04-30-2004 Demo Log and Sample Picture: Sculpting the face: Second save and the Moth Picture |
cindycreator: Hello, sorry I can't
stay. I logged in by mistake. I hope to come back another time though. Sorry. Beauty4ashes: me too, and its almost 1am so I have to go, hubbys calling Beauty4ashes: bye everyone cindycreator: Ok see ya later chelyha55: nitey nite babasbunja: bye girlfriend cindycreator left the room Fearless Leader: Ok, back Beauty4ashes: thank you NJ and it was so very nice chatting with ya'll! Fearless Leader: See you tomorrow? Beauty4ashes: its so late here 1 am NJ, monday, Saturday and Sunday is with hubby. bye Lady Lavendar: Do you insert the eyes while sculpting or now? Fearless Leader: Ciao Bella Fearless Leader: we can do some eyes on another face Fearless Leader: hold up I'll get a face that needs eyes and let's goof around with that Lady Lavendar: Also is it typical to have ears? Fearless Leader: ok? Lady Lavendar: sure Fearless Leader: ok, ears, let's do a quick review of ears Susan: ears Susan: good beauty4ashes57 left the room rickiebeth1 joined the room babasbunja: Fascinating NJ, you never added clay to make any of the features, including the ears? rickiebeth1: Hello Everyone!!!! chelyha55: Hi Rickie! sunemoonsong: that is very cool chelyha55: you can add clay if you need to Lady Lavendar: like that, not a lot of detail but there Fearless Leader: Trick to ears is they start where the jaw ends Fearless Leader: the lobe is level with the end of the jaw Fearless Leader: the top of the ear little higher than the eye Fearless Leader: the grid is this Fearless Leader: map it like that Fearless Leader: jaw, eye, and there ya go Fearless Leader: that's rough but you get the idea Fearless Leader: feel your jaw Lady Lavendar: yes, thank you Fearless Leader: at the top of the end of your jaw, go back and find your ear lobe Fearless Leader: or your finger goes inside your ear actually MaMa Duke (pdduke2003) joined the room Fearless Leader: so the lobe is a little lower than the top of the back of the jaw Fearless Leader: that's why it's so noisy to eat potato chips Fearless Leader: crunch crunch Fearless Leader: we hear it from the inside Fearless Leader: LOL rickiebeth1: I think my computer is acting up - meaning, I must turn it off before it explodes or something like this - I hate to say bye so soon.... but ...BYE ..and soon I hope to have another working computer. sunemoonsong: wow rickiebeth1: Adois everyone babasbunja: good night rickiebeth1: Bye All rickiebeth1 left the room babasbunja: Eyes are difficult but so wonderful when they turn out right chelyha55: the only way I can make them look right is if I make them closed sunemoonsong: i use prebaked eyes of different sizes sunemoonsong: i find that they are easier. babasbunja: I use baked eyes too, or plastic, bought pre made or beads that I paint sunemoonsong: aaaah! it looks kind of scary at the moment sunemoonsong: *lol* babasbunja: mine look like aliens mostly, til finished babasbunja: et phone home til i get eyelids just right sunemoonsong: what is that small thing that looks like an eyedropper chelyha55: ooh, Roux just showed up in town on "Chocolat" babasbunja: razor, I think sunemoonsong: theoh sunemoonsong: oh sunemoonsong: does anyone use that waterless hand cleanser as a finisher? kgedrich joined the room sunemoonsong: cool beads nancy babasbunja: how do you mean? chelyha55: I haven't heard of that before sunemoonsong: well the waterless hand sanatizer, i read a book called, friends and family in polymer clay kgedrich: good evening/day everyone chelyha55: hello sunemoonsong: and she used waterless hand sanatizer, and a brush to get all the fingerprints and stuff out of her clay before baking babasbunja: do you clean the clay off with it before baking? chelyha55: ooh Nancy lots of swirlies! sunemoonsong: i think it also put a nice glossy finish on her clay just wondering if anyone else did it? nancy: thanks..i saw that message about the tut or desiree's site...i went a little crazy kgedrich: pretty nancy you have been busy sunemoonsong: i am not sure if it cleans it, but i think it makes it easier to take the fingerprints and stuff out, and makes it shinier chelyha55: If I sand a bead then I buff it chelyha55: but if you don't have a buffer you can coat them with