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03-02-2013: Animal Chop Pen 2 videos: Chopping Animal Cane and Covering Pens in two different ways.

03-02-2013: Animal Chop Pen part 1 of 2
Intro to Animal Chop to prepare to cover pens. Unboxing Paper Mate Eagle pens that are cheaper than the Flexgrip Ultra. Reviewing the web tutorial on Animal Chop covered pens, chopping Tiger, Zebra, & Leopard, compressing the chopped cane.
03-02-2013: Animal Chop Pens part 2 of 2
Showing two ways of using the Animal Chop to cover a pen: Slice, Press, Cover; Slice 2 times, open like a book, use the mirror image. Trick to this mirror image is the seam matches too. End of the video are tips and tricks on utilizing chop and toss.

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