Biz-Archive Tute-List

WebCam Clay Techniques-01

Rainbow Blend Leaves with Flowers Sheet Covered Tin

Taking that Rainbow Leaf and Flower sheet and covering a Tin. (T2)

Fearless Leader: let's take 5 and get drinks, go to the loo and smoke em if
you got em
jude: Cough, cough! hehehehe
sylsnovelties: heeheehee
teri56: sometimes just caint help it Dag - it's my Army brainwashing, er, I
mean training
sylsnovelties: heeheehee
teri56: this is so cool - I am excited all over again
Fearless Leader: I'm back
teri56: yay!
Fearless Leader: NJ in San Francisco
teri56: Teri in central Indiana
chelyha: Cheryl in Tehachapi
sylsnovelties: Syl in Gallup, New Mexico
jude: We win Cheryl! More of us than them! hehehe
sylsnovelties: No fair, Jude!
chelyha: LOL!
chelyha: clay capitol of the world!
sylsnovelties: You and Cheryl in the same town.
jude: Must be!
dbluwitch26: ooops Dag in Iowa, i'm here I'm here
jude: It's a small town, too.
Fearless Leader: Klewie's there too
jude: Right. Nice lady.
Fearless Leader: you all got a corner on the clay thing there
sylsnovelties: Geez, 3 of you!
Fearless Leader: Is Niki here?
chelyha: I was just gonna say that
teri56: must be something in the water
dbluwitch26: or the air?????
chelyha: I would never have gotten into clay if I hadn't met Klew
teri56: oh yeah - that's desert, isn't it?
jude: Really?
jude: I didn't know she was there. A saw my clay stuff and told me.
Fearless Leader: Niki is on the chat list here but not on Cam, so it's a
Yahoo thing, we're all here now
chelyha: No, it's at 4000 feet
Fearless Leader: ok I'll get the url for the trick to this tin
jude: Land of the four seasons, or so the Chamber of Commerce says.
NikiT: i see your cam pix
chelyha: Seems like 2 to me. Summer and winter
NikiT: unless it isn't updating
jude: Actually, it's winter followed by winter and then winter. hehehehe
chelyha: well it's almost as hot here as it is in San Diego
chelyha: I didn't think it would be
Fearless Leader:
jude: It can be.
Fearless Leader: Rumble in the Jungle
Fearless Leader: can you open that page please?
teri56: yes ma'am
Fearless Leader: thank you kindly
NikiT: cam is updating for me, so I don't know why u don't see me in it.
Fearless Leader: let me know whe you're ready
Fearless Leader: Ok, Niki, I thought it was a yahoo snafu
Fearless Leader: Odd, you're back in there now
teri56: reddi
Fearless Leader: it's a "go figure" moment
Fearless Leader: everyone have that page open?
NikiT: yes
jude: Okie, got the web page now.
sylsnovelties: My IE is being screwy and won't open. I'll follow along in
Fearless Leader: The first three pictures don't count for what we're doing
right here
teri56: ok
Fearless Leader: it's the covering of the tin pictures that start on pix 4
Fearless Leader: what I'm going to do
Fearless Leader: is make the pattern for the tin
Fearless Leader: by pressing the tin to the sheet
Fearless Leader: and making impressions
Fearless Leader: with the edge of the tin
Fearless Leader: where it makes a mark
Fearless Leader: you cut right there
Fearless Leader: are you ready?
sylsnovelties: ready
jude: Ready!
teri56: yep
NikiT: k
chelyha: Go
Fearless Leader: ok, so I'm going to do two things
Fearless Leader: first I'm going to dust the work area with a little powder
NikiT: (i have to clay in my mind.. being at work without clay and whatnot)
Fearless Leader: so the sheet doesn't stick to the work surface after I've
press on it
Fearless Leader: and then I'm going to turn the sheet over
Fearless Leader: well three things
sylsnovelties: I'm claying in my mind too Niki
Fearless Leader: dust the surface
chelyha: I'm just watching too
Fearless Leader: turn the sheet over
jude: Me too, Niki.
Fearless Leader: and then roll the tin over the back side of the sheet
Fearless Leader: are we all ok with this?
jude: Yes, okie.
sylsnovelties: yup
Fearless Leader: I'll wait for Dag
teri56: uh-huh
Fearless Leader: click on my name Dag
Fearless Leader: to get the cam back
chelyha: I love the colors you used on that one
Fearless Leader: or I'll send you an invite
Fearless Leader: Primary and secondary colors are always festive
Fearless Leader: remind me of kindergarden
Fearless Leader: kid's toys
jude: I love 'em.
chelyha: I just love green, especially paired with pink