future chelyha55: Nancy did you use a bead roller? nancy: no the lentil bead tutorial on desiree's site nancy: it is soooo easy... nancy: i will get you the link chelyha55: How do you get the swirl? chelyha55: oh ok babasbunja: Well my new pre and post menopausal friends, I have to hit the sack. It was great watching NJ's majic again and fun chatting with you all. Good night. Bernie P.S. Give NJ a thumbs up from me. chelyha55: nitey nite nancy: http://www.desiredcreations.com/howTo_CALentilSwirl.htm nancy: this one looks like an eyes iris...except yellow chelyha55: ok, you use the same technique I do dona5611: night all -- I have to get up early -- taking my mom to a rubber stamp show in San Jose pdduke2003 left the room nancy: i just learned it a couple of days ago...giggle dona5611: thanks NJ! Fearless Leader: ok, Fearless Leader: good time for a break sunemoonsong: well that looks very nice dona5611 left the room chelyha55: that face looks faintly african Fearless Leader: smoke em if you got em nancy: the 2 beads (red and silver/blue and silver) Lady Lavendar: Thanks for the peak over your shoulder, I will get brave and try one . . . son Fearless Leader: it's the lips chelyha55: or like Egyptian Fearless Leader: As you saw tonight Fearless Leader: faces don't always come out right the first time Fearless Leader: I did three efforts for the asian face sunemoonsong: they seem kind of fussy shargoose: Mine isn't so Asian but I am pleased so far, NJ Fearless Leader: So practice sculpting faces, ball it up and do it again Fearless Leader: that's really the only way we can learn, is by doing Lady Lavendar: just don't throw it across the room shargoose: See what you think, I got cam on Fearless Leader: if you want a face to come out perfect first time, you'll be setting yourself up for diappointment sunemoonsong: *nods* i have baked a few and keep adding to them afterwards Susan: I've reaally enjoyed the NJ face show tonight - learned a lot nancy: were made with silver shaved off a sheet of sliver pressed with a dots sheet.. Fearless Leader: Ok, let me see, Oh my gosh there's a ton of cams open Susan: but gotta go to bed Susan: see you next time nightowls Fearless Leader: see you tomorrow? Fearless Leader: we do another demo at Noon, PST Susan: what time?? shargoose: Nite Susan Fearless Leader: what time zone are you at Susan? Lady Lavendar: Well it's avter 1 here so I'm off to bed, Thanks again Mary Susan: great - yup I'll try and get in, if the yahoo gods allow Fearless Leader: Eastern? sunemoonsong: awwwwwwww what a cute doggie and kitty Susan: I'm in Eastern sunemoonsong: kgedrich Fearless Leader: 3pm Eastern sunemoonsong: DEY are so CUTe Susan: so see ya 3 pm my time ldylvndr left the room Susan: thanks NJ! sunemoonsong: cuties sunemoonsong: hehehe Fearless Leader: You're welcome Susan Susan: see ya gals Fearless Leader: The face came out good Sharon sunemoonsong: bye sunemoonsong: night minimoon47 left the room shargoose: Thanks, NJ shargoose: You good teacher!! Fearless Leader: Thank you for being a good student nancy: brb Fearless Leader: for without you, I'm just talking to myself Fearless Leader: and making the natives worried shargoose: Grasshopper learning from Master shargoose: shargoose: I do have to use prebaked trans eyes Fearless Leader: Is that a face on a vase? shargoose: It's just my thing MaMa Duke (pdduke2003) joined the room Fearless Leader: Do your Thang, do what you wanna doooooo Fearless Leader: I worked up a sweat shargoose: Helps me shape the lids better Fearless Leader: whew shargoose: Is it still hot there, NJ? Fearless Leader: it was all day Fearless Leader: and the apartment was like an oven Fearless Leader: when I got home shargoose: I turned the AC on this afternoon, too muggy Fearless Leader: Fog is my AC and I'm still waiting Fearless Leader: Oh that's a great face Fearless Leader: wow shargoose: I'll see if we can russel some up for you chelyha55: it is good isn't it! nancy: awsome face chelyha55: I have a portable swamp cooler Fearless Leader: and you got a boatload of beads there chelyha55: it works great Fearless Leader: I couldn't fit another cam window if we had one Fearless Leader: I'd run out of monitor space shargoose: Thanks if you ment me Fearless Leader: Kat and you Sharon Fearless Leader: you are both