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Kwanzaa Jar: TuteList:  Here is the post I wrote to the list 12-11-03. It helps the ClayMates prepare for the Friday Night Demo if they check out the tute links.
This is what I made this evening, the start of a mini scene in a jar. A Kwanzaa display.
For more about Kwanzaa check out
Kwanzaa observes 7 principles
that are celebrated over a period of a week. December 26 - January 1
I'm going to be doing a mini display on this table that looks like the display on this site's home page.
That's all I got done tonight because I ran errands after work and came in a little later than usual.
We'll be working on these items tomorrow night at Demo. Indian Corn will be a review, for we've been doing Indian Corn for Dias de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead, for years. It is also used in the Kwanzaa display.
We will also do bananas
since I need a tutorial on bananas and have more to show than what's here in the Schroom section.
We'll do some apples and bell peppers and what other sort of fruit or vegetable that seems fun to goof around with for Kwanzaa was once a harvest festival, so food plays a big part in the display.
Going to go to bed now. But get your mini food making finger tips nimble for we have a table to set tomorrow night.

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