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Current Rants and Recent Rambles

April 2003 Changes to the Website
Note the date - this is old stuff
I did some moving stuff around.

The What's New pages are always being hit and I've got to trim those.
They are getting huge.

Got a March 2003 highlight page linked, took the March text links off
of the home page.
We've been so busy I was tempted to start trimming the home page and
making an April Highlight page, but I figured I'd wait.
One change that has happened is with the Monthly Highlight pages being
created I'm not going to be putting anything new on the WebCam Index
page. The early months of WebCam Demos will still be there as will the
How-To on getting to the Demo and how you can help out once there.

With the monthly themes and short orders it's more logical to place
the webcam demo pictures and logs in the sections where they have
relevance. Like What's New with Miniatures gets a link to the Micro
Mini figures. The What's New with Sculpting gets the AllSizes link.
That sort of thing.

Yes, you'll see new things at least twice a week on the site. That
helps when you don't have the time you'd like to read all the posts to
the list. All rambles worth saving will go up and be linked in the
Current Rambles index. All the demos that take place will get either a
chronicle of what happened and a log or something. Not all logs are
going to be saved and the ones that are not saved are from Demos that
are reviews of what we already have on the site. Like leaves, we do
leaves a lot, so if there's a log with demo pictures of leaves already
I won't make a new section.

So after a Demo on Monday and Thursday I make effort to put something
on the site that shows what we did, link them to tutorials that might
help. I'm still rebuilding old tutorials from 2000-2001 that were part
of the PhotoPoint demise. As I get a handful of similar themed
sections I might group them all in one subdirectory and I'll post to
the list when that happens so you can find things.

Always use the Search Engine, I do, go to the home page and at the top
there's a link to the Search Engine and there you'll find Translation
Engine for those who do not speak English as the native tongue.

What else... that's about it for the site for now that I can think of.
But if you're looking for a particular type of tutorial, and I'm away
from home half of the week, post to the list and ask your claymates
here. Someone will know of some sites that have tutorials I don't,
like Image Transfer. I've done nothing with image transfer, others
have done tons. Your claymates will know and will help with a link.

Barring that Diane Black's Glass Attic, a
text based treasure trove of clay facts. Unfortunately a lot of my
links there go to the now defunct PhotoPoint site. If you see a link
of mine there and it goes 404, post to the list, check the search
engine on my site. I might have rebuilt it or put it up in the Epson
album stash.

(Epson closed down)

Trick is, if you have a question, ask. If you have a problem with your
clay or minis, share and someone will reply. The site is only flying
buttresses to the mini cathedral of clay we got going on here. The
biggest source of information is your fellow list members.

But it does feel good to read that my site is a place folks get lost
in... I'm relieved that I'm not the only one lost there. whew and
whew... I use the Search Engine on my own site all the time to save ME
time. You should too.

Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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