sewdaisy2001: Hello NJ bonsaikathy joined the room sewdaisy2001: Hi Kathy Fearless Leader: Yahoo is being mean sewdaisy2001: OH OH bonsaikathy: Finally, I didn't think I'd ever get in, Hi to both of you merrie60us joined the room bonsaikathy: I can't believe I'm actually going to get to sit in on chat for the first time in a long time Fearless Leader: I'm just relieved to get in Fearless Leader: I've been struggling with Yahoo for a while now bonsaikathy: I"m relieved your in too, lol bonsaikathy: wonder what's going on with it Fearless Leader: What I wanted to show you first, if you've not seen it Fearless Leader: is how the mold looks like it's sticking out, when it's really an indentation Fearless Leader: it's a trick of the eye Fearless Leader: this is one way you can check your molds, turn it to a mirror Fearless Leader: see how the impression would look after clay had been in there Fearless Leader: if it looks wonky by turning it into a mirror Fearless Leader: it'll look wonky as an impression liteladi (liteladi) joined the room Fearless Leader: I'll post to the list that we're in an on for Demo, brb Staci (smorgan364) joined the room liteladi: hi staci liteladi: i dont know i just got here myself Fearless Leader: Just posted to the list that we're here, let's do a roll call, first name and location Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco merrie60us: Merrie Boston liteladi: penny michigan lansing to be exact bonsaikathy: Kathy in E. TN liteladi: err i mean im penny and im in lansing michigan LOL polymerfairy joined the room Fearless Leader: And here is Bonny, where are you located Bonny? polymerfairy: West Palm Beach FL Fearless Leader: Fearless Leader: NoraJean, San Francisco Staci: Staci Misery merrie60us: Merrie Boston liteladi: penny michigan lansing to be exact bonsaikathy: Kathy in E. TN liteladi: err i mean im penny and im in lansing michigan LOL polymerfairy joined the room liteladi: hi bonnie bonsaikathy: HI Bonnie Fearless Leader: oh that turned out weird, but now Bonny knows who is here Fearless Leader: for those who just got here this that you see in the cam window polymerfairy: LOL thx NJ Fearless Leader: is a mold of a face I sculpted long ago Fearless Leader: it looks like it's sticking out when it is really sticking inward Fearless Leader: see Fearless Leader: a mold will look like the impression when turned to a camera, or turned to a mirror and is a way to check your mold without using any clay in it liteladi: i gotta go ill see ya tomorrow polymerfairy: optical illusion liteladi left the room Fearless Leader: let's make a mold of this face with some cane with patterns sewdaisy2001 left the room sewdaisy2001 joined the room khym joined the room polymerfairy: think this is great...I used one of the face molds I bought and made a sheet of my flowers and leaves then pressed it into the mold..just painted the eyes yesterday LOL merrie60us: where did you buy a face mold? Fearless Leader: I sculpted the face, cured it, made a mold polymerfairy: I think at Crafts and was a few years ago Fearless Leader: now the nose is a problem Fearless Leader: so I'm preforming the nose before mashing the cane slice in the mold to see if that works better polymerfairy: they're call What a character push molds by AMACO Staci (smorgan364) joined the room polymerfairy: Hi Staci merrie60us: OH thanks I have been trying to sculpt a face to make a mold but that is not my forte khym: can anyone see me? polymerfairy: mine either...yet LOL polymerfairy: yes I see you bonsaikathy: khym, I can see you sewdaisy2001: Hi Khym khym: cool, thanks. Hi. This looks interesting! sewdaisy2001: What did you bruch on as a mold release? sewdaisy2001: brush Fearless Leader: by taking a chevron flip leaf cane slice and pressing it into a face mold you get an instant mask Fearless Leader: I use baby powder the cheaper the better sewdaisy2001: thanks polymerfairy: looks good NJ Fearless Leader: now all we have to do to embellish this face is to put things around it, leaves, flowers, you name it jude (greatauntjudy) joined the room jude: Howdy! Fearless Leader: now this is where you can use your trim from leaf cane pressed on sheets, Howdy Jude jude: Such a quiet group! polymerfairy: Hi Jude bonsaikathy: HI Jude khym: hi Jude Fearless Leader: So what you put around the faces you're embellishing depends on what you have on hand Fearless Leader: I have some rose petal cane and