the Exodus, there were no synagogs
before then and the traveling Tabernacle was the blue print for places
of worship for the Jewish people after that point.

Pouring water into a bowl with prayers to the Gods and then drinking
the water was common practice in ancient Egypt. It is still practiced
today by some Muslims. Since the common man and woman were illiterate
just drinking the water that was in a bowl with the prayers written on
it was thought to absorbe the blessing of that prayer.

Back in the Roman days the cults of Egypt were such a draw it was like
India was in the 1960s, where young men would go on journeys to talk
to gurus. The power structure in Rome didn't like that at all. When
the Christians took over the Pharonic temples were put on a short
leash and then faded away.

There's stories that you see in the myths of Egypt that echo in all
the three major monotheistic religions, for Jews, Christians and
Muslims all share Abraham as the root source of believing in the One
God. Myths are hard to break and they repeat themselves in different
forms through history.

These are just some of the examples.