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11-26-2002: Hair-01, Hollow Face Trick |
You are in "*g.MSATClayArt:1" ( ) bonsaikathy joined the room bonsaikathy: Hi NJ and Mitch Fearless Leader: I can't see Mitch on the list here bonsaikathy: whoops thought Mitch was in here must have seen her name on the main list bonsaikathy: how's it going bonsaikathy: sorry about that Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: Oh just setting up. I've gotten over that cold finally though, Praise God bonsaikathy: Walked in the door and flew into my sweats and right in here, haven't been home 5 minutes, haha bonsaikathy: thank goodness, I'm glad to hear it Fearless Leader: Well get something to drink, go to the loo, we're the first here bonsaikathy: Have you got a minute to see something Fearless Leader: Sure, you got a cam? bonsaikathy: yup, hang on and I'll get it set up, brb Fearless Leader: sure, no problem bonsaikathy: ok, the one on the left has a green beret and the one on the right has a sailor hat Fearless Leader: How cute, LOL Fearless Leader: having fun with the snow are you? Fearless Leader: turn them around so I can see the back please bonsaikathy: yes Fearless Leader: Too danged cute Fearless Leader: gonna get arrested for being too cute, ya know Fearless Leader: have anything else to show me that's new? Fearless Leader: I love seeing other cams bonsaikathy: thankyou, I thought of you the whole time I've been doing these, You've just been so inspiring and so when I do something with clay it makes me think of you Fearless Leader: Is that a chop and toss pen? Fearless Leader: or flowers pressed, hard to tell bonsaikathy: yes Fearless Leader: looks like a blue flower there in the middle bonsaikathy: some of both on some of these pens, haha Fearless Leader: see...that's how you got me bonsaikathy: just where it got stretched Fearless Leader: he he he Fearless Leader: good idea Fearless Leader: oh hey, next time you can do it on purpose bonsaikathy: I did Fearless Leader: let me show you what I did for clay chores bonsaikathy: not future finished yet bonsaikathy: Wow, cool bonsaikathy: looks like christmas bonsaikathy: I love them bonsaikathy: I sent Alicia 40 covered pens, one of them had the tongues of fire cane I made when you did the demo and I clayed along and my boss fell in love with it kmrhodes joined the room bonsaikathy: Hi Karen kmrhodes: Hey kiddo kmrhodes: I have your and NJ's web cam going bonsaikathy: that's for my son, he's in the navy kmrhodes: Its really nice kmrhodes: NJ - too cute! bonsaikathy: this one has a green beret for my daughter and Jim kmrhodes: Oh WOW. They are really adorable kmrhodes: Nice face NJ bonsaikathy: looks like sadie to me kmrhodes: who is sadie? bonsaikathy: see the snowdog watching the hotdog with interest kmrhodes: yeah bonsaikathy: NJ's face she did during one of the demos bonsaikathy: It was great kmrhodes: and I missed it???? kmrhodes: damn bonsaikathy: I came in after the fact also and saw the tail end of it Fearless Leader: Bald headed Leena, has anybody seen her, cute as she can be kmrhodes: I get digest and most times its over before I even know its going on Fearless Leader: she got a cue ball head that's hard as lead Fearless Leader: but she's alright for me Fearless Leader: remember that Lovin' Spoonsful Song? bonsaikathy: I'm going to turn off the webcam now, I was just showing NJ the snowmen and some pens I did kmrhodes: NJ - hows Ruth? Fearless Leader: Bald headed Leena? Fearless Leader: Still ticking, that's the best we can say Fearless Leader: she's very frail Fearless Leader: Ok, thanks for "snowing" me, Kathy Fearless Leader: kmrhodes: You keep loving her - Ruth, that is bonsaikathy: welcome Fearless Leader: So, do you want to see how to put hair on one of these Bald Headed Leenas? kmrhodes: yeah kmrhodes: where is everyone? Fearless Leader: For the sake of being big enough to be seen Fearless Leader: let's put a FRINGE around Shady Sadie Fearless Leader: for she's going to be a mask and doesn't need a whole head of hair Fearless Leader: just a larger version of THIS...check this out kmrhodes: Cool bonsaikathy: Now that is neat kmrhodes: Your large head - is it from scratch or something else bonsaikathy: the large one is Sadie kmrhodes: Is it all clay or paper mache covered with clay? bonsaikathy: I missed the demo but I think it's got a tinfoil core if I"m not mistaken Fearless Leader: hold up bonsaikathy: ok kmrhodes: holding...... faye_shelton joined the room bonsaikathy: HI Faye kmrhodes: Hi Faye faye_shelton: Hi there kmrhodes: Kathy, how do you like those cutters I sent you..... they do the trick? Fearless Leader: ok, I'm ready Fearless Leader: I'll stick my finger in for size reference kmrhodes: 2" or so? Fearless Leader: so that red pin with the weird cut face is about the size of a silver dollar Fearless Leader: it's a "loose weight now, ask me how" sized pin Fearless Leader: general promotion pin, they all can go into the oven Fearless Leader: easy as dirt to cover kmrhodes: Ah, herbalife Fearless Leader: and are a great canvas Fearless Leader: Who hasn't seen a face mold, Faye? Fearless Leader: let me get some faye_shelton: nope, I haven't, NJ Fearless Leader: I hate it when I clean up, I can't find squat bonsaikathy: Sorry Karen went to get my emails downloaded real quick, I haven't had a chance to use the cutters yet but when I do they will be perfect, so thanks darling bonsaikathy: I"m the same way NJ kmrhodes: The trick to cleaning up is to keep everything similar together kmrhodes: except I never do! LOL Fearless Leader: It's the oddest thing, it's this large tuppaware of molds