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MSATClayArt WebCam Index December 2002 December 28, 2002: Goofing around with chop, some bead nattering and then getting started with flowers and a Face Jar. |
You are in "*g.MSATClayArt:1" ( ) Fearless Leader: jkljlk tedi382001 joined the room Fearless Leader: Just making a pendant with a big mirror image tedi382001: gorgeous!! Fearless Leader: it came from this block of chop tedi382001: wow, wished mine turned out like that tedi382001: looks like an Inca god Fearless Leader: just goofing around Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: napkin ring tedi382001: sorry have to go get dinner but will try and get back after if your still on Fearless Leader: if left like this Fearless Leader: no problemo, just hanging out Fearless Leader: see you after dinner tedi382001 left the room sew_short joined the room Fearless Leader: Hey Kay Fearless Leader: the list is constipated Fearless Leader: there's dozens of posts that are waiting to go through so says the management section sew_short: Yes, I see that it is!! Fearless Leader: I'm just hanging out since the posts aren't going through sew_short: Through the message board? Fearless Leader: not doing anything but farting about Fearless Leader: As owner I have a management function Fearless Leader: where I can see what posts have been submitted before they show up on the message page sew_short: hehehe - that's Life, eh? Fearless Leader: there's two pages and more message subject lines waiting Fearless Leader: it's going to be a flood when they all come through sew_short: Oh my Gosh! Fearless Leader: I put a note on my home page saying as much sew_short: brb - phone Fearless Leader: okie dokie sew_short: I was watching as I talked on the phone. Fearless Leader: I thought it might be faster or easier to bury the skewer in the log before the last seam is smoothed sew_short: I have covered three switch plates and four ink pens - cut down to make as keychains. Fearless Leader: coolness sew_short: Is this going to be square? sew_short: Oooooh sew_short: Hi Aunt Jude Fearless Leader: I don't see Aunt Jude on the list here in chat, only you and me Fearless Leader: Yahoo is being wonky? sew_short: I guess she went into Messenger sew_short: Do you butt them up against each other? Fearless Leader: ya, I guess I do Fearless Leader: that way the Future doesn't get under all of them Fearless Leader: when they are dunked Fearless Leader: I can take off 4-5 at a time Fearless Leader: and then break them off, pop, pop, pop Fearless Leader: when they have space between them Fearless Leader: the Future glues them to the skewer Fearless Leader: major bother Fearless Leader: Sometimes the design is ok for square beads Fearless Leader: I never know when ones are going to stay square until the seams are smoothed Fearless Leader: couple of posts showed up Fearless Leader: brb chelyha55 joined the room Fearless Leader: hey hey Fearless Leader: just got something to eat and drink chelyha55: That's important chelyha55: Gotta have the fuel to work Fearless Leader: Well I heated up something yummy for James and gangster snatched a bit of it Fearless Leader: eating for entertainment mostly Fearless Leader: but he couldn't get the last of the good stuff Fearless Leader: LOL chelyha55: I've been eating leftovers Fearless Leader: So what was it that you were wanting to see? chelyha55: I would love to see mini flowers if you do them chelyha55: or mini food Fearless Leader: Well, let me see what petal canes I have laying around Fearless Leader: A petal cane Fearless Leader: form to the size of petal you want Fearless Leader: I thin the big edge and pull the pointy edge Fearless Leader: before forming the flower, ok? chelyha55: right Fearless Leader: that last one will be the bud jude (greatauntjudy) joined the room Fearless Leader: the first petal you roll around some sort of stem Fearless Leader: Hey Aunt Jude chelyha55: ok jude: Howdy! jude: Just got the message that the cam is on. Yahoo is really wonky today. chelyha55: are you ready for the storm Jude? jude: New storm, huh? Yeah, I suppose. jude: thank goodness it held off for Christmas. chelyha55: Coming in tonight jude: We went to Isabella and didn't get home until yesterday. Fearless Leader: Ok, Cheryl Fearless Leader: now I'll pinch the big end of the petals and press them downward jude: Roses? chelyha55: So you put the narrow end at the base. I like that, less bulk at the bottom Fearless Leader: Roses of sorts jude: Fearless Leader: poka dotted rose Fearless Leader: move it higher chelyha55: I have a book on making mini flowers jude: Great, Chery. jude: er...Cheryl chelyha55: I want to get my roses down to no more than 1/4 inch in diameter jude: That's tiny! chelyha55: I need it for the idea I have chelyha55: I know NJ can make them that small jude: Yes, she can. chelyha55: my smallest is about 1/2 inch jude: That's about the size I did for some things lately. chelyha55: they are so cute jude: I made a tiny rose for the Blues Clues box top. chelyha55: that sounds cute sew_short left the room jude: He came out really cute. chelyha55: ooh, look at the tiny thing! chelyha55: I like that cane chelyha55: there are real roses that color Fearless Leader: start your petal cane large Fearless Leader: and reduce to the size you need your petal to be chelyha55: very nice jude: Makes sense. Fearless Leader: I read somewhere that roses are either cups or bowls chelyha55: the book I have doesn't use canes Fearless Leader: they are either tightly formed or open chelyha55: so this is good because I do jude: I don't usually use canes for my flowers. chelyha55: well, I'm a caning fool jude: chelyha55: I have hundreds of canes jude: Oh, my! chelyha55: have to start listing them on ebay or something jude: That's a good idea. chelyha55: That's pretty jude: Very pretty. Fearless Leader: that's 1/4th inch Fearless Leader: across the flower Fearless Leader: not including the leaves chelyha55: that's the size I want to do Fearless Leader: well there ya are chelyha55: Cool! Thank you! chelyha55: right now I am rolling base beads that are 1/4 inch across jude: Tiny! chelyha55: they turn out about half an inch after I add on all the canework chelyha55: they look sort of like lampwork beads chelyha55: they are great for bracelets chelyha55: Hi techi_mom! chelyha55: Don't know your name chelyha55: chelyha55: oops, I dont' think she's in the chat room jude: I was wondering cause I don't see her. Fearless Leader: I was thinking of the shrimp flower Fearless Leader: where there were rows of petals going up a stalk Fearless Leader: just sort of noodling it out jude: I don't think I've ever seen a shrimp flower. Fearless Leader: it went through the pix list jude: Okie. I'm woefully behind. chelyha55: Ididnt see it either techi_mom56 joined the room chelyha55: Hi techi_mom techi_mom56: hi everyone... jude: Howdy Nancy. chelyha55: ah, Nancy. I couldn't remember your name techi_mom56: popped in to see whats going on...grin...thats okay...i dont remember yours..(not on my cheat sheet yet) chelyha55: Cheryl chelyha55: ooo, space flower techi_mom56: thanks....i cant get the webcam picture...is it going? chelyha55: yes it is techi_mom56: sigh okay will try again...my mom is here and she does clay too... An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to techi_mom56 (12/28/02 at 4:45 PM) Fearless Leader: Just sent you a cam invite Nancy Fearless Leader: did you get it? chelyha55: NJ could you make some calla lilies? techi_mom56: no not yet Fearless Leader: Calla Lilies are a big white leaf Fearless Leader: and the stalk is green going to yellow chelyha55: I know they are probably dirt easy to make chelyha55: but very pretty frogger70301 joined the room frogger70301: Wow, nice flowers! chelyha55: aren't they great? frogger70301: I like the little one, looks like black and white. chelyha55: she was trying to make one look like a shrimp plant frogger70301: What cane was that made from? frogger70301: looks great. chelyha55: I'm not sure frogger70301: Oooh, one of my faves! chelyha55: very cute chelyha55: I have to go get laundry from dryer, brb frogger70301: k. frogger70301: nice bouquet. Fearless Leader: The calla Lily doesn't show up very well Fearless Leader: any other requests? chelyha55: no but I like it it looks great techi_mom56: brb techi_mom56 left the room jude: How about an orchid? jude: I have a terrible time with orchids. Fearless Leader: let me go look at the orchid page and refresh my eyeballs jude: Okie. Fearless Leader: Real Orchids Fearless Leader: which sort are you wanting to know how to do? Fearless Leader: there's different kinds jude: Hmmm.... jude: You got me. LOL! jude: Let me try to describe. jude: There is one kind that looks like it is sticking it's tongue out. jude: Or something like that. There is a center part of the bloom. The outer petals look like an iris. jude: Make any sense? Fearless Leader: Trick with orchids is the petals are different sizes. Often there's like 2-4 that are small jude: Or we could just do an iris. Fearless Leader: and then a 2 medium sized ones jude: Right. Fearless Leader: and then a long one like the tongue is sticking out Fearless Leader: so you use one cane Fearless Leader: and reduce it so one end is small and the other end is large jude: Okie, got it. Fearless Leader: and slice three different size petals Fearless Leader: let's give that an effort jude: Okie, you have three sizes cut, I see. Three of the small, two medium and one large. jude: All are elongated ovals, sorta pointy at one end. frogger70301: I gotta go for a little while. I'll try to make iot back later on. frogger70301: Bye. frogger70301 left the room jude: Vye. jude: er...Bye. Fearless Leader: well that's it more or less, but you see what I mean by slicing different sizes for the petals Fearless Leader: I was aiming for that belly button bit in the middle there jude: Yes, I do. Thanks. jude: My computer monitor is wonky on me, everything is gamma dark. But, I did a couple web shots and can adjust the pic to see what you were doing. jude: I know what you mean by the belly button. jude: Pretty! jude: That's pretty! jude: More tropical looking. chelyha55: that cane is beautiful jude: That's gorgeous! chelyha55: is that just a striped cane? Fearless Leader: yup Fearless Leader: just reduced and stacked and pinched at the ends chelyha55: very cool Fearless Leader: like the last flower on this page Fearless Leader: Real Orchids Fearless Leader: on the lower left jude: That is a beatiful orchid. jude: er...beautiful Fearless Leader: so reduce your cane so it's a cone Fearless Leader: and slice off different sizes Fearless Leader: pull some Fearless Leader: bowl some Fearless Leader: you can do some crazy things with orchids jude: So many different kinds. jude: Thanks! chelyha55: i bookmarked that page jude: I did too. chelyha55: she's on a roll now! tedi382001 joined the room Fearless Leader: just goofing around jill_z_q joined the room jill_z_q: howdy jude: Howdy. tedi382001: hi jill_z_q: the list is on the fritz again jude: Yes, Yahoo has been weird all day. tedi382001 left the room jill_z_q: wonder how much backlog there is jill_z_q: I just got the emails I wrote this morning jill_z_q: chuckles Fearless Leader: last time I checked the posts that were waiting was two pages long Fearless Leader: single space Fearless Leader: I can see that in our Management area jill_z_q: wow Fearless Leader: and they are coming in out of order jill_z_q: they sure are Fearless Leader: There were those two pages when I posted I was in the chat room Fearless Leader: and that post went through Fearless Leader: and the others are still waiting jill_z_q: so is it raining over there in San Fran? chelyha55: I'm going to have to get new glasses if I am going to work this small Fearless Leader: been on and off, early this afternoon the trees were leaning all to the north Fearless Leader: use a magnifying glass jill_z_q: you do mini flowers? jill_z_q: er doing? chelyha55: I want a pair of mag-eyes jill_z_q: that would be weird LOL chelyha55: I'm just starting doing them jill_z_q: I want to see is -jealous hehee chelyha55: oh that's cool, do you stand it on something and work over it with the flowers under? jill_z_q: they have glass too jill_z_q: er glasses jill_z_q: like what the jewelers wear Fearless Leader: I had a large magnifying glass that is surrounded by a light chelyha55: when I do up one of these "beads" I have in mind I will post it Fearless Leader: it's big like a hand mirror Fearless Leader: I put the little one underneath