Clay Techniques-04: Sept. 4, 2002: Animal Print Cane and Face Molds-2 |
You are in "*g.MSATClayArt:1" ( ) ac4lb joined the room auntyalias: Hey Kathy ac4lb: Hi there ac4lb: Just got done watching a movie, had me cracking up, name of it was Ping auntyalias: Never heard of that movie, who was in it? chelyha joined the room auntyalias: Cheryl Hey Honey auntyalias: Rose has me as featured artist on her newsletter but misspelled my last name auntyalias: eeep auntyalias: LOL ac4lb: Shriley jones is the only one I've seen before but it was about a chihuhua that tharts a couple burglers, it was hilarious ac4lb: Hi Cheryl chelyha: Hi all! chenoa_2b joined the room ac4lb: sorry that's thwarts auntyalias: I don't mind typos, I can unnastan you auntyalias: ac4lb: I usually try to catch them ahead LOL auntyalias: you don't have cam on Kathy? auntyalias: I figure while we're here I'd show you a little nifty trick ac4lb: it keeps saying that there isn't one on An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to ac4lb (9/4/02 at 7:09 PM) ac4lb: that is too cool auntyalias: Wanna see a quick nifty trick? ac4lb: I love it ac4lb: yes dylinna joined the room dylinna: hello? ac4lb: Hi there chelyha: Hi! dylinna: didn't mean to interrupt, have we begun? ac4lb: NJ is showing us a neat trick ac4lb: you're not interupting dylinna: what's the trick, or do we know yet? ac4lb: not yet dylinna: ah greatauntjudy joined the room ac4lb: I think she's filling a mold dylinna: that looked like a blend of some sort. leaves? ac4lb: that's what I was thinking dylinna: strategic placement, then... greatauntjudy left the room ac4lb: Looks like it ac4lb: is it a frog dylinna: cool froggie. ac4lb: it's kind of dark and I'm not seeing to well tonight auntyalias: ok the trick is this auntyalias: when you fill a mold with patterned sheeets auntyalias: and this is a cat mold, auntyalias: it's hard to see, I'll do it again with lighter sheets auntyalias: lay the veins of the leaves, auntyalias: along the bone lines auntyalias: utilize the jelly roll blend auntyalias: to simulate high areas auntyalias: by putting the lighter part of the jelly roll blend in the center auntyalias: there auntyalias: with that cane, just a jelly roll blend done as a leaf in brown auntyalias: I got stripes for this cat mold auntyalias: if we filled it with leopard spot ac4lb: That's really cool, it is kind of dark so it's hard to see it but that's neat auntyalias: we'd have a spotted cat auntyalias: I'll do it in a lighter leaf, they are already cut auntyalias: ok? merrie60us joined the room ac4lb: ok it looks like now she is filling it with tiger cane following the bone structure of the cat, it's much easier to see with the white outline ac4lb: she's now filling it with scrap and making a handle to pull it out auntyalias: Now all demos are quick and messy, you on the other hand auntyalias: will take more care auntyalias: but what I want to point out auntyalias: is lay down the clay remembering what is in front of what auntyalias: if the tail is in front of the body auntyalias: lay down the clay for the tail before the body auntyalias: outer things go down first auntyalias: things in the background go down later auntyalias: so you get a knee over lapping a belly auntyalias: a tail draped over the back auntyalias: any questions? ac4lb: much easier to see what it is this time auntyalias: what if we did this on a face? auntyalias: or in a face mold auntyalias: that is auntyalias: but we got to do it lighter auntyalias: for those who were not here this afternoon auntyalias: this is mold, it looks like a sculpture, where the clay comes out auntyalias: but it is really the indentation's shadows auntyalias: that trick the eye auntyalias: ok, with that said I'll fill this face mold with leaves auntyalias: just because we can ac4lb: can somebody pic up descriptions for NJ for a few, Gary just called me on ham radio and is on his way home, I have to slap a burger on for him, brb dylinna: ok chenoa_2b left the room dylinna: strategic leaf placement. auntyalias: the filler is screwed up natasha bead dylinna: making sure nose is filled. ac4lb: I love that piece, WOW auntyalias: or zebra chop and mirror image? auntyalias: so if we poke eyeballs into this leaf face auntyalias: it will come alive, but before we poke his eyes auntyalias: are there any questions? dylinna: no. good here ac4lb: perfectly clear auntyalias: so the only thing I do for the eyes auntyalias: is to poke down the clay auntyalias: to put in the whites of the eyes ac4lb: My son would love one of these in his roombox when I do it auntyalias: look to see how I use the cone shape ac4lb: yes auntyalias: at the corners of the eyes to make them round in the socket auntyalias: then I poke a hole to drop in the pupil auntyalias: add lids auntyalias: and call it a day auntyalias: shall I proceed to with the poking of the eyes? ac4lb: yes ac4lb: she poked the eye and is filling it with white ac4lb: then smoothing ac4lb: now she is poking a tiny hole in the middle of the white for the pupil dylinna: cone shape? ac4lb: on the end of an exacto knife she place a tiny ball of black to put in the hole for the pupil ac4lb: not sure on that one auntyalias: without eyelids auntyalias: a face looks startled ac4lb: but on this piece it looks like it's meant to be dylinna: half a tear drop for eyelids?? auntyalias: so a half lid makes him look sleepy or stoned auntyalias: if the pupils were oriented both to one side auntyalias: with half lid auntyalias: makes them look shifty auntyalias: like, why not turn your whole head to see something you sneaky creep auntyalias: so any questions up to this point? dylinna: a little detail