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05-29-03: DemoLog #2

Second hand blend chevron flip leaf and made into a pitcher

05-29-03 WebCam Demo Pictures: Hand Blending, Jelly Roll, Chevron Flip and Salvaging End O Cane. 


#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend
auntyalias: got one digi pix on the log page
patab12000 joined the room
auntyalias: if you want to see it better
sylsnovelties: Thanks NJ
#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend
auntyalias: Pat, here's a digi pix on the log
auntyalias: for this leaf with a hand blend
jude: Better picture there, yes. Looks great.
patab12000: Yea, nice. I'm a little slow today. moved my commputer upstairs, and still trying to get everything reorganized
auntyalias: No worries Pat
auntyalias: Thanks Jude
auntyalias: now I'm going to get something to eat and drink, I got this log linked to the Flower and leaves index and the Tute List and the home page, belt - suspender- depends- approach
auntyalias: LOL
auntyalias: brb
patab12000: Syl, where are you from?
sylsnovelties: Gallup, NM
sylsnovelties: What about you?
patab12000: How hot is it there, here in Houston we had the second hotest May on record
auntyalias: Yikes
patab12000: HouTX
auntyalias: I been hot in Houston, 2001, just melted
sylsnovelties: I have a friend that lives in Pearland.
auntyalias: must have been around this time of year too
kmrhodes joined the room
auntyalias: Hey Karen
sylsnovelties: I'll bet. It is hot here, I can imagine over there. Hi Karen!
kmrhodes: Hi!
#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend
jude: Howdy Karen!
kmrhodes: Hey, is the system really slow today
auntyalias: I'm making coffee right now, this is what was done in Demo today
auntyalias: Ya you were on my cam list for the longest before you got in here
jude: Now that the weather is warmer, they are all crawling out of the woodwork.
kmrhodes: what is?
jude: It's gotten bery crowded.
jude: The internet.
jude: bery?
auntyalias: I did a hand blend of green, yellow and blue green
jude: LOL
kmrhodes: ah
auntyalias: and made a leaf
auntyalias: then took that leaf and repeated it for the leaf with many lines
kmrhodes: Hey, Belindas second batch of clay was sent'
auntyalias: Jude, you're talking in my mother's accent,
auntyalias: it is berry hot today
auntyalias: LOL
jude: LOL\
auntyalias: Oh thank you Karen
kmrhodes: its been crazy here and I didn't get a chance to tell ya
auntyalias: busy?
kmrhodes: crazy
kmrhodes: wish it were more busy but that will come
kmrhodes: I missed the animals you did the other day
techi_mom56 joined the room
sylsnovelties: Karen, I loved your frog! It was so darn cute!!
kmrhodes: did you have a log for it
sylsnovelties: Hi Nancy!
kmrhodes: thank you Hon
techi_mom56: hello all...
auntyalias: NoraJean.Com/Biz-Archive/MiniScenes/MDMD/Index
kmrhodes: Hey nancy
auntyalias: There ya go Karen
auntyalias: got a boat load of logs and 10 pictures
kmrhodes: Thanks Hn
kmrhodes: Hon
jude: I'm with Syl. The frog is amazing!
kmrhodes: Awl shucks, you guys!
auntyalias: Hello My Honey, Hello My Baby, Hello My Ragtime Gal
jude: Hehehehe
auntyalias: that's what the frog is singing
kmrhodes: He's doing a little tap dance too
kmrhodes: got his saddle shoes on
auntyalias: Remember the Andy Devine show?
auntyalias: With Froggie
auntyalias: Hiya Kids, Hiya, Hiya Hiya
auntyalias: in that hoarse voice that riveled Andy Devine
auntyalias: rude as Don Rickles that Froggie
kmrhodes: don't remember that NJ - I was still a baby!
kmrhodes: LOL
jude: I remember him from Wild Bill Hickcock, but don't remember he had a show of his own.
