2) January 21, 2003: Chiaroscuro, playing with light and shadow through blends. |
Fearless Leader: I'll save log
at this point if there's no other questions sew_short: none here kmrhodes: I'm good Fearless Leader: ok, log save, pix save, and potty break for your's truely icare4bunnies: don't forget to cut out the obscene parts icare4bunnies: lol kmrhodes: she gotta tinkle icare4bunnies: obcene? dahs512: ok sew_short: And Kay Kay has to shut down and go home icare4bunnies: hmm how do you spell it kmrhodes: obscene kmrhodes: naked icare4bunnies: that's what I though icare4bunnies: didn't look right though icare4bunnies: thought sew_short left the room kmrhodes: its your rainbow icare4bunnies: I need to go in a few myself kmrhodes: bye kay icare4bunnies: I mean I need to leave lol kmrhodes: NJ's going to be doing this all day, right? jyladams: This is so cool, are we going forward with things, or repeating this segment? kmrhodes: probably going forward jyladams: Oh good kmrhodes: since there was no questions Fearless Leader: Ok, back kmrhodes: I can see possibilities here jyladams: WB Fearless Leader: everyone ready, oh Kay had to go home, we'll be repeating this all day Fearless Leader: shall we do roll call since I forgot earlier? icare4bunnies: I need to do some work around the house Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco, Doing highlight and shadow kmrhodes: Karen, the Clay Alley, gettsyburg, PA bonsaikathy: kathy in E. TN icare4bunnies: Jael Champaign IL jyladams: Jyl in Gig Harbor, WA (state not DC) kmrhodes: wheres Mitch Fearless Leader: is Mitch typing and I can't see? bonsaikathy: No icare4bunnies: I don't see frogger70301: Mitch is working! Fearless Leader: oh I'm not the only one not seeing Mitch Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: roll call Mitch dahs512: NJ i 'm gonna have to dash also Fearless Leader: so I can be reassured frogger70301: Mitch, south LA! dahs512: nj i'm gonna have to dash Fearless Leader: ok Denise, how long you going to be gone? bonsaikathy: see ya Denise dahs512: until 9 here icare4bunnies: I gotta go and do some laundry Fearless Leader: who can capture screen shots when Denise leaves bonsaikathy: I can for now jyladams: LA as in Los Angeles or Louisiana?? Fearless Leader: Thank you Kathy icare4bunnies: have fun all Fearless Leader: Mitch is a Southern Belle bonsaikathy: welcome frogger70301: Louisiana kmrhodes: Bye Jaeil dahs512: i will read the logs and see the shots later if someone willdo it icare4bunnies: bye kmrhodes: Jael Fearless Leader: See ya Jael icare4bunnies: lol icare4bunnies left the room dahs512: thanks all see you ;later Fearless Leader: Ciao Bella jyladams: From Rayne Mitch? kmrhodes: Bye Denise frogger70301: No, Thibodaux. dahs512: i will send the log til now and post the shots nj Fearless Leader: Thanks Denise jyladams: I grew up in Erwinville, LA Fearless Leader: I'll move forward if everyone is ready? kmrhodes: ready jyladams: READY! bonsaikathy: I"m getting a cup of tea real quick, I"ll be back asap Fearless Leader: get tea jyladams: I want coffee kmrhodes: don't lace it with anything Kathy Fearless Leader: get ready and then I'll move forward, need the screen shooter frogger70301: Did anyone want to do it? bonsaikathy: ok Fearless Leader: I'll heat up my cup in the microwave and be back in a tick. Kathy is doing sceen shots Fearless Leader: brb dahs512 left the room frogger70301: k. bonsaikathy: HI Mitch, how's it going kmrhodes: tick....tick.....tick.....tick.....tick..... bonsaikathy: you ready for your new arrival yet frogger70301: not yet. bonsaikathy: Hi Karen kmrhodes: Hey kathy Hows it shaken kmrhodes: shaking bonsaikathy: not bad and you kmrhodes: fine as a fiddle bonsaikathy: good jyladams: what colors are we working with this time? bonsaikathy: and Mitch How's half pint doing kmrhodes: what are you making frogger70301: great. bonsaikathy: give her a hug for me please, she's just toooo cute frogger70301: Sure will when she steps OFF my nerves! bonsaikathy: ;) bonsaikathy: is she