Awesome!! shargoose: Sorry, didn't see Kats face shargoose: Show me Kat Fearless Leader: For a clay along Sharon, you's is amazing shargoose: Wow Fearless Leader: turn the vase Kat kgedrich: aw shucks fearless leader you making me blush Fearless Leader: see Fearless Leader: wowsers Fearless Leader: expression, I love it shargoose: Love it Kat chelyha55: that's great! Fearless Leader: he is singing shargoose: Your work is so amazing Fearless Leader: ooooddddlllleeeeooooo kgedrich: thanks taking it to Shrinemont for silent auction hope i get it done LOL Fearless Leader: I hope they are floored by it shargoose: Oh, you get to go to Shrinemont shargoose: Jealous, I am Fearless Leader: she will be representing the list for us kgedrich: yep countdown has begun i am getting so excited Fearless Leader: won't you Kat nancy: do you recognize this bead pattern NJ Fearless Leader: me see, Nancy Fearless Leader: closer kgedrich: i sure will Fearless Leader: its a swirl, rainbow swirl? shargoose: cool Nancy Fearless Leader: Oh I got something to show to you about this swirl thing kgedrich: they are asking for a volunteer photographer but im not sure i want to do that then i wont get to clay and watch as much nancy: your fire cane design Fearless Leader: oh, I didn't get those colors from my view sunemoonsong left the room kgedrich: hey you guys can help me what should i name this vase kgedrich: im terrible at naming things Fearless Leader: I had a brain fart with this swirl pattern shargoose: What else you putting on the vase, Kat? Fearless Leader: Kat ... ask the list Fearless Leader: put up a pix and ask the list for a name, what do you think? Fearless Leader: Nancy Fearless Leader: you there? nancy: yup Fearless Leader: dig kgedrich: okay but im having technical difficulties with the group mail because of msn screw up im just now getting Weds. mail nancy: okay babasbunja left the room shargoose: How about "Ancient Chant"? nancy: your orchid cane kgedrich: spent 2 hours with tech support for them to tell me due to technical difficulties on their end my mail was late DOH Fearless Leader: Or modified Tiger Lily kgedrich: oh i like that Fearless Leader: spotted petal Fearless Leader: ok, this is one move, Fearless Leader: here's the second shargoose: It looks kinda Aztecy to me, Kat chelyha55: Well I'm going to get off the internet, so goodnight ladies kgedrich: i really like that Shar Thanks shargoose: Nite Fearless Leader: Ok, this is the twirl of these two canes chelyha55: nite NJ shargoose: Or Dreamers song? Fearless Leader: Nighty Night Cheryl, but I'm almost done here nancy: okay chelyha55: ok well I'll stay then chelyha55: kgedrich: oh i like that too ohoh kgedrich: oh i got to send a pic of this great big beautiful moth i caught at the gas station it is to gorgeous kgedrich: Daniel and i let it go off the balcony here at home shargoose: Forest Dreamers song nancy: ohh..i love moths and butterflys shargoose: That's a Luna Moth!! shargoose: They are huge and gorgeous kgedrich: ratz not coming out to good will send to the picture list nancy: luna has long "tails dont they shargoose: Only come out a certain times, you are lucky to get one shargoose: Yes, they do nancy: i cant wait to see it posted... chelyha55 left the room chelyha55 joined the room nancy: cool NJ shargoose: Looked like one because of the big eye on the wing chelyha55: I got booted kgedrich: ill send it right quick give me a sec nancy: that is one awesome moth... Fearless Leader: it's sloppy nancy: we get big ones like that here and some huge stripped wood beettles Fearless Leader: but that's the thought of it nancy: no its great NJ...good idea Fearless Leader: that moth was awesome Fearless Leader: I hold the middle of the cane slice and turn the edges kgedrich: okay i just sent it chelyha55: I missed the moth because I got booted Fearless Leader: if they were formed carefully you wouldn't have to do that nancy: ahhh..that would do it...good idea... Fearless Leader: is a picture being sent to the pix list of the moth? kgedrich: i just sent it to the picture list not to worry Fearless Leader: coolness chelyha55: ok thanks Fearless Leader: Sharon's shutting down cam? Fearless Leader: or got booted? shargoose: Yup shargoose: No still here |
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