and I've put it away too good. Fearless Leader: it's probably so close it'll bite me if it were a snake kmrhodes: probably propping something up? Or under the table? Fearless Leader: found it kmrhodes: gosh, that looks like one of my drawers! bonsaikathy: Same mold differant look correct???? kmrhodes: yep, thumbs up Fearless Leader: ok, what did you figure out from that show and tell Fearless Leader: you tell me and I'll have a quick smoke kmrhodes: You can use the same mold to make a variety of faces Fearless Leader: just by... Fearless Leader: doing... faye_shelton: add expression, characteristics, details, as you go Fearless Leader: good girl, Faye kmrhodes: adding or deleting clay - altering feathers Fearless Leader: incremental face sculpting with molds faye_shelton: kmrhodes: not feathers kmrhodes: features Fearless Leader: I'm all for putting feathers in a face mold Fearless Leader: and doing things that most people wouldn't think of Fearless Leader: who puts leaves and tiger or zebra slices into a face mold but us kmrhodes: Shhhh - don't tell! Fearless Leader: everyone else are deer in the head lights Fearless Leader: on the clay road Fearless Leader: chop and toss mirror images in a face mold kmrhodes: they have the FEAR Fearless Leader: pressed sheets in a face mold Fearless Leader: yup and are stuck in looking at the market Fearless Leader: claying for dollars Fearless Leader: instead of experimenting Fearless Leader: and claying from the dream land of our creative subconscious kmrhodes: same ole, same ole Fearless Leader: thank you very much kmrhodes: Lets have a round of applause! bonsaikathy: Fearless Leader: Let me show you something that Boozrkitty/Jen made back in the day bonsaikathy: wow, it's fantastic kmrhodes: put it on Ebay! Fearless Leader: naw it's a gift Fearless Leader: it's the blood letting ritual Fearless Leader: of the Aztecs kmrhodes: Nice gift!!!!! Fearless Leader: she's running a rope through her tongue Fearless Leader: to gather blood Fearless Leader: to give to the Gods Fearless Leader: for Rain bonsaikathy: ouch Fearless Leader: there's a bowl that goes under her kmrhodes: I can think of less painful ways to do it Fearless Leader: men would pierce their penises Fearless Leader: so ...I'd go for the tongue kmrhodes: OW bonsaikathy: double ouch Fearless Leader: she made mini jade tube beads faye_shelton: wow. had to use something like a wire or a straight pin for a mandrel, I bet kmrhodes: straight pin would work Fearless Leader: Or Fearless Leader: roll the clay on the string Fearless Leader: you're going to have the beads Fearless Leader: on Fearless Leader: in the end Fearless Leader: and then just cut to size Fearless Leader: one long tube on a string faye_shelton: yep. easy-breezier, eh? Fearless Leader: that's the ticket Fearless Leader: ok, something else to check out Fearless Leader: the first basket weave flip out Fearless Leader: just doing baskets like a nut case Fearless Leader: so I figured Fearless Leader: got to make a basket seller Fearless Leader: her dress is chop and toss sheets bonsaikathy: That's a great piece kmrhodes: Really Nice NJ Fearless Leader: she's not Futured yet so her colors aren't at their best bonsaikathy: love the baskets faye_shelton: me too. love her face faye_shelton: nice fabric Fearless Leader: here's an earlier experiment in doing turbans and draping clay fabric Fearless Leader: and we get those zig zags with which technique? kmrhodes: He's a cutie! kmrhodes: Is this a quiz? Fearless Leader: yup kmrhodes: I forgot to study! bonsaikathy: Hey NJ, before I forget thanks for the tip on scrambling the egg to blow it out faye_shelton: chevron flip, perhaps? bonsaikathy: I did my first one yesterday and it came out easily Fearless Leader: Faye gets a prize Fearless Leader: dunno which one Fearless Leader: an extra petal on her homework daisy Fearless Leader: LOL faye_shelton: Fearless Leader: yes, go crazy with stacked sheets kmrhodes: My dog ate my homework! Fearless Leader: and do chevron flips like crazy Fearless Leader: cut out sheets and toss together a folk costume Fearless Leader: if you can't sculpt hair Fearless Leader: you can wrap a turban Fearless Leader: and call it a day Fearless Leader: using the face molds Fearless Leader: and some foil for the body Fearless Leader: toss some pressed sheets Fearless Leader: and you're done Fearless Leader: I want to show you the hollow face phenomena boobearns joined the room bonsaikathy: Hi Doro boobearns: Hi Fearless Leader: lookie boobearns: is that face going in or out? bonsaikathy: inside boobearns: thanks, I was seeing it both ways...couldn't decide bonsaikathy: it can be difficult kmrhodes: Is it made from elasticlay or reg premo? Fearless Leader: ok Fearless Leader: that trick of the eye Fearless Leader: the hollow face Fearless Leader: is one way to CHECK your work Fearless Leader: when you've made a mold Fearless Leader: before committing it to a curing Fearless Leader: turn it to a mirror Fearless Leader: is the nose pressed right Fearless Leader: are the eyes defined enough Fearless Leader: if not ...make some precuring sculpting changes Fearless Leader: using that mirror trick Fearless Leader: you can see it as it will be after curing Fearless Leader: by looking at it as a reflection Fearless Leader: it's such a great trick Fearless Leader: no surprises when we cure a mold and then make an impression Fearless Leader: finding that the nose looks like it lost a bar fight Fearless Leader: on a pretty girl's face Fearless Leader: ya know? norajean@norajean.com http://www.norajean.com Life is like a lump of clay, both are what you make of it. |