driving you nuts Mom bonsaikathy: you can send her to her honorary Aunt for a visit, how's that frogger70301: as usual! Want her for a bit? bonsaikathy: yup bonsaikathy: I'll keep her a week or two frogger70301: K. I'm gonna go put her on a bus. frogger70301: :D bonsaikathy: I'll be waiting at the other end with a >:D< Fearless Leader: back buci131 joined the room Fearless Leader: Eva bonsaikathy: Hi Eva Fearless Leader: hey honey buci131: Hi all kmrhodes: hey Eva Fearless Leader: I did a three color blend Fearless Leader: by blending silver with pearl and silver with black Fearless Leader: and connected them at the silver ends Fearless Leader: did a ribbon Fearless Leader: and then fan folded the ribbon Fearless Leader: that's what's been done so far buci131: thanks for catching me up Fearless Leader: I'm going to reduce this and match the pearl face to face daytonlinda joined the room Fearless Leader: for our highlight Fearless Leader: Linda, Hey honey buci131: Hiya Linda daytonlinda: hi all.... Fearless Leader: Fearless Leader: I did a three color blend Fearless Leader: by blending silver with pearl and silver with black Fearless Leader: and connected them at the silver ends Fearless Leader: did a ribbon Fearless Leader: and then fan folded the ribbon Fearless Leader: that's what's been done so far Fearless Leader: For Linda Fearless Leader: now I'll reduce this bonsaikathy: HI Linda kmrhodes: hey linda Fearless Leader: we ready? bonsaikathy: I am kmrhodes: go Fearless Leader: What does this fan fold need? Fearless Leader: THE FIST OF DOOM bonsaikathy: squishing buci131: stretching and reducing jakmiami joined the room buci131: Hiya Judith buci131: Fearless Leader: I did a three color blend Fearless Leader: by blending silver with pearl and silver with black Fearless Leader: and connected them at the silver ends Fearless Leader: did a ribbon Fearless Leader: and then fan folded the ribbon Fearless Leader: that's what's been done so far jakmiami: hi eva Fearless Leader: Thanks Eva, Hey Judith buci131: That's what's been done so far and now she's reducing bonsaikathy: NJ Fearless Leader: just reduced a three color blend Fearless Leader: now I'll cut it in half and put the light sides together that will be our highlight bonsaikathy: On the chatroom it's still listed as be right back message buci131: Oh I get it Fearless Leader: now to reduce again...Oh Eva, explain how you understand this bonsaikathy: NJ did you see my last post Fearless Leader: Let me fix that Kathy, my bad bonsaikathy: thanks buci131: I wasn't sure what you meant initially about putting the pearl together buci131: after ribbon folding it buci131: so I see with the pearl in the middle you get the shading on the outside buci131: insta-shadow Fearless Leader: Thanks Kathy, just spaced on it buci131: no lighting necessary Fearless Leader: Yes Eva that's right bonsaikathy: welcome kmrhodes: gotta take puppy for her walk - be back later Fearless Leader: for mini scenes don't have the right lighting even for real metal bonsaikathy: bye Karen buci131: later Karen Fearless Leader: see ya Karen Fearless Leader: now we can use this highlight and shadow trick with other colors kmrhodes left the room Fearless Leader: anything you're doing, dark green to light green to pearl Fearless Leader: for a leaf cell that has a highlight and shadow built in buci131: lots of potential with that Fearless Leader: let's reduce this and cut some pieces out and I'll show you how it make a flat slice looked CURVED Fearless Leader: it's just too trippy Fearless Leader: ready? buci131: yep daytonlinda: yes bonsaikathy: can't wait buci131: She's showing the end of the cane buci131: and now she's reducing part of it even more Fearless Leader: when you reduce, you don't have to reduce the whole cane Fearless Leader: it gets crazy, hard to handle Fearless Leader: reduce one end and work with that Fearless Leader: also, if you reduce the whole thing like this and then change your mind and want larger versions you're screwed Fearless Leader: already reduced Fearless Leader: ok? buci131: ok bonsaikathy: ok buci131: what did I miss? buci131: I see a flat sheet of black bonsaikathy: I was wondering the same thing buci131: and now she's slicing the cane on the small end bonsaikathy: bet she's going to put the slices on the black sheet bonsaikathy: yup, that's it buci131: and doing just what Kathy said--putting slices on the black sheet daytonlinda: oh my goodness! buci131: OK I missed it (child stuff) buci131: cool--thanks! buci131: now she's slicing the cane again--looks like the larger size buci131: side bonsaikathy: Each time she's put it up for us to see, I"ve missed getting a good shot, it gets blurry before I can snap it buci131: and placing those slices on the same black sheet in a diff spot buci131: I haven't been able to get a good one of the sheet up close yet either buci131: I got one--a little blurry but you can tell the light/shadow things pretty well I think Fearless Leader: did you get the close up on that? Fearless Leader: or should I hold it there a bit longer? Tell me when you got a good shot jyladams: did she put the slices on the black sheet on their sides? not face down? buci131: No Jyl (is that right?), she put them face down bonsaikathy: did the cam quit, it stopped moving on my screen buci131: nope it's still working buci131: I'm not getting a clear shot right now buci131: I got two previous that were clearer than this one NJ misty222bagwell joined the room buci131: Hiya Misty--you made it! jyladams: Jyl is right, but it looks like the outer edge that I am seeing right now misty222bagwell: Hi misty222bagwell: Yea buci131: the outer edge of what? nor4man93553 joined the room bonsaikathy: I got a shot but it's not the clearest jyladams: of the sliced circles faye_shelton joined the room Fearless Leader: there jyladams: what are the silver rings that I am see ing now? daytonlinda: they are flat slices but look 3D Fearless Leader: flat slices bonsaikathy: I think I got a good one NJ buci131: I took that one NJ--I think it will work. jyladams: they are oblong, not circles? buci131: BRB--baby stuff Fearless Leader: ok Eva bonsaikathy: for some reason it froze up on me for a minute, but got it now buci131: false alarm, heheh buci131: OK we've got the flat sheet and Fearless Leader: Ok buci131: the cane and a couple of other things I don't get Fearless Leader: What we have here Fearless Leader: is the cross section of the cane Fearless Leader: the end cut on top of the cane buci131: ah Fearless Leader: and the flat sheet Fearless Leader: when you build in a highlight with blending in pearl Fearless Leader: and you build a shadow by blending in black Fearless Leader: and put the silver in the middle Fearless Leader: reduce the cane so pearl, silver and black are stacked Fearless Leader: cut in half Fearless Leader: then put the pearl sides together Fearless Leader: so the pearl is the highlight in the middle misty222bagwell: I can't see what you guys are doing Fearless Leader: the black is the shadow on the outsides An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to misty222bagwell (1/21/03 2:25 PM) Fearless Leader: Just sent you an invite to see the cam Misty Fearless Leader: there ya go Fearless Leader: ok, I'm going to do this again Fearless Leader: but the effect is a ring or curved metal bit when the slice is FLAT Fearless Leader: because we built in the highlight Fearless Leader: we built in the shadow with the blends daytonlinda: why did you fold it instead of rolling? jyladams: You are TOO good at this, It dows look round - not flat! Fearless Leader: Linda, you mean the ribbon, why do I fan fold it? daytonlinda: yes Fearless Leader: if we rolled it we'd get a metal stud, round black on the outside and the highlight in the middle Fearless Leader: it's good for a lot of different uses daytonlinda: i am slow today, sorry! buci131: I thought it was a good question Fearless Leader: there's the blend with it done as a jelly roll Fearless Leader: with the pearl in the middle buci131: heehee--yep