auntyalias: He was a guest on the Andy Devine show
auntyalias: that big Cowboy star
auntyalias: no one ever see that?
jude: I was talking about Andy Devine.
kmrhodes: nope
auntyalias: large fellow, with freckles,
jude: I wasn't very clear.
kmrhodes: before my time
techi_mom56: brb
jude: 50's...groan.
kmrhodes: I was just a baby
kmrhodes: Bonsai Kathy showed me the elephant she did the other day
kmrhodes: it was awesome
auntyalias: It sure was
kmrhodes: I really need to clay more
kmrhodes: that frog was sitting here for weeks half done
frogger70301 joined the room
kmrhodes: Hey Mitch!
frogger70301: clover?
frogger70301: or pinch pot?
frogger70301: hey, hon.
kmrhodes: Don't know - I'm just watching
#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend
auntyalias: taking that many leaf ...leaf, cutting 8 wedges, pinching a pot
frogger70301: oh, cool.
auntyalias: there are five of the big cane in the little leaf with many lines
frogger70301: I had saw that part.
auntyalias: oh well shucks
auntyalias: I'll get back to pinching
auntyalias: LOL
kmrhodes: Did Sharon put pics of elephants somewhere?
auntyalias: ya it's in the photo share...
kmrhodes: in the photos?
kmrhodes: on MSAT?

Sharon's elephant folder
kmrhodes: Thank you Hon
faye_shelton joined the room
faye_shelton: Hi Y'all
sylsnovelties: Hi Faye!
kmrhodes: Hey Faye
faye_shelton: Glad you made it this time Karen
shargoose joined the room
kmrhodes: I been working to get here
kmrhodes: Hey Sharon
shargoose: Hey
kmrhodes: I was just talking about you
#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend
shargoose: Akk good stuff I hope!!
shargoose: I am supposed to fixing dinner
kmrhodes: of course
frogger70301: this is funner!
shargoose: For sure
kmrhodes: Subs are supposed to be delivered here
faye_shelton: Welll, Nicole is konked out, Chris is grabbing yogurt and Mike is into EverQuest, so I am off the cook hook for the time being
shargoose: Stu is making me hot dogs
sylsnovelties: Subs? Yumm!
shargoose: I mowed the lawn and plated flowers
faye_shelton: been raining here. again.
shargoose: VBeen raining here for weeks
faye_shelton: and darn it, something is eating my flowers!
shargoose: So a little sun came out and off on the mower I went
faye_shelton: Here too. Monsoon season in Virginia
kmrhodes: Suppsed to be delivered - bought them from the Little League boys
shargoose left the room
shargoose joined the room
shargoose: Whoops
faye_shelton: Velcro the butt, Sharon
shargoose: Sorry, don't know what happened
faye_shelton: Yahoo happened, most likely
shargoose: Tell that to the puter!!
kmrhodes: LOLOLOLOL
shargoose: What are we doing?
faye_shelton: I just got here a split hair before you did
shargoose: OK
shargoose: Looks like a pinch pot
sylsnovelties: NJ is making a pinch pot out of the leaf cane
shargoose: I thoought NJ was going out today to a museum?
faye_shelton: pretty one
kmrhodes: so cool
faye_shelton: yep, I thought so too. surprised to see her here
shargoose: Love that chevron cane!!
auntyalias: it's a hand blend
shargoose: Very pretty
kmrhodes: A true clayer has clay under her nails
auntyalias: has variation because it's not blended to death with the pasta machine
auntyalias: LOL
auntyalias: ya, I gave up trying to keep them clay free
faye_shelton: i love it
shargoose: So true
shargoose: I've got dirt under mine from plantin
shargoose: Will have to clean them before claying
kmrhodes: I won't even talk about mine
faye_shelton: cabbage
shargoose: Oh is that a little cabbage?
