Biz-Archive Tute-List

This is an archive of some of the things that went on with MSATClayArt

MSATClayArt has had a name change to CITY-o-Clay

Who's Who and What's What



What the Heck is Polymer Clay Anyway? 

Behind that link you'll find what the Propeller Heads say about polyvinyl chloride products, of which polymer clay is but one. 

August 3, 2002: MSAT ClayArt Swap List

8-28-2002: Recurring Swaps, what are they? 

9-16-2002: Swaps of the Past

August 5, 2002:  Face Sculpting Non Swap Tip Page. Link for Tips Page. I'll be adding face sculpting ramble links on this page. Do go and review the tutorials at OnSite Dolls Figures and Faces

September 3, 2002: MSATClayArt WebCam Log Index

August 8, 2002 MSATClayArt ClayMate Experiments Index

August 8, 2002: MSATClayArt ClayMate Tutorial  Collection

August 7, 2002: MSATClayArt ClayMate Showcase

August 12, 2002: For a list of the Fantasy Figures here's a page for you.