it, to have two magnifying glasses going on at the same time for 1/76 inch scale Fearless Leader: like Lil'Man jill_z_q: I want to do a mini garden scene in clay Fearless Leader: That sounds fun Suzy, we have a book on miniature gardens with live plants, write to Mitch to borrow it Fearless Leader: it's great jill_z_q: I did jill_z_q: those are live ones Fearless Leader: ah you did, coolness jill_z_q: I want clay ones Fearless Leader: easier to upkeep the clay plants Fearless Leader: LOL jill_z_q: anything inside the house I kill jill_z_q: but outside I can grow anything chelyha55: I want to evolve my flower and lace bead design Fearless Leader: I leave home for days and weeks at a time and the guys neglect my plants chelyha55: into something more 3-D Fearless Leader: only the heartiest will survive jill_z_q: chuckles jill_z_q: I kill my bamboo plant! jill_z_q: it is too funny jill_z_q: that sounds neat Cheryl Fearless Leader: I'm going to take a bit of a break right now jill_z_q: you know what would be cool Fearless Leader: going to forage Fearless Leader: I'll be back in a bit, got the munchies jill_z_q: flower inside some trans jill_z_q: but 3d flower chelyha55: what time shall we come back? Fearless Leader: 6:30 my time Fearless Leader: it's 10 past now chelyha55: Ok, see you in a few jill_z_q: have fun NJ. chelyha55: I'm going to go check my auctions jill_z_q: heh jill_z_q: checking them every minute? jill_z_q: giggles chelyha55: actually they have slowed down a bit. chelyha55: I do have a bid on one on ebay jill_z_q: I listed 69 items thursday jill_z_q: grin chelyha55: oh on free listing day. that's when i listed mine too chelyha55: dont usually go with ebay chelyha55: mostly Just Beads jill_z_q: how does that work out for you? jill_z_q: just bead bring good money? chelyha55: pretty well, I made almost 300 in november and 300 in december jill_z_q: that is nice chelyha55: after i deduct all my fees jill_z_q: that is pretty good for a starving artist jill_z_q: starting out chelyha55: yeah, it helps keep the bills paid chelyha55: the most I've done in one month was $400 jill_z_q: just think you can only get better jill_z_q: don't you have a bead store? chelyha55: yeah, i've only been working with clay for 2 years jill_z_q: or was that someone else chelyha55: no I work at Klew's bead store chelyha55: she's who got me into the clay jill_z_q: okay jill_z_q: I see that is it jill_z_q: you sell any of your beads there? chelyha55: no. Conflict of interest jill_z_q: Really jill_z_q: I can understand but then I can see something else chelyha55: yeah, it's her shop. She's the artist jill_z_q: You she ever offer? jill_z_q: er has she ever offer to display your stuff? jill_z_q: I guess its a compliment then. chelyha55: she said I could do a trunk show jill_z_q: heh chelyha55: at some point jill_z_q: nod jill_z_q: Well I think you do really nice Work Cheryl. chelyha55: thanks chelyha55: I appreciate it jill_z_q: Do you make jewelry with your beads or just selling the focal points and other beads? chelyha55: i make jewelry too chelyha55: I also do glass fusing jill_z_q: I know jill_z_q: I'm coming over jill_z_q: lol jill_z_q: I love glass jill_z_q: there is a glass fusing class jill_z_q: right down the street jill_z_q: 185 bucks jill_z_q: You ahve a kiln? chelyha55: yes I do jill_z_q: I sware I htink I need to call my ex he has two kilns jill_z_q: one tabletop jill_z_q: and one big round drum jill_z_q: they were his mothers chelyha55: I just have what they call a hotbox jill_z_q: what is that? chelyha55: it's not digital or anything chelyha55: it looks like an igloo jill_z_q: nod chelyha55: it's a regular kiln, just not the fancy kind. jill_z_q: it is white jill_z_q: ? chelyha55: but fine for fusing chelyha55: yes jill_z_q: I think I saw one on carol duvall show chelyha55: it was 200.00 jill_z_q: they aren't too expensive chelyha55: not a bad price jill_z_q: not all considering jill_z_q: PMC kiln is like 500 jill_z_q: I think my ex give me the kilns chelyha55: yeah, I can't do pmc with mine jill_z_q: er would jill_z_q: except the biggest problem is he is in NY jill_z_q: heh chelyha55: where are you? jill_z_q: In San Fernando Valley chelyha55: oh you're not