auntyalias: when reduced to mini it makes a cabbage sort of thing
shargoose: Great minds
faye_shelton: nice
auntyalias: If I had the colors lighter it would be lettuce, but it's cabbage
kmrhodes: Ohhhh, subs are here
patab12000: I plan to get a manacure at least twice a year if I need it or noe
shargoose: Those are so cute NJ
auntyalias: Now we'll review this hand blend unless there's a request for something else
shargoose: I'd like to see the blend
faye_shelton: me too
frogger70301: hey, my zebra looks good as a pot!
auntyalias: for those who plan to travel, learn to blend by hand
auntyalias: All animal blends make good pots
frogger70301: oh, wow.
auntyalias: still needs sanding and finishing
auntyalias: so the mica shows
auntyalias: doing the wedge pot trick
frogger70301: I think I'm gonna have to redo my leopard cane.
faye_shelton: i like that trick
faye_shelton: i'm killin my Sister with pinchpots
kmrhodes: Very nice NJ
frogger70301: heehee
auntyalias: thank you very much now all y'all go do some of these easy breezy pots
auntyalias: pinch pots have been the bane of the list since the beginning
auntyalias: people pulling out their hair over pinch pots
auntyalias: but these pots made with leaf and flower petal shapes
auntyalias: are just too fun and funky
auntyalias: easy too
frogger70301: Does making the neck on them get any easier?
auntyalias: Yes especially if you use a leaf shape like the tiger cane here
auntyalias: it was already small
auntyalias: think of an orange peeled in 6 cut sections
auntyalias: what would those sections look like
auntyalias: you know that shape, we've all put orange slices in our mouth and smiled goofily for a friend
auntyalias: so we know the shape
auntyalias: if it covers an orange
auntyalias: it's a good shape to build a pinch pot
auntyalias: all you got to do is hook up the seams
auntyalias: and it's nearly round
auntyalias: bowl out the flat areas and round everthing out
auntyalias: and you're done
auntyalias: work from the center bottom and move up
auntyalias: the neck is simplified because it is already narrow
auntyalias: see?
faye_shelton: yep
shargoose: good idea
frogger70301: That must be what I did wrong. I put the points together at the bottom.
auntyalias: Shall we do roll call?
auntyalias: NoraJean, San Francisco
frogger70301: Mitch, Louisiana.
shargoose: Sharon V NH
faye_shelton: Faye, Norfolk VA
kmrhodes: Karen, Gettysburg, PA
sylsnovelties: Syl, Gallup, NM
jude: jude, Tehachapi, CA
patab12000: patricia HouTX
auntyalias: that's nearly everybody, Nancy must be away from the keyboard
auntyalias: ok, Short Order Request Time
auntyalias: we can continue on this hand blend leaf trick
auntyalias: or we can do something different
auntyalias: I'm going to save log here and you all discuss your preferences
kmrhodes: whatever tickles your fancy

shargoose: I'd like the leaf if no one minds
faye_shelton: ok by me
kmrhodes: ok
shargoose: I clayed last time
shargoose: So didn't get many pics
shargoose: this time I'm going to get more
shargoose: I've decided I need four hands and two sets of wyes for the domos
sylsnovelties: Can I ask a quick question?
shargoose: Yes
sylsnovelties: What mix do you use for brown?
kmrhodes: sure
shargoose: Red, smidge yellow and green
kmrhodes: burnt umber
shargoose: or blue
shargoose: You can buy brown
faye_shelton: primaries should pretty much make brown
faye_shelton: and vary the amounts depending on what brown you want
auntyalias: I got a color card tute for brown
sylsnovelties: I don't have the cash to buy any and want to do a mix. Thanks for the mix colors!!
auntyalias: since it's a reoccurring question
kmrhodes: brb
sylsnovelties: Thanks NJ
faye_shelton: sometimes I add a little copper or gold to glow it up a bit, too
auntyalias: back, so what's the decision, review the hand blend and chevron flipped jelly roll leaf?