some leaves Fearless Leader: so that's what I'm going to use for any color is going to be ok with blue, because that is the color of the sky Fearless Leader: and everything goes with silver because it's a non color, as such Fearless Leader: is there anyone here who would like to see a leaf cane made or does everyone know the chevron flip for leaves Fearless Leader: like what made this cane khym left the room chelyha55 joined the room Fearless Leader: while you're deciding I'll change out of my work shoes and put on my house slippers Fearless Leader: Hey Cheryl chelyha55: Hi all! chelyha55: interesting cane she has there polymerfairy: oh we're such a talkative bunch tonight lol Fearless Leader: I was asking those present if they need to see this cane made or shall we just go forward and embellish this face? chelyha55: what are you deciding? chelyha55: oh, well I know how you do that one, so let the others decide polymerfairy: I would NJ..I did one but it came out sloppy Fearless Leader: so did my first ones Bonny, it takes a bit of practice Fearless Leader: I had to do two tonight to get one right bonsaikathy: up to others, I've seen it done Fearless Leader: and I've been doing these for a while polymerfairy: I did take a green skinner bullseye cane and make fishscale leaves chelyha55: when are you going to do the holly? Fearless Leader: that's what I'm waiting for, folks to decide, I'm taking off my work shoes Fearless Leader: we can do holly now if you want chelyha55: I would love to see holly Roni (meows3xx) joined the room Roni: hi Kathy, Cheryl, NJ, Jude, merrie, fairy, daisy, Staci. Fearless Leader: ok, I have some cane ends, and they are not all that exciting, so I'll put them in the food processor, chop them up, let's do a blend for our holly leaf cell, surround it with brown and make a holly leaf, I'll get the link chelyha55: I've been decorating ornaments and jingle bells chelyha55: holly could be useful sewdaisy2001: roni chelyha55: hi! polymerfairy: HI Roni...Bonny here bonsaikathy: Hi Roni Roni: thanks Bonny, couldn't remember your name polymerfairy: np Roni Staci (smorgan364) joined the room bonsaikathy: wasn't ignoring you Roni, carrying on another conversation at the same time, Staci (smorgan364) joined the room polymerfairy: wb Staci meows3xx left the room Roni (meows3xx) joined the room Roni: hi, yahoo bounced me polymerfairy: still using 98 here polymerfairy: problem is soon we won't be able to get drivers if we need them jude: I'm still using 98, too. chelyha55: oh man so did you lose all your stuff? polymerfairy: ouch sewdaisy2001 left the room Roni: I'm using ME also Fearless Leader: now I'm going to do a blend with gold and this green chelyha55: the computer I just bought is running XP polymerfairy: hubby's going to put xp on this one and a new video card chelyha55: I've read that ME is like the worst of all the windows systems sewdaisy2001 joined the room polymerfairy: hubby agrees with you Staci lol Staci (smorgan364) joined the room sewdaisy2001: That's for sure- Add AOL and Here i am - Sometimes LOL chelyha55: I liked 98 because it wasn't vulnerable to some of the viruses that xp is polymerfairy: very true chelyha55: but you can run Norton on XP with no problems polymerfairy: The only use I have for AOL is making their CD's into clocks LOL chelyha55: I couldn't run it on my other pc jude: They make good coasters, too. polymerfairy: LOL chelyha55: making clocks from aol cd's that's great! polymerfairy: paint pallets too chelyha55: I think Norton takes a lot of memory to run jude: It takes a ton of memory to run. chelyha55: which I didn't have on my old pc jude: And, when I got rid of it and uninstalled it, it left about 60 MB of stuff behind. chelyha55: this one has plenty chelyha55: really? chelyha55: that's messed up bonsaikathy: I love the color on that NJ bonsaikathy: very pretty jude: That is true. However, typing Format C: is not something I would ever want to do. LOL! jude: LOL! chelyha55: does that reformat the hard drive? jude: Oh, yes. chelyha55: or is that fdisk jude: Right. polymerfairy: brb chelyha55: I used the software that came with my HP to reformat it when I sold it jude: fdisk is what is now called scan disk. chelyha55: oh, ok Fearless Leader: Holly Daze web section chelyha55: this computer has so much hard drive space I'll never runout Fearless Leader: that's the Holly Daze album chelyha55: hey that is a cool album