Mini Food : Demos Color Mixing for Mini Food: Oranges |
frogger70301: NJ, can I ask a
quick orange question? jude: Okie. Fearless Leader: I'll take questions though bonsaikathy: it took me forever to take a pic and send it through to the pic list, but I took both sides Fearless Leader: LOL bonsaikathy: So I missed all the cutting but it looks so delicious Fearless Leader: Orange you going to axe me a question, Mitch? frogger70301: For the outer layer what colors did you use? bonsaikathy: haha frogger70301: had to edit. Fearless Leader: got an orange in the house? Fearless Leader: real orange? Fearless Leader: any one, not just Mitch frogger70301: nope. jude: Nope, no oranges here. Fearless Leader: let me get one from the Fridge frogger70301: It looks like Ecru, oraNGE AND ECRU/WHITE FROM THE TUTE ON THE SITE. frogger70301: Whoa, Caps lock. Sorry about that. jude: Looks like bread dough rising. What is that? bonsaikathy: orange jude: Yes, there's the orange. Fearless Leader: now you all tell me Fearless Leader: what colors are in the peel alone? bonsaikathy: off white, orange, tad of yellow maybe jude: I dunno. I plead innocent. I wasn't there. Fearless Leader: we got to please our eyeballs Fearless Leader: so I don't give hard and fast mix ratios Fearless Leader: I say look at an orange peel Fearless Leader: start mixing Fearless Leader: a lighter yellow for the inner pith Fearless Leader: it could go out as a blend to the next color Fearless Leader: a mid range orange Fearless Leader: but why bother Fearless Leader: if we're going to reduce to microscopic size anyway Fearless Leader: that work would be wasted Fearless Leader: leave your blends for bigger stuff bonsaikathy: true jude: Right, I agree. Fearless Leader: so took three layers Fearless Leader: picked the colors arbitrarily Fearless Leader: went from darker orange Fearless Leader: lightened that up Fearless Leader: used some of that Fearless Leader: lightened a bit of the middle orange Fearless Leader: and I had three colors Fearless Leader: no one is going to check for exact for it's too small Fearless Leader: really Fearless Leader: and folks are easily pleased Fearless Leader: with just layering three sheets Fearless Leader: and pressing them all at the thickest setting on the pasta press Fearless Leader: are you with me here? frogger70301: yeah. sew_short: yep Fearless Leader: so we use this three layered sheet Fearless Leader: to go around each orange wedge Fearless Leader: reduce Fearless Leader: then add this three colored sheet around all of that Fearless Leader: what's inside won't be as thick as this last peel Fearless Leader: for it's been reduced Fearless Leader: the orange of the layered sheets will meld with the orange of the segment wedge Fearless Leader: we see pith only Fearless Leader: I do it this way because it's easier Fearless Leader: than having one sheet for pith Fearless Leader: and it's narrow and hard to handle Fearless Leader: bah frogger70301: ok, gotcha. Fearless Leader: use the same peel for the pith as the peeling just reduce the cane jude: Right. Fearless Leader: and then put the outer peel on it Fearless Leader: ok Fearless Leader: now Fearless Leader: in your mind's eye Fearless Leader: change the color Fearless Leader: from orange Fearless Leader: to different shades of yellow Fearless Leader: for a better lemon Fearless Leader: three colors of green for the better lime Fearless Leader: take your translucent to a new area and do ruby pink grapefruit Fearless Leader: practice larger citrus when you're new to this Fearless Leader: and grapefruit is a great thing on the mini breakfast tray frogger70301: ok, to do those layers, would I start with the first mix with the 8 trans to 1 orange/yellow/green? Fearless Leader: I'd start with yellow Fearless Leader: and take a measure Fearless Leader: and add an equal measure of red Fearless Leader: have your base line orange be exactly half and half frogger70301: did that. Fearless Leader: do that to all your secondary colors for a base line Fearless Leader: ok Fearless Leader: you got the url for the orange mix page? Fearless Leader: or shall I get it? Fearless Leader: brb frogger70301: I almost got it memorized. Fearless Leader: Biz-Archive/food/Citrus/2002-orange-mix.htm frogger70301: Got my seven little mixes right in front of me. Fearless Leader: please open that page and I'll explain while you can see it frogger70301: I got that part done. Fearless Leader: say when teri56: got it chelyha: Hey folks, I gotta bail. I'm sanding beads, I'll see you all lata! Fearless Leader: ciao teri56: byee frogger70301: bye, honey. Fearless Leader: now I'd love to be able to tell you chelyha: Have a nice nite all chelyha left the room Fearless Leader: one part this and "x" amount of that Fearless Leader: but that's not how I mix things Fearless Leader: I get my base line orange first Fearless Leader: take a measure of that Fearless Leader: and add an exact measure of translucent Fearless Leader: it's to control and follow my mix that I do it this way Fearless Leader: then the resulting mix of the orange and translucent Fearless Leader: is like dilution one, or something Fearless Leader: then take a measure of that first added trans mix Fearless Leader: and add an equal measure of translucent Fearless Leader: the result will be dilution two Fearless Leader: take a bit of that, add equal amounts of trans Fearless Leader: that's how I make the steps on this page Fearless Leader: that's the only trail of bread crumbs I could do for me to find my way to the color I wanted Fearless Leader: now someone else can do the math Fearless Leader: I don't think in that direction too much Fearless Leader: so I mix it this way for I have use for all levels of saturation Fearless Leader: of the orange Fearless Leader: for juice at the lightest Fearless Leader: for the meat of oranges, which I would use as the outer peel as well Fearless Leader: against the yellow inner peeling it goes opaque Fearless Leader: less translucent for the light is blocked by those lighter layers Fearless Leader: does that make sense? sew_short: yes teri56: yep Fearless Leader: my doing the measure plus routine Fearless Leader: means it doesn't matter what size I'm working with Fearless Leader: what I add to it is equal in weight or volume Fearless Leader: so a booger Fearless Leader: or a bowling ball Fearless Leader: I'll find my color this way Fearless Leader: any other color questions since we're on this thread? Fearless Leader: it's a good thing to think about, it give you a lot of room Fearless Leader: to create Fearless Leader: what you want if you get your color mixing in hand sew_short: Would we do the same theory for lemons, limes, etc? Fearless Leader: sure do, Kay Fearless Leader: and anything else that has a three colored peel Fearless Leader: for apples, one maybe two layers for peel Fearless Leader: thin thin thin frogger70301: So I could take any of the trans mixes that pleases me to use in the outer layer. teri56: I used the same method for the blue citrus cane Fearless Leader: apples can have a nice marbled surround sheet Fearless Leader: yes Fearless Leader: Yes, Mitch sew_short: Oh Hush - I don't know marbled frogger70301: just mix it with a white/yellow mix? frogger70301: more for each layer. Fearless Leader: Mitch, how did you start your mix? frogger70301: I did exactly what you did on that page. Fearless Leader: from the primary colors going through the steps Fearless Leader: ok, cool frogger70301: yup. Fearless Leader: you were asking about the pith? Fearless Leader: I take the orange peel Fearless Leader: add white Fearless Leader: take a measure of that Fearless Leader: and add more white Fearless Leader: I'll bet Fearless Leader: it's my way Fearless Leader: ya that's what I most likely did Fearless Leader: so you could replicate my mix exactly Fearless Leader: if you mix it this way Fearless Leader: adjust the color mixes to the fruit you're aiming at Fearless Leader: speaking of blends Fearless Leader: peach Fearless Leader: has red at the pit Fearless Leader: lovely red frogger70301: I'm not used to