Biz-Archive Tute-List


Mexico Index

All the things that can be made from clay and there's a lot, that have
a Day of the Dead theme is good on this recurring swap. As you see
from the pictures of the real Altars we have to do a dozen of these
swaps to fill one mini Oferenda.

Collecting pictures on a theme is important for the artist. I've been
collecting pictures for the Day of the Dead celebration and I can't
tell you where I got these, I forget. I'm not saying I took any of
these pictures, I'm not selling them, they are up for study purposes
only and inspiration. Just thought I'd make that clear before I get
sued for doing this. :-/

Altar Examples

Sugar Skulls

Mini Skeletons in Daily Activities

Box Art 1

Box Art 2

Masks 1

Skull Cross Pendants

Series of Paintings

Tree of Life