on the eyelid creation? Did you fold it or cut it in half? auntyalias: bent it into a crescent on my thumb auntyalias: it's a small leaf auntyalias: and then if you bend one side over your thumb auntyalias: and take that bent edge on the tip of your clayshaper auntyalias: you can situate the eyelid auntyalias: right into the corner of the eye auntyalias: and then just roll the rest in place dylinna: pointed end of the leaf toward the nose? auntyalias: let me show you, both ends are pointy auntyalias: it's a leaf, that is bent and pulled into a crescent auntyalias: and then laid over the eye, putting it on the cone of the clayshaper allows you more control auntyalias: to get it to the inner corner of the eye auntyalias: I find if you can anchor it there auntyalias: and then smooth the rest of the lid over the eyeball ac4lb: that's a great tip NJ auntyalias: it's the quickest way auntyalias: So I'm done with what I wanted to show you that was a new wrinkle auntyalias: so I'll take questions now ac4lb: You've explained it so well that I think you answered all of mine auntyalias: LOL auntyalias: Ok then auntyalias: I'll take social chatter auntyalias: LOL ac4lb: of course when I go to do it myself that may be a differant story, haha auntyalias: shall I show you the ones that are screwed up, Kai 1 auntyalias: Xev 1 ac4lb: sure auntyalias: Xev 1 ended up being chopped to bits in the end ac4lb: everyone's so quite tonight ac4lb: sorry quiet auntyalias: Xev One Gets Repaired ac4lb: man I can't type tonight auntyalias: here's a scary page dylinna: brb auntyalias: Biz-Archive/LEXX-Home/Xev1-Repairs-015.htm auntyalias: this is my struggle with her eyes auntyalias: Biz-Archive/LEXX-Home/Xev1-Repairs-020.htm auntyalias: more struggles ac4lb: I do have a question, how do you do the eyebrows and how can I do a crew cut on my head auntyalias: Biz-Archive/LEXX-Home/Xev1isDead.htm auntyalias: here she is chopped up auntyalias: post mortem auntyalias: a crew cut is actually pretty simple auntyalias: block the clay out with a marbled mix of the different colors in the hair auntyalias: back up, let's start this way greatauntjudy joined the room auntyalias: ok, you have blond hair auntyalias: let's say auntyalias: but blond hair has a lot of different shades auntyalias: if you took those shades auntyalias: like snakes auntyalias: and twisted them auntyalias: like a candy cane auntyalias: and then mashed it to a block, you have hair highlight stripes in the clay color auntyalias: take a block of that auntyalias: and put it on a bald head auntyalias: and with your clay shaper auntyalias: fashion the hair going up up up auntyalias: all around auntyalias: the top auntyalias: tap with a tooth brush auntyalias: tap tap tap auntyalias: there ya go, crew cut auntyalias: with hightlights auntyalias: highlights even ac4lb: I'll give that a try, how about the eyebrows auntyalias: a snake auntyalias: teeeny tiny snake auntyalias: lay it down auntyalias: texture it with feathery touches with the tip of the cone auntyalias: of a clayshaper or other tool auntyalias: like you were brushing your own eyebrows auntyalias: but smaller auntyalias: or auntyalias: TLS auntyalias: brush on TLS mixed with the hair color auntyalias: get a paste auntyalias: paint/glob on the eyebrows auntyalias: either way, auntyalias: let me show you something on this white face about eyebrows, ok? ac4lb: I'll practice on scrap and see what I can come up with ac4lb: great ac4lb: oh wow, they look great merrie60us left the room ac4lb: mine didn't come out that good when I tried it ac4lb: that made all the differance in the world on that face, melani_l joined the room auntyalias: to measure the brow melani_l: Hi gang, just stopping by for a minute. ac4lb: Hi there auntyalias: run a line from the inner corner of the eye to the eyebrow for the start of the eyebrow, Hey Melly auntyalias: for the peak of the eyebrow melani_l: I'm in the process of rebuilding my computer so I won't stay long. auntyalias: to from the center of the eye at an angle measuring from the nose like this. auntyalias: the outside of the eyebrow from the nose to the outer eye to the end of the brow auntyalias: any questions about placement of the eyebrow? auntyalias: this guy is just too happy Huh Melly? ac4lb: no just seein git made it easy to understand ac4lb: thanks for doing that for me melani_l: Your faces have improved so much NJ! auntyalias: Thanks Melly, been fussing with them a lot auntyalias: check this out Melly melani_l: Wow-- it's the cast of Cats! auntyalias: faces for DAZE auntyalias: LOL auntyalias: Ya Cats TOTALLY auntyalias: Let's go to NY and see Kats, like in Tank Girl auntyalias: LOL auntyalias: but it just taking animal cane and putting it in face molds auntyalias: wanna see one real quick while you're here for a minute greatauntjudy left the room auntyalias: well that was the quick demo auntyalias: Now these three faces auntyalias: were all from the same mold auntyalias: they all look so different auntyalias: so sculpting one face auntyalias: will yield you a ton of different faces with a couple of additional moves auntyalias: I'm done ac4lb: You did good, and thank you again auntyalias: I love how the mold looks like a sculpture auntyalias: that just trips me out so much ac4lb: it does from this end also auntyalias: any special requests since I'm done with showing you this face mold thing ac4lb: I'm sure I'll think of at least a dozen tomorrow when I'm working on something, haha auntyalias: before I save all this, are there any questions about what we've covered? auntyalias: or are we all done? ac4lb: I have to get on out of here and hit the sack, take care everyone, |