06-13-04: First Hour - Leaf Review, Hand Blend.
vlady6us: hi 4 wheelin' doglove22000 joined the room x4wheelinblonde: Hi vlady mingapunga left the room vlady6us: have u read the message boards 4 wheelin???? Fearless Leader: we're two folks short on Cam mingapunga joined the room katie42751: I have it Fearless Leader: 9 folks here and 7 on cam doglove22000: I need a web cam invite NJ x4wheelinblonde: Me to I guess..lol mtnjhutch left the room Fearless Leader: done and done x4wheelinblonde: Im in vlady6us: 4 wheelin??? have you read the message board??? Fearless Leader: Ok, I'm going to post to the list that we're here. While I do that let's do roll call. First name and location please. Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco vlady6us: sandie florida mingapunga: ulrike, germany katie42751: Katie Fort Wayne, IN Phyl: Phyllis - Las Vegas, Nevada doglove22000: Rickie Beth near San Francisco x4wheelinblonde: Yes I did...just like a few minutes ago...I posted to let everyone know nancy: nancy NW oregon... x4wheelinblonde: Shawn New Mexico mingapunga: i'm just in work to put over 80 pictures from yesterdsay's demo in my epson account Fearless Leader: Ok, since it's Noon in San Francisco, it's the evening in Germany, I ask for requests by time zones. vlady6us: oh neat ulrike Fearless Leader: Ulrike, that's too cool, just send the link to the list when you have a minute Fearless Leader: So Ulrike, what do you want to see, you have to go to bed sooner than any of us here. mingapunga: jes, i will. finish it tomorrow tedi382001 left the room tedi382001 joined the room mingapunga: you are right, but i don't know, but i want to see. Wat you do is what i will see tedi382001: anyone else having a problem with the net today? vlady6us: not yet Phyl: no vlady6us: lots of storms tho mingapunga: bad fingers dont find the right keys doglove22000: Not today Fearless Leader: What do I want to do... hmmmm, have a hot week end with a tall blond who is independantly wealthy vlady6us: LM@O Fearless Leader: do a dance on the stage of the Met Phyl: lol Fearless Leader: hmmmm Phyl: love that one Fearless Leader: be taller, thinner and white vlady6us: we could have a chorus line doglove22000: Great!!! Fearless Leader: LOL Phyl: no way fl Phyl: stay as you are Fearless Leader: Ok, who is on the East Coast? vlady6us: me Fearless Leader: they choose next vlady6us: ok x4wheelinblonde: lol Fearless Leader: Short Orders for SO day beddie0510 joined the room vlady6us: u did a thing the other night with bullseye cane beddie0510: hiho Phyl: i have an i o Phyl: insignificant other mingapunga: hallo auch da? also here? vlady6us: flattened it and sliced and stacked..didnt see what u did next beddie0510: ja, äh yes...lol vlady6us: hi betina Fearless Leader: Bullseye, how about showing bullseye to lace cane? Oh a blend jellyrolled and then flattened to do a chevron flip vlady6us: ok..thanks nj Phyl: yes that sounds good Fearless Leader: Ok, Bettina, hey baby x4wheelinblonde: sounds great! Fearless Leader: Ok, shall we do this in green so we can practice leaves? doglove22000: yes the lace cane beddie0510: heya nora Fearless Leader: Make like a tree and leaf? vlady6us: ok nj Phyl: lol x4wheelinblonde: lol vlady6us: lots of mileage out of clay....lol Fearless Leader: Ok, let me find Desk Top and well get started vlady6us: lol..upside down vlady6us: thats funny Phyl: kewla view of the room Phyl: guided tour anyone? mingapunga: hope we will the the other side of the room once vlady6us: that would be fun Fearless Leader: I'll show you around, it's the Human Habitrail, like with hamsters Phyl: i want to be nj when i grow up x4wheelinblonde: yeah me to vlady6us: lol phyllis doglove22000: it really is just wonderful NJ!! Phyl: wow beddie0510: sometoimes in the past i had a cam too, but it broke years ago vlady6us: i make as much mess as nj does Phyl: i want that room x4wheelinblonde: I want my own room....to get messy x4wheelinblonde: lol vlady6us: i have one.. vlady6us: and use the living room too x4wheelinblonde: not fair x4wheelinblonde: lol Janice (jlam0401) joined the room vlady6us: and pile stuff on dining room table too vlady6us: hi