faye_shelton: for the mica
auntyalias: Love the Mica
auntyalias: yum
faye_shelton: me 2
faye_shelton: yep, the leaf
shargoose: Yes please
auntyalias: okie dokie
sylsnovelties: Since I have screen shots already, I won't take more.
auntyalias: exactly Syl
shargoose: Is that Yellow, green and blue/
sylsnovelties: Yup, that is what NJ used
shargoose: K
auntyalias: one half zinc yellow and cobalt blue for basic green
sylsnovelties: She blended the green
auntyalias: then mix basic green with equal portion of cobalt blue for a blue-green
auntyalias: then a sheet of yellow
shargoose: OK
auntyalias: with the seams are diagonal like this the blend will happen there
auntyalias: if we were just folding it in half
auntyalias: and putting it through the press
auntyalias: but we're going to fold this in half
auntyalias: then roll it like a cigar
auntyalias: then mash it so it's a fat ribbon
auntyalias: then twist that ribbon
auntyalias: then compress that twist
auntyalias: and pull out a sheet
auntyalias: all by hand
auntyalias: and it goes like this
sylsnovelties: NJ, the first time you showed me how to do a blend, I wrote down the steps. I wrote down. roll, twist, smoosh. heeheehee
auntyalias: lol
jude: Smoosh is a good word.
jude: Clay abuse.
sylsnovelties: It's very technical.
auntyalias: now we do it again
frogger70301: gotta head out. gotta make a trip to the store.
faye_shelton: byebye, Mitch
frogger70301: Have fun all, and thnx NJ.
frogger70301: bye.
frogger70301 left the room
sylsnovelties: See you Mitch
auntyalias: and again
auntyalias: now I'll pull the ribbon that makes the jelly roll
kmrhodes: back
Klew (klew911) joined the room
auntyalias: I was just typing to Karen Lewis here to come in
auntyalias: she pinged me
faye_shelton: Hi Karen
auntyalias: Karen give the folks your website link
auntyalias: some folks are new to clay
Klew: sorry for the interruption
jude: Howdy Karen.
auntyalias: and may not have seen your work
shargoose: Hi Karen
Klew: gretings
An Invitation to view your Webcam was sent to klew911 (5/29/03 3:43 PM)
shargoose: You do great stuff!!
auntyalias: just sent you an invite to view my cam
auntyalias: she got booted
auntyalias: ain't that the way it is
klew911 left the room
Klew (klew911) joined the room
kmrhodes: Hi Karen
faye_shelton: nice, NJ
Klew: hi
faye_shelton: Hi again
shargoose: Really nice
faye_shelton: I love the way you did the center vein
shargoose: I like that
kmrhodes: very nice
jude: I do like the smaller leaves.
shargoose: Thank you NJ
Klew: very nice colors show up well too
jude: Don't they? They go so well.
jude: Even reduced they all show up.
kmrhodes: wish I had a color sense
Klew: cant go too much smaller tho NJ as the colors will get lost wont they?
kmrhodes: everything I do turns up ugly! LOL
auntyalias: if you plan to go smaller
Klew: show that again
jude: No, that's not true, Karen.
auntyalias: use less segments
faye_shelton: i love your House Elf, Karen
kmrhodes: yes, it is
jude: I love your new frog!
Klew: cute
kmrhodes: Thanks Faye
Klew: must be my screen
kmrhodes: awlll shucks
jude: You have a whole bunch of figures on your web pages that are just darling!
shargoose: Got to go.
jude: Bye Sharon.
faye_shelton: bye Sharon
shargoose: Thnaks for the leaf demo again, NJ
auntyalias: see ya Sharon, my pleasure
kmrhodes: bye sharon!!!
auntyalias: practice those blends
shargoose: TTL
shargoose left the room
Klew: I gotta go too...leaving for a bead show tomorrow in San Diego!
Klew: ya'll have fun!
faye_shelton: Have fun. Glad you dropped in.