I did the slap on the forehead, too Linda Fearless Leader: it's not a dumb question, it's a good question Fearless Leader: that's it with the pearl in the center Fearless Leader: surrounded by black, buci131: That's very cool looking daytonlinda: looks dimensional as well buci131: Oooh--what's that? buci131: looks like a flattened Nestle's Cookies and Cream bar Fearless Leader: that's it with the black in the center and done as a lace cand done as a wedge, wedges put together like a citrus and then a bowl shape made of it nor4man93553: wow that's great buci131: cut in a circle bonsaikathy: wow, now that would make a great inside of a shell frogger70301: So, we could use this to make a basketweave sort of, too, right? Just change the colors. faye_shelton: or an exotic mushroom. Hi everyone. buci131: Hiya Faye bonsaikathy: Hi Faye Fearless Leader: Biz-Archive/Canes/HandBlend/002.htm Fearless Leader: There's the tile with these experiments buci131: Huh--I thought I'd looked at that page but I don't remember seeing these Fearless Leader: Biz-Archive/Canes/HandBlend/007.htm There's teh close up on that page Fearless Leader: My typos are getting past me because I'm moving too fast in time and space buci131: Just try not to catch up with your future self Fearless Leader: I'll tell ya, anyway for the Claymates who just showed up Fearless Leader: check out the hand blend pages Fearless Leader: and know you can get nice effects without the pasta machine misty222bagwell: how do you guys get it so smooth/ Fearless Leader: I'm going to make another three color blend and do this again so you know how it's done. Fearless Leader: Misty, get what so smooth? misty222bagwell: your clay Fearless Leader: one way is to only hold on to a sheet going through the pasta press on the edge frogger70301 left the room Fearless Leader: when you get two edges together smooth with a clayshaper misty222bagwell: don't have a pasta press Fearless Leader: then you can still do blends Fearless Leader: Biz-Archive/Canes/HandBlend/Group.htm Fearless Leader: there ya are, all the stuff I did on the Hand Blend page were done this way Fearless Leader: if there's no questions I'll go and do the cane again and HI CAROLYN misty222bagwell: Got any tips for detail? buci131: who's Carolyn? frogger70301 joined the room Fearless Leader: I don't think I understand your question Misty Fearless Leader: Isn't Nor4man Carolyn in Oregon? buci131: Oh, I thought that was Cheryl D buci131: Oops nor4man93553: no it's Cheryl D Fearless Leader: or do I have Old Timer's Disease? nor4man93553: hehehehe misty222bagwell: I'm kind of doing two projects at once here Fearless Leader: Oh I do have Old Timer's Disease, HI CHERYLD buci131: Oh, shew--I thought I was one with that NJ Fearless Leader: LOL bonsaikathy: Hi Cheryl nor4man93553: Hi everyone buci131: Now she's taking the ends from her silver to black cane misty222bagwell: My dragon is having a little bit of face trouble Fearless Leader: ok do you want me to do this in silver, black and pearl Fearless Leader: or gold and pearl and a bit of burnt umber? buci131: my vote is for the second set of colors misty222bagwell: gold,.... bonsaikathy: mine too nor4man93553: I vote the second as well misty222bagwell: my vote Fearless Leader: We'll go GOLD daytonlinda: go for the gold:) Fearless Leader: GOLD FINGER.... Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: ok let me pull out the colors daytonlinda: i wonder how much of the effect will be lost if i try to run these through the pasta press to make them all the same height? buci131: run what thru LInda? daytonlinda: the slices buci131: Do you have your webcam on too? bonsaikathy: it will stretch some out Fearless Leader: those are the colors we're going to use in this next three color blend bonsaikathy: the ones that are higher will get stretched buci131: I bet it won't lose much of the effect at all--just change it a little--depending on which way you run it thru Fearless Leader: I'll save log at this point since we're doing a new cane |