any of this yet, so I'm just trying to get something that I know is gonna work right the first time. Fearless Leader: almost black, necturines too Fearless Leader: do your peach blend Fearless Leader: do a ribbon Fearless Leader: jellyroll so the red is in the middle Fearless Leader: when you make your peach and slice it Fearless Leader: take out a bit of the middle for the pit hole Fearless Leader: and you got a really believable peach Fearless Leader: no body does peaches right yet Fearless Leader: no where Fearless Leader: no how, in clay anyway Fearless Leader: wanna see the inside of a necturine? sew_short: yes Fearless Leader: see the blend Fearless Leader: it is real sew_short: Salt was mentioned earlier - it is ok to use on things? Fearless Leader: fresh from my fridge Fearless Leader: there, took a bite sew_short: I wanna bite too Fearless Leader: see the blend Fearless Leader: the overlap Fearless Leader: will be slight Fearless Leader: not a lot sew_short: just a little closer to the cam and I'll nab it Fearless Leader: we can do necturines and peaches Fearless Leader: if we do jellyroll blends Fearless Leader: with the red in the middle Fearless Leader: oh yes we could Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: ok, now it's time for a break Fearless Leader: and you all decide Fearless Leader: what you want to see next in mini food Fearless Leader: ok? sew_short: ok jude: ok. jude: brb teri56: I need to get back to my eBay junk - but this sure has been fun teri56: see y'all later teri56 left the room sew_short: What do you think Teri? Watermellon? Or get away from fruit and go to something else? sew_short: OK Aunt Jude - what do you think? sew_short: I think she wants to stay with mini food tonight sew_short: Is Bonsai Kathy still here? frogger70301: OH, yuck. I have to break out my Sculpey 3 to finish this thing! bonsaikathy: yes bonsaikathy: working on an orange sew_short: ok sew_short: Oh Mitch, what a shame! frogger70301: OH, I forgot. About T-Guy's truck. frogger70301: Transmission blew! bonsaikathy: oh no frogger70301: yup. frogger70301: not happy at all. bonsaikathy: I'll bet he's not, it's so expensive to get fixed frogger70301: And it's a diesel truck. frogger70301: so it'll cost more. sew_short: Ugh ... where is the truck right now? bonsaikathy: so's my car frogger70301: over here. sew_short: Someone pull it home? frogger70301: Yeah, my dad. Kath, what kind of car you got? bonsaikathy: it's an 81 dasher diesel frogger70301: Cool, I didn't know they made diesel cars! bonsaikathy: it's got well over 300,000 miles on it and still gets me where I want to go bonsaikathy: they last forever, we've had several frogger70301: They are good, but not when they break. sew_short: My mom had a Dasher and after she traded it in she wished she had kept it. bonsaikathy: fortunately Gary can usuall fix what ever goes wrong with them bonsaikathy: yup, they are a great little car bonsaikathy: he's torn the engines apart and rebuilt them bonsaikathy: transmissions we don't frogger70301: ever did a trans? bonsaikathy: no, we did switch one out though from our old car to this one frogger70301: sorry, I shouldve looked. bonsaikathy: ok sew_short: Will T-Guy have trouble getting to work now? Fearless Leader: back frogger70301: No, he's gonna take my car. Fearless Leader: had to get James some food sew_short: Hey, I will be gone for about ten minutes. bonsaikathy: totally understood sew_short left the room Fearless Leader: so bonsaikathy: Well folks this has been great fun but I'd better get going and spend some time with Gary, will send you the logs that I have saved NJ in the morning after I have a chance to cut out duplicate diologue Fearless Leader: I see three names and four viewers? Fearless Leader: Hey Merrie, you didn't miss anything Fearless Leader: I had to rustle up some grub for James merrie60us joined the room Fearless Leader: ok Kathy Fearless Leader: thanks for doing log save merrie60us: this yahoo is crazy tonight Fearless Leader: I'll bet. Fearless Leader: How's the oranges going Mitch? |