janice x4wheelinblonde: I do that also mingapunga: bettina, i have one since two years, but don't know where Janice: Hi all. vlady6us: lol ulrike beddie0510: lol... doglove22000: Hi Janice x4wheelinblonde: hi vlady6us: win..what did she win.... vlady6us: lol vlady6us: i have a ? for the room... beddie0510: i think mine is somewhere down in the cellar, and another is hiding somewhere else - maybe one day i got time to plug it vlady6us: do any of you sell things besides nj??? beddie0510: yes, me x4wheelinblonde: not me...im a newbie... vlady6us: what do u sell betina??? x4wheelinblonde: hopefully one of these days vlady6us: go for it shawn beddie0510: http://ww.beadworx.de - jewelry Phyl: nj twitch your nose and transport your room to me please beddie0510: http://www.beadworx.de Fearless Leader: That's my side of the room Fearless Leader: I gave the other side of the room to my husband Fearless Leader: keep his mess away from mine x4wheelinblonde: lol nancy: my cam is still in the other room from my adventures with the "hummingbird cam" vlady6us: thanks betina..i haave it saved to look at later x4wheelinblonde: ok what is the food processor 4? x4wheelinblonde: If that is what it is beddie0510 left the room beddie0510 joined the room vlady6us: to condition clay vlady6us: and yes thats what it is x4wheelinblonde: really? Cool vlady6us: wish i had one beddie0510: is it green now? vlady6us: but she conditions so much im sure its a blessing Janice: to save our hands from h*ll conditioning the clay beddie0510: no... beddie0510: yes! vlady6us: yes its green beddie0510: bold? doglove22000: Try the thrift shops - where I volunteer they get food processors often x4wheelinblonde: I still need a pasta machine... Janice: no, make your type a little bigger and we can see it better. beddie0510: bigger? x4wheelinblonde: all Ihave is a roller vlady6us: i cant live without my pasta machine shawn x4wheelinblonde: I bet doglove22000: Bed, Bath and Beyond was about 40 then less 20% coupon beddie0510: this java chat module is a mess vlady6us: do u have a michaels near u shawn??? vlady6us: get one there with a 40% coupon x4wheelinblonde: the leopard cane took me forever to do the other night..lol....no I wish I did though vlady6us: they sell for 25.00 Janice: yes, go to font size and make it a 14 x4wheelinblonde: I'll call my mom maybe she will go get me one mingapunga: i use 12 vlady6us: oh cool shawn doglove22000: make sure it is not made in China - this is what some people say beddie0510: no, i use 12 too...thats good x4wheelinblonde: ok..I'll make sure beddie0510: ... mingapunga: use bold, it is not very dark your color Phyl: was that you vlady that told me about the translucent clay? x4wheelinblonde: phone....brb beddie0510: bold geht net.... vlady6us: no problem phyllis Phyl: if it was I love you vlady6us: isnt that what friends for vlady6us: it was me... Phyl: i worked you have saved my sanity mingapunga: phyl me too x4wheelinblonde: please share Phyl: ok love ya all Phyl: lol Phyl: i had crumbly clay frm Kato and they said to add soft translucent to it to make it soft and it worked like a charm Fearless Leader: Ms. Kitty is on her way. vlady6us: cool vlady6us: oh u tried it already phyllis?? good deal Fearless Leader: Ok, I'm going to make a basic green with zinc yello wand cobalt blue Phyl: didn't feel like throwing $8.50 down the drain Fearless Leader: I suggest everyone mix their own secondary colors, Phyl: yup works super Fearless Leader: does everyone know the mixes? doglove22000: NO beddie0510 left the room beddie0510 joined the room mingapunga: most Fearless Leader: kitycat2222000 Can someone help Ms. Kitty so I can get started? beddie0510: got kicked when trying to change color beddie0510: now with internet explorer kitycat2222000 joined the room kitycat2222000: same as yesterday - now I'm in Janice: betina bold = Mutig Fearless Leader: Ok, coolness, Ms. Kitty I'll invite you to cam and then get on to preparing the GREEN beddie0510: i'm in and out - and in - and out..lol Fearless Leader: sent Fearless Leader: Bettina is like a bird in a bird bath, in and out mingapunga: Mutig = brave bold = fett beddie0510: as long as you prepare i'll get me a cup of cappuccino... Janice: OK, I was using a translator, since I speak no german beddie0510: bold in germany mens thick with computer fonts Janice: mingapunga: janice, the best jokes can be made with a translator Janice: I bet. I am sure that Silvie was really laughing at me yesterday with my french translations mingapunga: no i bet she wasn't. My frensh is much more horrible. Janice: lol Fearless Leader: Ok, want to see a quick way to mix clay colors? mingapunga: yeeeeees vlady6us: sure Janice: yep doglove22000: yes Fearless Leader: Ms. Kitty, can you type in the chat room? beddie0510: i'm back with a big mug of Latte Macchiato beddie0510: janice - your french yesterday was verygood katie42751: uh oh...storm coming. beddie0510: again? Janice: thank you, but it was the translator. I had 3 years of french in high school and that was a looooonng time ago. kitycat2222000: okay - now I have it.........thanks mingapunga: my french isn't good, nor my english, but i can speak much more less netherlands, hihi Janice: phone, brb Fearless Leader: kitycat2222000 Can someoe help Ms. Kitty, I can't have IM windows open and do demo at the same time Fearless Leader: Volunteers anyone beddie0510: you speak holländisch - geil Fearless Leader: Anyone? Phyl: let me see what i can do Phyl: will add her to my list Fearless Leader: thank you Phyllis beddie0510: ulrike, i thing your english is quite good, isn't it ? doglove22000: I sent her a message Fearless Leader: She says she can't see the dialogue screen kitycat2222000: I'm okay now I have the dialog screen thanks nancy: where are you katie katie42751: indiana Fearless Leader: Ok, whew mingapunga: hope so, bettina. but my fingers don't often want to type on the right keys Fearless Leader: let's do Roll Call now, First name and Location kitycat2222000: thanks all.........sorry Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco beddie0510: Bettina GErmany doglove22000: No answer yet x4wheelinblonde: Shawn NM nancy: nancy NW Oregon katie42751: Katie indiana vlady6us: sandie florida mingapunga: ulrike, germany doglove22000: Rickie Beth In Alamo, Calif kitycat2222000: Ms. Kitty (Carole) Wisconsin Fearless Leader: 8 out of 11, that's a majority Fearless Leader: Ok, now want to see a quick way to mix clay colors? doglove22000: yes x4wheelinblonde: sure Fearless Leader: quickest mix in the west Phyl: you ok kittycat? kitycat2222000: I'm okay now can I add the members to my list a little later - my screen has messages all over - sorry Phyl: ok mingapunga: i have to buy a food precessor, that is what i learned doglove22000: They are wonderful to use x4wheelinblonde: me to... beddie0510: i saw one on a flea-market last week, and didn't buy - dont know why.... Phyl: i need to hit those yard sales Fearless Leader: first crumble up the primary colors, and then toss them in the food processor and whirl until they clump together like a ball kitycat2222000: they're all over Ebay doglove22000: Some have only one speed and some have multi-speeds Fearless Leader: when it balls up Fearless Leader: you PULL IT like taffy mingapunga: i'm also looking for a "schleifmaschine" doglove22000: A what??? beddie0510: this one i bougt on the flea market beddie0510: a buffing machine mingapunga: thanks bettina beddie0510: ich hab eine gekauft, aber noch nicht ausprobiert Fearless Leader: ok, claymates Fearless Leader: now when you use the food processor Fearless Leader: the clay gets warm Fearless Leader: this saves you time beddie0510: thats good Fearless Leader: if they clay is hard Fearless Leader: you can add TLS, translucent liquid sculpey doglove22000: I often come across food processors for under $10 at the thrift store I volunteer at - does anyone want me to get one for them when another one comes up? I can post to the list.. Fearless Leader: to the mix mingapunga: very good for hard fimo Fearless Leader: Now.... Fearless Leader: when the clay is warm Fearless Leader: it's time to do the TAFFY PULL Fearless Leader: anyone pull taffy at a party? beddie0510: ? Fearless Leader: Or am I old fashioned Phyl: yup beddie0510: never heard abozt that..... doglove22000: old fashioned yes!! vlady6us: youre old fashioned Fearless Leader: Ok, Phyllis you can explain a Taffy Pull to everyone kitycat2222000: in a book (England) the writer auggested adding a little salaid oil to the hard stuff Phyl: gee thanksa Phyl: two people take an end each and stretch it out beddie0510: tauziehen? Phyl: then fold over and stretch again Phyl: keep doing that until soft vlady6us left the room Fearless Leader: quickest mix in the west Fearless Leader: you can't mix colors faster than that Fearless Leader: believe me beddie0510: what do they stretch at parties? Fearless Leader: Candy vlady6us joined the room beddie0510: i believe in everything you're saying doglove22000: like salt water taffy Fearless Leader: Taffy is just sugar mostly and pulling taffy and folding it makes air go into it Fearless Leader: they do it by machine now, but in the old days, you put butter on your hands and pulled taffy with a friend Fearless Leader: young lovers would to this just to spend time together before marriage beddie0510: do do what - eat it? vlady6us: nj mingapunga: never heard of that Fearless Leader: yes, it's a very chewy candy vlady6us: on the messenger list u are not showing up as having the web cam on beddie0510: taffy=toffee doglove22000: sweet and sticky Phyl: and vewry bad for fillings doglove22000: not toffee Fearless Leader: Then it's a messenger glitch Fearless Leader: how's that beddie0510: in germany they say "plombenzieher" - because of the fillings..lol kitycat2222000: I cneountered that also vlady6us: cool Fearless Leader: a button that was supposed to be clicked automatically wasn't on vlady6us: ok. thanks Fearless Leader: Ok, now this basic green is going to have some yellow added to some of it, some blue added to it so we have three colors of green. Phyl: what does that mean beddie? Trip to the dentist? LOL beddie0510: my translator says taffy=toffee beddie0510: means sth like fillings-extractor...lol doglove22000: toffie is hard - taffy is soft, but the translator must know the correct words Katie (crzy4dzny) joined the room Phyl: lol vlady6us: hi crzy Katie: Hi there!! doglove22000: Hello Katie Phyl: hi beddie0510: in germany toffee is lighgt brown, we also say caramel, and its very soft and sticks on your teeth Katie: <-----Katie Katie: Hi everyone beddie0510: hi katie kitycat2222000: Sorry people, I forgot to say Hi everyone doglove22000: yes, OK sort of like caramel doglove22000: good for the trips to the dentist beddie0510: yep Phyl: has anyone tried putting the peal off foils on clay before bakcing? Phyl: oops baking vlady6us: not me Katie: not me doglove22000: explain further.. Phyl: saw it in a book and cannot get it to work x4wheelinblonde: did anyone know Michael has clay 20%? x4wheelinblonde: off Phyl: says to put the foil on the unbaked clay and burnish Phyl: and then pela it off vlady6us: havent looked at their ad yet today...thanks shawn beddie0510: i wish we had a michaels too here in germany Katie: How long is that sale suppose to last? vlady6us: neat phyllis doglove22000: it doesn't work very often for me Phyl: ya would be if it worked x4wheelinblonde: thru the 19th vlady6us: cool Katie: good...thanks for letting us know x4wheelinblonde: no problem Phyl: ooo that is a nice color nj vlady6us: i need black and white..guess i have to go to michaels Phyl: that is where i am going today esther_reeves joined the room vlady6us: hi esther beddie0510: by the way, ulrike: the beads went out of the tumbler all clean this morning Katie: Hi Esther esther_reeves: Hi all x4wheelinblonde: anyone seen the ad yet? Phyl: yes mingapunga: bettina, hurra doglove22000: tumblers are great!! vlady6us: not yet shawn x4wheelinblonde: was wondering if it had the 40% coupon? beddie0510: which ad? the diet? Phyl: yes they do Shawn x4wheelinblonde: really? GREAT! Fearless Leader: Ok, we have three different colors of green Fearless Leader: you only have to buy yellow and blue Phyl: love the color on the left Fearless Leader: and them mix the different shades yourself Fearless Leader: I'll press these mingapunga: bettina, do you have the texture plate we use yesterday, nature 1, the