chelyha55: I bought my current pc from a computer junkie chelyha55: it's a custom made one chelyha55: really nice Fearless Leader: ok, how many times did I run it through the pasta press? Fearless Leader: 3 maybe 4? Fearless Leader: with the skinner blend they say fold it in half and press it 24 times Fearless Leader: like we got that sort of time to spend on something we can do quicker chelyha55: oh sh*t we just got busted for not paying attention in class! Fearless Leader: LOL chelyha55: I still prefer the slow method, sorry chelyha55: I just can't get a good blend with your method Fearless Leader: this is going to be jelly rolled and reduced to a very small size, any irregularities in the blend isn't going to be seen Fearless Leader: now I'll do the jelly roll with the gold in the center techi_mom56 joined the room chelyha55: Hi Nancy greatauntjudy left the room jude (greatauntjudy) joined the room chelyha55: I love that gold to green blend jude: Speaking of computers. Mine was listening. Sigh...big mistake talking about it when it's listening. chelyha55: LOL chelyha55: would anyone like to see my current Just Beads auctions? Fearless Leader: now for those who don't know how to make their seams match when covering a cane like this jude: I clicked on the link you gave us NJ and it started to load and then everything froze. Figures. chelyha55: If I can figure out how to do the link! Fearless Leader: roll your sheet around the cane until it touches the other side Fearless Leader: make an indentation Staci (smorgan364) joined the room Fearless Leader: and then cut just inside of that indentation and your seams will match up without over lap chelyha55: me too jude: NJ, when I do that, mine still don't quite meet. I need more practice, I think. Toni (slinky_malinki_2003) joined the room jude: I don't like any of them that blink. That drives me nuts. Fearless Leader: Now I'm going to surround this with brown sewdaisy2001: Hello Toni jude: I love those colors, NJ! Fearless Leader: ain't green and gold nice? Fearless Leader: even if Holly ain't that color I don't care Fearless Leader: LOL jude: I don't either. I did some angels the other day that are a mish-mash of everything-color. jude: That's great, Staci! chelyha55: chelyha55: there's the link to my auctions, I think chelyha55: I did a 3 color gradient that is green out to gold to white pearl chelyha55: do you like the jingle bells? chelyha55: those are going well with my friends and neighbors chelyha55: thanks chelyha55: I just love this clay! bonsaikathy: I can tell you from personal experience her stuff is wonderful bonsaikathy: awesome canes chelyha55: the bells are up for sale at the t-shirt shop in town jude: Pretty things, Cheryl! Wow! jude: hachapi T's? chelyha55: Thanks! chelyha55: yes, I am working there part time bonsaikathy: welcome, you deserve it chelyha55: helping Christie bonsaikathy: I'm a big fan jude: Neat place. chelyha55: yes and very nice people too chelyha55: christie is a pretty darn good pc artist as well Fearless Leader: now I'm going to cut this into sections and form the basic holly leaf Staci (smorgan364) joined the room Staci (smorgan364) joined the room chelyha55: look how well NJ reduced that cane! jude: Looks like a snake, doesn't it? jude: Yikes! chelyha55: I like snakes chelyha55: I used to have two as pets polymerfairy: that looks like the snake that slithered through my back yard the other day jude: They are useful, but better stay out of my yard. chelyha55: as long as they aren't poisonous they can come around any time jude: NJ is making holly? I missed that when I crashed. chelyha55: yes, she is chelyha55: I really want to make a holly cane chelyha55: would go nice on my christmasy beads jude: Okie, she seems to be forming the leaves? jude: They sure would, Cheryl. smorgan364 left the room Staci (smorgan364) joined the room Fearless Leader: ../../EpsonAlbums/WebCam-01/HollyHandBlend/Index.htm chelyha55: she did a blend with gold and green, wrapped it in brown , reduced and cut it up Fearless Leader: there's the tute for a couple of variations on this Holly Theme chelyha55: ah, that's better sewdaisy2001 left the room sewdaisy2001 joined the room polymerfairy: wv polymerfairy: wb even lol dang fingers chelyha55: wow lots of us are getting booted tonight sewdaisy2001: TY sewdaisy2001: ? wht is in the center? Brown sheet? chelyha55: yes, I think so Staci: gold center Staci: green