Klew: me too
kmrhodes: showing or selling Karen
auntyalias: See ya Klewie
Klew: selling and buying for my store
jude: Have fun!
Klew: NJ its a pleasuire as always
kmrhodes: Have fun and good luck
Klew: tx
klew911 left the room
faye_shelton: Well, I gotta run, too. Nicole is up and kranky
faye_shelton: and I gotta cook, darnit
faye_shelton: Thanks, NJ. Wonderful
jude: Bye Faye.
faye_shelton: Bye Jude, and all
faye_shelton left the room
kmrhodes: a pitcher
kmrhodes: put a handle on that
jude: Cute.
jude: The pattern looks deliberate, too.
kmrhodes: very cool NJ
auntyalias: Two leaf shapes
auntyalias: and a half
auntyalias: make a pitcher
auntyalias: reduce the leaves you make, and repeat them
auntyalias: you'll get designs that are in scale for mini
auntyalias: also
auntyalias: what I wanted to show
auntyalias: is I didn't use any tools other than the blade
auntyalias: to cut the sections, slice the cane
auntyalias: the blending, and forming pots and pitchers were done without tools
auntyalias: and with nails too long
kmrhodes: you might have used your nails to cut the clay with! LOL
auntyalias: LOL ya
auntyalias: but I think that sometimes folks feel bad if they don't have a pasta press
kmrhodes: who need blades when they have 2" nails
auntyalias: or can't afford clayshapers
auntyalias: we got to explore the part of clay and minis with only a blade, for it can be done
auntyalias: my coffee went cold, I'm going to save log, heat coffee and be back in about 10 minutes

kmrhodes: I started with just a needle stuck in a piece of wood
kmrhodes: a cut off safety pin
jude: I'm going to go put me feets up for a while. I will be back a bit later.
jude: Bye all!
kmrhodes: I still use the heck out of it
greatauntjudy left the room
kmrhodes: bye Jude
patab12000: I am going to hang around as long as some one else is here. I usually dont get to see the demos on thursday, and after the 9th, I wount be able to see demos untill Aug.
kmrhodes: I will be here for another 45 minutes or so
patab12000: So ewhat is you name and locatrion?
kmrhodes: I am Karen and live in Gettysburg, PA
patab12000: Im in Hou TX Patricia
kmrhodes: and you are????
kmrhodes: Hi Patricia
kmrhodes: Do you go to the Houston guild
patab12000: I just moved my computer up stairs to my studio, but it is hard to watch and work at the same time
kmrhodes: I know what you mean
patab12000: Yes, Im on the board, do the nnewslett
kmrhodes: my clay area is in a whole different part of the house
kmrhodes: so I just watch
kmrhodes: can't clay while watching
kmrhodes: AH, then you know Karen O
patab12000: HPCG will be having a retreat in Sep, I am on the planning com.
kmrhodes: good for you
kmrhodes: bet its lots of work
patab12000: Yea, I thing I need a no transplant
patab12000: think
kmrhodes: what kind of transplant?
kmrhodes: ah, I get it
patab12000: saying no when someone says can you do ___
kmrhodes: took me a minute! LOL
kmrhodes: so whats going on after the 9th
kmrhodes: that you cant come to demos till Aug
patab12000: Teaching summer school, morning ang afternoon classes
kmrhodes: the retreat?
patab12000: Sep 5-7, you can read about it on our web site
kmrhodes: Wonderul
kmrhodes: system is really slow right now
patab12000: K Dustin will be one of our teachers.
patab12000: She use to be here in Hou
auntyalias: Pat put the website link in the log
auntyalias: folks do read the log and you'll get hits, plug the retreat
kmrhodes: great. gotta check it out
patab12000: www, npcg/ I think let me check
kmrhodes: it might be
kmrhodes: ????
patab12000: Nope, it is
kmrhodes: I was close
patab12000: yep
auntyalias: that's the ticket, let me put that in the last log while I'm chewing