plants? beddie0510: i have not one of these great plates, damn....where did you get it? tedi382001 left the room Phyl: clay alley beddie beddie0510: its expensive to order from germany - cant get these in germany beddie0510: ulrike, you have one? mingapunga: i cut them in halves and gives the other halves away as a gift. But the plant-plate was missing in the set esther_reeves: looking at the prices it's still cheaper to order from clay alley including postage than get some stuff here in England mingapunga: next set, i will share with someone beddie0510: mingapunga: you are interessted? Bettina kitycat2222000: LOL beddie0510: mais oui mingapunga: ok i will remember beddie0510: thx Fearless Leader: Ok, can you see the difference in the green sheets? Phyl: are they easier to use cut in half? doglove22000: yes beddie0510: maybe we'll get an order together with aur german claymates kitycat2222000: I can vlady6us: cool colors nj Phyl: beautiful colors Fearless Leader: now let's do a three color blend with these beddie0510: nice greens mingapunga: yes, i think so, they are fitting through my pm now Fearless Leader: so we have highlights and shadow that is subtle katie42751: Very nice mingapunga: kerstin whanted to order something she wrote in our german yahoo group last month beddie0510: by the way ulrike. i found a online-store who sells sandpaperon latex-sheets, good for tumbling in water...i ordered some, we can share these too mingapunga: green on green table, not very good to see Phyl: so true Phyl: is that one of those cutting mats? Fearless Leader: Penny is on her way Fearless Leader: she has the new Yahoo and is feeling sorely abused Phyl: nj? Fearless Leader: Yes? beddie0510: no, i mean sandpaper-sheets not on paper, but on latex Phyl: what do you have on your table mingapunga: bettina, lets talk about that deal by mail doglove22000: I have the new one too Fearless Leader: Green on Green table problem? kitycat2222000: everyone knows I have the new one too katie42751: have to go - thunder and lightening. be back soon Phyl: what is that made out of? is that a cutting mat? katie42751 left the room nancy: i have had to delay the visit from my son and his girl friend....i have an unexpected guest under the house...a skunk...argghhhhhh beddie0510: ok ulrike vlady6us: LOL nancy Katie: eewww...you poor thing vlady6us: thats horrible doglove22000: Still there?? Nancy pennyi joined the room mingapunga: arghhh, good that we don't have those animal here pennyi: yehaaa it worked finally Phyl: hi penny nancy: yes... i am just so upset vlady6us: hi penny Katie: hi Penny pennyi: hi everyone pennyi: thanks nj your a sweetie doglove22000: Hi Penny kitycat2222000: hello penny Fearless Leader: stop typing for a second people An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to pennyi@ameritech.net (6/13/04 1:02 PM) Fearless Leader: ok, thanks Phyl: lol Fearless Leader: I was trying to send Penny an invite to the cam Fearless Leader: ended up sending it to phyllis beddie0510: lol pennyi: got it NJ and I hate the new yahoo Phyl: well thank you Fearless Leader: and penny had not come up on the list of attendees Fearless Leader: sorry pennyi: i got it Fearless Leader: ok, shall I change the color of my work table here? Fearless Leader: so we can see? Phyl: no i can see fine kitycat2222000: that would be good Phyl: i want to know what it is please pennyi: i can see it too esther_reeves: yes please nancy: sounds good.... pennyi: nJ the beads and the fairy face mold arrived I love them all thanks thanks thanks mingapunga: i think she said that it is something like a cutting mate doglove22000: Yes it is a green cutting mat Phyl: look at the wood grain she did on her table in clay Phyl: wow talented LOL doglove22000: the kind that self-heals the cuts I believe Fearless Leader: ya, the green mat is self healing Phyl: ok thanks guys pennyi: way cool as my grandson would say beddie0510: mine is blue Phyl: are you using the shiney side? Fearless Leader: Ok, now I'll save log, saving each hour wasn't good enough yesterday, I'll have to remind myself to save more often, brb |
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