middle Staci: and brown veins Fearless Leader: Now I'll do one sort of big so you can see the trick of it Fearless Leader: when you get the technique in a big scale Fearless Leader: you just move to smaller and smaller scales until you get to the size you want julia_dodge joined the room Fearless Leader: ../../EpsonAlbums/WebCam-01/HollyHandBlend/Index.htm Fearless Leader: check this picture and you'll see what I'm going to do julia_dodge: hi kids polymerfairy: Hi Julia jude: That is a clay tool, a soft tipped thingy. Fearless Leader: a clayshaper Fearless Leader: soft rubber tip jude: Thank you. LOL! Fearless Leader: cone shaped jude: Of course, I used the technical name for it. polymerfairy: rofl Fearless Leader: the brown separation sheet is the line between the cells Fearless Leader: that's what you drag out to the edge to get the pointy edges of the holly leaf Fearless Leader: ../../EpsonAlbums/WebCam-01/HollyHandBlend/Index.htm polymerfairy: the ones I got at the art store are called colour shaper Fearless Leader: that picture is when you're using small slices Fearless Leader: same thing Bonny polymerfairy: good LOL thx Fearless Leader: the color shapers and clay shapers have different tips, some are grey, some are white and some are black Fearless Leader: the black seems to me to be the hardest Fearless Leader: I can't see the difference between the white and grey, frankly polymerfairy: I have grey and white polymerfairy: my white seem a little harder then the grey Fearless Leader: so Cheryl do you think you can do holly now? it's really easy, just the construction is a little different Fearless Leader: let me get another link that uses this construction method chelyha55: yes I can! chelyha55: thanks! Staci: Oh I have tired butt Staci: I need to go to bed chelyha55: I want to find my gardening books and look at some pics of holly Staci: I will see y'all tomorrow Fearless Leader: Sweet dreams Staci Roni: nite Staci chelyha55: bye! Staci: Nj, you are having demo tomorrow right? polymerfairy: nite Staci tc sewdaisy2001: bye Stacy Fearless Leader: polymerfairy: says the white are softer then the grey...go figure Fearless Leader: Check out this page, it uses the same construction as the holly Fearless Leader: but instead of pulling the veins out to a point, I ruffled the edges, smorgan364 left the room chelyha55: I've made this cane many times, just never pulled out the points Fearless Leader: when you use gold and green it looks festive enough for the holidays chelyha55: I'd like to indent the edges and fill them in with translucent, then reduce, so I can cut and apply chelyha55: and have the trans disappear chelyha55: if that makes any sense! polymerfairy: yep ...I do that with some of my flower canes chelyha55: ok, cool chelyha55: sometimes it's hard to put it into words chelyha55: I want to make mine with dark green chelyha55: I just bought a ton of clay so I can now make some new canes chelyha55: just what I need, more canes! polymerfairy: I know what you mean...was trying to explain how I get my pen clay off the gets very stuck from putting the flowers and leaves on it...getting it off is like skinning fish lol chelyha55: I use a piece of laminate when I work with something flat like that chelyha55: easier to peel off polymerfairy: I tried parchement paper but what a mess Fearless Leader: this is Ice Holly Fearless Leader: use translucent and glittery stuff Fearless Leader: cut a leaf shape Fearless Leader: do the pulling of the veins Fearless Leader: and bend chelyha55: If you have an office supply place that does laminating, see if they will sell you some scraps polymerfairy: they look so nice...checked the pics out earler ...looks like real ice Fearless Leader: ../../EpsonAlbums/WebCam-01/HollyHandBlend/Index.htm polymerfairy: I have some...never thought to use it... julia_dodge: hi Fearless Leader: This holly leaf was made of pearl, then gold leaf and translucent Toni (slinky_malinki_2003) joined the room chelyha55: try it, it's great chelyha55: you can bend it and peel the clay off chelyha55: and you can use it over and over polymerfairy: cool...I will Toni (slinky_malinki_2003) joined the room Fearless Leader: I'm going to take my break now because I'm still in my work clothes and I got to change into something more comfortable Fearless Leader: I'll also save log at this point polymerfairy: ok NJ |
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