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New To Clay

Beginners start at the beginning (11-03-05 updated links)

Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: [MSATClayArt] Beginners: Start at the Beginning
Beginners to polymer clay need to start at the beginning of this
list's message archive. Go to the MSATClayArt Home Page

Then go to Messages

Then click "First" going back to the beginning of this list. All the
questions that new clayers ask are answered in the beginning of this
list history. This list was started with 50 miniaturists who were all
fairly new to polymer clay. I was new to polymer clay and to
miniatures so you can see my learning new things about the world of
miniatures by reading the messages in the archives from the beginning.

Techniques that are basic.

The PhotoPoint links are dead, most of the tutorials mentioned with
PhotoPoint are rebuilt on my site or are in storage at the Epson
account. All those links are sent to all new list members.

We have the welcome letters, reminder to snip excess off of replies,
changing subject lines, links to ClayAlley, Glass Attic, the
tutorials, everything. So do read what you get when you join the list
for it was all sent to you to aid you in your clay journey. Read the
list message archive if you want a step by step guide into the land
of polymer clay and miniatures.

It's all there.

I'll show you how easy it is, I'll go find the first definition
of "what is a cane" it's the 3 or 4th message in the archives.
From:  Nora-Jean Gatine <antalias@xxxxxxx.xxxx
Date:  Tue Jun 1, 1999  8:55 pm
Subject:  What is a Cane?

Polymer clay uses some traditional glass works techniques.

Glass workers use colored rods of glass, by layering these rods of
color you get a pattern, when heated and stretched these patterns are
then cut into little disks. Those disks are stuck to a bit of
semisoft glass and then it is all reheated. It starts to get pretty
fancy by then.

Mille Fiori, a thousand flowers in Italian, uses this method of
layering colors, pulling canes of colors to a smaller size, cutting
off disks and plastering those patterned clay disks onto anything
that it would adhere to.

When we layer colors with polymer clay we can make a log of these
different colored clays...we call that log a cane, like the Venetian
glass bead makers.

For those who know Japanese food, to picture a cane, picture a sushi
made of clay.

Bakers think of jelly roll.

All these are "canes" in the clayer's sense of the word.



There, that took all of a couple of clicks.

Check it out folks, those who are totally new to polymer clay. Those
who started this list were new just like you. They were all excited
and willing to share all they knew with each other. They set the
tradition on this list of sharing. Since we also have the additional
focus of Miniatures you'll learn about that too if you start from the
beginning and just work through the first couple of weeks or months
while we find our footing.

You'll find your footing too. Just you wait and see,





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