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December 8, 2002: Part One of Tiger Cane Review

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purityfailed joined the room
purityfailed: howdy
Fearless Leader: Hey hey
bonsaikathy joined the room
bonsaikathy: hello everyone
Fearless Leader: Hey Kathy
purityfailed: hiya
Fearless Leader: just getting set up
Fearless Leader: Karen from ClayAlley is here too
kmrhodes: hey everyone
daytonlinda joined the room
Fearless Leader: Hey Linda
Fearless Leader: fixing to press some fresh Pearl into sheets
Fearless Leader: already did the black and a mix for the Tiger
daytonlinda: hi all
bonsaikathy: Hi Linda
Fearless Leader: I didn't have brown of any sort for the Tiger
purityfailed: hi linda
Fearless Leader: so I'm using copper, gold and yellow mix
faye_shelton joined the room
Fearless Leader: it came out tawny but got that mica shift going on
Fearless Leader: Faye, hey honey
faye_shelton: hi there
Fearless Leader: I didn't have brown of any sort for the Tiger
purityfailed: hi linda
Fearless Leader: so I'm using copper, gold and yellow mix
faye_shelton joined the room
Fearless Leader: it came out tawny but got that mica shift going on
bonsaikathy: Hi faye
Fearless Leader: Faye just so you know the mix in the colors here
Fearless Leader: Ok we're going to do a blend
Fearless Leader: with this tawny mix and pearl
Fearless Leader: who is unfamiliar with making blends?
kmrhodes: me
Fearless Leader: I'm going to show you the easy way to do a blend
Fearless Leader: in the Skinner blend tutorial and all others
kmrhodes: I'm unfamiliar with a lot of things! LOL
Fearless Leader: they say that when you get two pieces of clay
Fearless Leader: you have to fold it in half and then pass it through
the press a couple of dozen times
Fearless Leader: I'm going to show you how to cut that down to a half
a dozen passes
Fearless Leader: because
Fearless Leader: we're going to roll it
Fearless Leader: and then pass
Fearless Leader: instead of folding it in half only
Fearless Leader: so this is how it's done
Fearless Leader: see how I've cut it and didn't match up the corners?
kmrhodes: yeah
Fearless Leader: that's because the light corners are going to touch
Fearless Leader: and the dark corners are going to touch
Fearless Leader: and that will be the light and dark end of our blend
Fearless Leader: that diagonal slice there, the clay will mix together
Fearless Leader: you all with me on this?
Fearless Leader: so far?
daytonlinda: yep
Fearless Leader: same as the Skinner blend
faye_shelton: with you
bonsaikathy: yes
Fearless Leader: okie dokie
kmrhodes: I understand what you did but need to see how you do it
Fearless Leader: matching up the light corners
Fearless Leader: now to match up the dark corners
kmrhodes: I'm with ya
Fearless Leader: when pressing down the folded edge start from the cut
and move out to the edges to prevent air bubbles
Fearless Leader: now I'll pass it through the pasta press just folded
in half to get started
kmrhodes: what setting on the pasta machine?
Fearless Leader: if you get air bubbles
Fearless Leader: lance them
Fearless Leader: the widest setting for this
Fearless Leader: now instead of folding this sheet in half
Fearless Leader: and passing it through the press two dozen times
Fearless Leader: let's roll it up
Fearless Leader: like a cigar
Fearless Leader: mash one edge to get a toe hold for the rollers
Fearless Leader: and pass it, it'll mix the clay like you passed it a
bunch of times
frogger70301 joined the room
faye_shelton: Hi Mitch
frogger70301: Hey.
kmrhodes: Hey Mitch
Fearless Leader: Howdy Mitch doing the blend the Easy Breezy Way
bonsaikathy: Hi Mitch
frogger70301: K. thnx for letting me know.
Fearless Leader: now see how I pinched one edge
Fearless Leader: put that pinched end into the rollers and press
purityfailed: oh. seeing it from the end helped. hehe
Fearless Leader: can we roll it, yeah yea
Fearless Leader: can we smoke it, no no
frogger70301: How do you do that without getting a bazillion bubbles?
Fearless Leader: lance the bubbles with a razoe
Fearless Leader: razor
Fearless Leader: now that was about what, 4 passes?
Fearless Leader: and the blend is already happening
Fearless Leader: don't worry about the air bubbles, if you get them,
just pop them
Fearless Leader: so a half a dozen passes
Fearless Leader: will get you the same result
Fearless Leader: as two dozen passes, if you roll the sheet instead of
folding it in half
Fearless Leader: ok? Any questions?
purityfailed: nope
faye_shelton: Wow. useful information
bonsaikathy: I finally understood what you did
kmrhodes: cool stuff NJ
Fearless Leader: now let's make this into a ribbon
bonsaikathy: I've gotten some good screen shots of this too
Fearless Leader: ah cool, who's doing saved logs?
Fearless Leader: I'll save this first bit
frogger70301: I can save from here.
Fearless Leader: but if someone can take over after this save, I'll be
Fearless Leader: thanks Mitch
frogger70301: np.
Fearless Leader: and your eggs are looking so far out!!
Fearless Leader: great work honey