dbluwitch26: god I'm so embarrassed I got lost again
Fearless Leader: ok, now we're all on cam, I'll turn that sheet over and
dust the work surface and then roll the tin, off I go
jude: I have a whole pound of green pearl. that is such a gorgeous color.
Fearless Leader: Oh, mixed with pearl... man o man, mix with silver and gold
sylsnovelties: Sounds great
Fearless Leader: good enough to eat
Fearless Leader: off I go to do those three things
Fearless Leader: which are???
chelyha: I have to go to bed folks, must work tomorrow. Klew's back from
Denver, have to get the store ship shape for her
sylsnovelties: dusting the work surface,
sylsnovelties: rolling the tin, marking the sheet and cutting.
chelyha: So I will talk atcha all lata. Thanks NJ!
Fearless Leader: xoxo
Fearless Leader: ciao bella
jude: Night!
dbluwitch26: Sweet dreams
sylsnovelties: Nite Cheryl
chelyha left the room
Fearless Leader: roll the tin forward and backward over the sheet
Fearless Leader: to make your marks
Fearless Leader: now to roll it side to side to get the marks for the sides
of the tin
jude: This is for the top, yes?
jude: But,'s for the whole thing.
sylsnovelties: She marked all sides.
Fearless Leader: I slice out the center where the hinges are
Fearless Leader: just about 1/16th of an inch worth
Fearless Leader: more or less
Fearless Leader: now I'm going to cut off the salvage
jude: There are some tutes where they cut the hinge hole after the clay is
on the tin.
Fearless Leader: all that falls outside of the indentations I put on this
Fearless Leader: ya, but that gets messy
Fearless Leader: you got to hold the tin and your fingers touch the sheet
Fearless Leader: gets messy that way
jude: Right, I can see that now.
Fearless Leader: farting about cutting off clay after it's on a tin
Fearless Leader: we hold the tin from the inside
Fearless Leader: and only press where it's necessary
Fearless Leader: to make our post production go faster
Fearless Leader: for there won't be finger prints to smooth or sand off
Fearless Leader: I'm all for ease
Fearless Leader: off I go to cut salvage unless there's a question
sylsnovelties: Me too, but I did my first one wrong.
sylsnovelties: I'll do better next time.
jude: No such thing as wrong. Just different.
Fearless Leader: the corners
Fearless Leader: I cut out little squares
Fearless Leader: those would have been pinchy darts
Fearless Leader: which I decided I don't want to do like in that tute
Fearless Leader: I asked you to look at
Fearless Leader: I pinched the corners of that green sheet
Fearless Leader: and cut them off
Fearless Leader: I find that if I cut those squares out ahead of time
Fearless Leader: there's less fussing with the tin
jude: Right.
Fearless Leader: less chance of putting prints on everything
Fearless Leader: off to cut the little squares, this sheet will barely cover
this tin, but good thing we can patch where it's short
Fearless Leader: LOL
Fearless Leader: Now I'll add these sheets to the tin
jude: That's the beauty of the clay.
Fearless Leader: I start from the hinged side first
Fearless Leader: and then work toward the opening of the tin
Fearless Leader: ok?
sylsnovelties: ok
jude: ok
Fearless Leader: missed two corners
Fearless Leader: now I'll attach it to the tin
Fearless Leader: he he he
Fearless Leader: open your tin to cover it
Fearless Leader: so you hold the tin from the inside
Fearless Leader: and only press where you must on the outside
Fearless Leader: don't hold your tin on the outside, you'll mash your
Fearless Leader: ok
jude: Isn't that gorgeous?
Fearless Leader: since we just sliced off a bit for the hinge
Fearless Leader: the design will line up
Fearless Leader: if you check before applying the second sheet
Fearless Leader: I didn't line it up
sylsnovelties: Pretty stuff.
Fearless Leader: and had to take it off and put it on again
Fearless Leader: but rolling the tin on the back of the sheet
Fearless Leader: is a quick way to get your pattern
Fearless Leader: the less fussing you do while the sheet is on the tin
sylsnovelties: I'm trying again on that method.
Fearless Leader: the less you handle the outside, the less work you do
Fearless Leader: good Syl
Fearless Leader: ok, It's been two hours now
Fearless Leader: so I'm going to say save log
Fearless Leader: and we're done