all that far from me jill_z_q: I'm a hour from the other Cheryl jill_z_q: We all should get together for a big ole clay day chelyha55: that would be fun. She is like halfway between you and me chelyha55: she can't leave home for long periods, so we could have it at her house jill_z_q: We could have a little claycon jill_z_q: chuckles jill_z_q: yeah I know jill_z_q: but she is losing weight so that is really good for her chelyha55: yes it is, I'm really proud of her jill_z_q: I think it will help with her back tremoudously chelyha55: Ah! A face! jill_z_q: maybe we can plan something for her jill_z_q: hmm chelyha55: sounds good to me. chelyha55: I may be teaching again soon Fearless Leader: What Cheryl is esclaiming about is a Kai face mold chelyha55: have about 5 people who want to take classes\ NikiT (azstitcher2001) joined the room Fearless Leader: Niki from AZ just logged in Fearless Leader: hey honey jill_z_q: Ooh that sounds excitings Fearless Leader: saw ya coming NikiT: hi chelyha55: Is that a new face mold? Fearless Leader: I'm putting a mirror image of a jungle chop and toss block in the face mold Fearless Leader: and the flowers I made are going to go around the face jill_z_q: sounds nice chelyha55: oh that will be cool NikiT: cool jill_z_q: okay I'm going to cook. jill_z_q: Hi Niki jill_z_q: I can't see webcam jill_z_q: We'll chat laster Cheryl NikiT: i am finding that I really wish I had brought some clay to work with me today. it is SO SLOW. jill_z_q: Bye bye all Fearless Leader: Ciao Suzy NikiT: ooh that's perty Fearless Leader: there's the block jill_z_q left the room NikiT: i finally have 1 lb blocks of clay to play with.. prolly finish up my 2oz ones first before i break into the big ones though.. and gotta clean the bathrooms this weekend before I play with clay.. NikiT: new pasta machine, too, an Atlas (yay!).. so we'll see how that one compares to the Imperia NikiT: lots more thickness settings to play with on the atlas NikiT: well, two or three, i think. NikiT: That's a pretty big block of chop-n-toss, NJ.. So pretty, too NikiT: and a rose too? I can't seem to get mine to look like that. chelyha55: Don't feel bad I can't yet either Fearless Leader: LOL I got an air bubble under his lip and he looks like he lost a fight NikiT: hehe Fearless Leader: I'll have to make effort to do a second press of the mold Fearless Leader: do a save on it Fearless Leader: LOL techi_mom56 joined the room techi_mom56 left the room chelyha55: Wow! That's cool. I've been making beads and wasn't watching Fearless Leader: he needs lids Fearless Leader: he looks startled without eyelids chelyha55: Jungle Boogie! Fearless Leader: Now that he has eyes and eyelids Fearless Leader: I can add flowers Fearless Leader: otherwise I would have goofed up the flowers Fearless Leader: putting in the eyes as an after thought Fearless Leader: almost did that techi_mom56 joined the room chelyha55: Nancy did you ever get the webcam? Fearless Leader: So there's some flowers for you Cheryl chelyha55: Quite awesome, NJ! Fearless Leader: but you make better canes Fearless Leader: so you can just go nutso chelyha55: I think I'm heading in that direction. Did you ever get a look at my draped fabric beads? Fearless Leader: Yes I did and I thought they were too fun chelyha55: and that came from that demo about the fish scales! chelyha55: They've been selling, too Fearless Leader: That's great to hear Fearless Leader: I know you can sell your stuff, and develop a style that's your own Fearless Leader: that Fearless Leader: is a better shot chelyha55: he looks like a forest spirit Fearless Leader: doesn't he though Fearless Leader: I'll end up covering the whole jar Fearless Leader: put Xev's face on the other side Fearless Leader: add a mess o leaves Fearless Leader: but I'm going to quit for now Fearless Leader: I'm beat chelyha55: thanks so much this was really fun Fearless Leader: I'll be on tomorrow Fearless Leader: late in the afternoon chelyha55: what time? Fearless Leader: if we have power Fearless Leader: 2-3pm my time chelyha55: oh, ok. I'm off work at 4 chelyha55: see you then Fearless Leader: ok, cool....I'll catch you then Fearless Leader: xoxox chelyha55: bye! |