Clay Techniques-03, Tiger Cane Demo Log, Tiger Cane Picture, Tiger Cane Demo Screen Shots |
auntyalias: Ok we'll give folks 10 more minutes to show up and I'm going
to start slicing chunks off of these blocks and conditioning up sheets
ac4lb: sounds good auntyalias: I think I'll use newer black today, this open pack was hard last night too boobearns: I did another sad little pinch pot this afternoon. Baked it before I could wreck it. Kaitlyn likes them auntyalias: so if folks come in late and ask which colors are being used can all y'all tell them for me boobearns: burnt umber, black, raw sienna and what are the other two? auntyalias: Doro you're too hard on yourself. I'll take all your early works and keep them safe from YOU ac4lb: yup auntyalias: your baby steps auntyalias: you don't know how precious they are auntyalias: you're wanting to go do the Mombo in high heels boobearns: I'm not having a very good time right now....need to get more happy drugs I think auntyalias: What sign are you? boobearns: cancer auntyalias: Wait two days, the mood will change, lindaslists: my mother is a cancer and boy is she having a hard time also. auntyalias: it's most likely funky transits, all my cancer friends are having a moody time too boobearns: so I'm in for a change then? lindaslists: I'll let my mom know auntyalias: Cancer is ruled by the moon, the moon is in a sign for two days auntyalias: the moods usually run a couple of days, that doesn't dimish it ac4lb: How about Capricorn, hubby has been up and down like a yoyo auntyalias: Cancer and Capricorns are opposite, what upsets on will most likely upset the other tedi382001: this is Amy from Canada, I'm a Cancer too auntyalias: I'm thinking it is the quicker moving planets fixing to go into Libra or some have already, that'll kick both cancer and capricorn's buts boobearns: Hi Amy, this is Dorothy from Canada auntyalias: Have you been Moody Amy? auntyalias: My Cancer girl tedi382001: oh my yes auntyalias: ok, just hang in there, it'll pass, ok? tedi382001: bitchy is the word ac4lb: LOL!! lindaslists: lol boobearns: major depression here dahs512: Hey everyone. I made it! yeah! lindaslists: OK auntyalias: sometimes pitching a bitch is a good thing auntyalias: HEY HEY HEY auntyalias: ok, I'm going to slice and condition sheets now, chat as much as you want and help those who need help getting in here. dahs512: Just got back from raiding Michaels boobearns: did you get lots? dahs512: yes lots and lots dahs512: even some dayglow by fimo boobearns: dayglow?? ac4lb: is that like the glow in the dark premo lindaslists: or like neon dahs512: I'm hoping it is like glow in the dark auntyalias: Who is on Log Save Duty? lindaslists: I can try auntyalias: we should have at least two dahs512: I'm gonna be n and out but I will until I need to step away...like last night auntyalias: belt and suspender lindaslists: oh no ,, the "t" word - LOL dahs512: a little velcro won't hurt dahs512: Hey Karen txgoodlife: hi denise Stephanie (buddhamoon) joined the room dahs512: if you need me to get you something at Michaels, let me know, Karen dylinna: I'm saving logs, but if I could get back up, that would be good. txgoodlife: thanks, I will do that boobearns: just found out I'm doing a craft sale the end of the month dahs512: I wish you luck..lot's of work that will be worth it boobearns: I'm all set for it, just need to put things in boxes to take with me....don't expect to sell much at this one lindaslists: they are fun sylsnovelties joined the room lindaslists: Hi Syl sylsnovelties: Hi everyone! dahs512: hey boo asked earlier if there were more than black, burnt umber, raw sienna? lindaslists: pearl and gold teri56 joined the room auntyalias: that first block of gold was too crumbly auntyalias: It can be used but I don't want to waste your time conditioning it auntyalias: so I opened a newer block lindaslists: my raw sienna is so soft becuse of being so new. Like sculpy III boobearns: thank you boobearns: hi Teri lindaslists: hi teri teri56: hey Doro! teri56: hi gang!! dahs512: thanks auntyalias: Who's new to clay in general? auntyalias: I got a beginner's tip to share tedi382001: I am boobearns: share it with us anyway linda_d_45419: me me me auntyalias: ok, when you're pressing sheets like this lindaslists: I love all tips auntyalias: when you fold it to put it through the press dahs512: new enough to have lots to learn! That's me. auntyalias: enter the rollers from the open ends, not the folded part, especiall don't have the folded part go in last, watch how I do it boobearns: uh oh...been doing that wrong too boobearns: sometimes lindaslists: buritto sylsnovelties: brb boobearns: I usually forget, get air bubbles, then remember auntyalias: see the air bubbles will be pushed out if you put the open sides in the rollers chelyha joined the room tedi382001: now I know where the bubbles came from auntyalias: if it is one fold auntyalias: you can be careful and put the folded end in first auntyalias: if you're careful you won't get air bubbles auntyalias: I'm mixing gold with raw sienna auntyalias: no blend yet lindaslists: I love your new bowl Syl dahs512: We have a big group tonight auntyalias: now I'll do some pearl and we'll be ready to do a blend tedi382001: anyone else from Canada here tonight? boobearns: me lindaslists: did you mix the gold and RS together or just blend? auntyalias: just mixed auntyalias: I'll do a blend with that mix in a tick auntyalias: while I'm doing this boring stuff here lindaslists: oh, should have read, sorry auntyalias: folks can introduce themselves and say where they are from auntyalias: I'd like to know and it'll give us a roll call tedi382001: what part of Canada boo? lindaslists: Linda Bohrn in Ely Nevada boobearns: I'll start Dorothy Nova Scotia Canada auntyalias: NJ from San Francisco teri56: Teri in Anderson, Indiana tedi382001: Amy from Ontario , Canada linda_d_45419: Linda from Dayton OH chelyha: Cheryl in Tehachapi, but I can't see what you are doing auntyalias: Cheryl I just sent you an invite to my cam dahs512: Denise in Austin...actually Cedar Creek Texas boobearns: Cheryl, beside NJ's name where it says In the Cam zone...click on that and "view webcam"...that should bring it up auntyalias: Folks give Cheryl a leg up on seeing cam, thanks boobearns: oops, right click on In the Cam Zone txgoodlife: Karen Austin area actually Georgetown, Tx chelyha: I got it thanks! boobearns: good!! boobearns: Denise and Karen are you close to each other geographically? auntyalias: Coolness are we ready for the Easy Breezy Blend? txgoodlife: Yes, basically we are located close buci131 joined the room auntyalias: Eva, just about to do the blend boobearns: figured that since you both said Austin auntyalias: Biz-Archive/Faux/Tiger//Blend-Tiger-Grp auntyalias: If you want clearer pictures of what I'm doing auntyalias: open this tute page in another browser window txgoodlife: Denise lives far south and I live far North buci131: Yippee--I miscalculated the time. auntyalias: Ok, before I start this blend let's take a look at that page and if there's questions let's table them now boobearns: gee, I'm glad I have two monitors!! buci131: Okay, how many diff colors did you use for the one blend? auntyalias: it depends on what I have on hand, two maybe three auntyalias: I'm doing a two color blend auntyalias: but one of those colors is a mix of gold and raw sienna auntyalias: mixed so it is one color lindaslists: ok buci131: Thanks, that was my next question, heehee auntyalias: Teri did it in blue and white auntyalias: Color Blind Tiger, if Teri has that url handy she can share it auntyalias: this technique just POPS with Teri colors auntyalias: ok what do you all know about blends, who has done them and who has not? lindaslists: I have buci131: I have teri56: http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=4023576&a=30221650&f=0 boobearns: not teri56: I have auntyalias: take a minute and look at Teri's blends auntyalias: Teri's color blind tiger sylsnovelties: I've done blends. buddhamoon: i tried once tedi382001: once auntyalias: The main problem with blends as they are taught with the Skinner method lindaslists: thanks for the link teri - WOW auntyalias: See auntyalias: Ain't it something? boobearns: oh Stephanie..don't use that "t" word...."no try, only do" is NJ's comeback teri56: I used the same technique NJ is showing now - just diff colors is all auntyalias: yup, and it came out beautifully teri56: thanks! greatauntjudy joined the room sylsnovelties: Yeah, gorgeous auntyalias: ok, my issue with the Skinner Blend method sylsnovelties: Hi Jude! auntyalias: is you're told to fold the clay in half auntyalias: and pass it through the press a couple of dozen times lindaslists: 50 million times - LOL auntyalias: Jude knows all this from the leaves Demos last year, Hey Jude auntyalias: ok greatauntjudy: Howdy! greatauntjudy: You doing leaves again? auntyalias: for those who were there for the leaves or for the bullseye lace cane last night auntyalias: Tiger Jude greatauntjudy: Oh,t iger! dahs512: I caught that part before puter problems auntyalias: you got to see how I roll the clay and then pass it through the press auntyalias: one pass that way auntyalias: equals 6 fold in half passes greatauntjudy: lindaslists: what 2 colors are you going to use buci131: Are you gonna show that again? dahs512: auntyalias: That's what I'm going to do with the two sheets right now. The colors used is a mix of gold with raw sienna and then pearl buci131: Sorry I missed last night buci131: Goody! auntyalias: no worries. Ok are we ready to see the Easy Breezy Blend technique and you can count how many passes it takes, ok? lindaslists: Oh buci131: Yep lindaslists left the room lindaslists joined the room auntyalias: lay one sheet on the other, over lapping auntyalias: slice on the diagonal across both sheets auntyalias: take off the top triangle of pearl buci131: How much overlap? auntyalias: it varies, so you can do this diagonal seam buci131: Okay dylinna left the room dylinna joined the room auntyalias: I make the sheet to be as wide as my pasta press allows boobearns: so you take two sheets, overlap, cut and then remove piece of each sheet and reform into one sheet of two colors?? merrie60us joined the room auntyalias: for the first pass I will just fold it in half so the two sides adhere, you fold so there's all pearl on one side all brown on the other auntyalias: yes Doro boobearns: OK, so far understandign auntyalias: fold it so the pearl corner touches pearl, brown corner touches brown, I'll do that now ac4lb: Man I missed most of this, my brother called, arrrggghhh, Kathy in E. tn here auntyalias: Doing a blend Kathy teri56: brb txgoodlife: brown, is that just straight brown auntyalias: raw sienna mixed with gold auntyalias: use what you have txgoodlife: k auntyalias: I'll do the fold in half one pass for it will make the two sheets one and make it easier to roll like a cigar for the other passes auntyalias: any questions at this point? merrie60us: so it's a blend of pearl and sienna mixed wit gold auntyalias: I'm a Mica Fan, anything for a shimmer, but use what you have buci131: No, i'm with you so far. boobearns: the two pieces you removed just get set aside and used for something else? auntyalias: everyone's tiger cane will look different auntyalias: Yes, Doro auntyalias: I also pressed the fold, going from the center on out to the edge to avoid air bubbles auntyalias: Ok, now for the first pass boobearns: OK, I'm going to be able to do this if I have to drive you crazy with questions or not! auntyalias: Doro, this is why I'm here honey, best ask while you can auntyalias: I live in EarthQuake country buci131: You'll get it Doro dahs512: nj flip the corner up so everyone can see, please merrie60us: Is this a skinner blend? auntyalias: LOL, ok we have the first pass, Merrie this is a blend that is easier than the Skinner Blend teri56: back boobearns: I've been messed up on this since Melly tried to show me...and she messed it up merrie60us: oh good dahs512: thanks auntyalias: now instead of folding it in half again, I roll it like a cigar and bully the clay into submission dahs512: keeping the aall pearl side all pearl buci131: Ah, this is part I get lost on your website dahs512: one end is pearl the other is the gold blend dahs512: thanks auntyalias: pinch along one side to feed into the rollers merrie60us: what does bully into submission mean? to get it to cigar shape? auntyalias: and to mash it auntyalias: pinch it auntyalias: call it bad names sylsnovelties: Fist of doom. dahs512: she just likes to show thre clay who's boss...lol auntyalias: if it gets too wide auntyalias: compress it inward so it'll fit greatauntjudy: Beat the (*&(( out of it. buci131: Oh, THAT's what I was misunderstanding auntyalias: now let's run this through the rollers txgoodlife: your putting it in length wise dahs512: that's a mess!....lol auntyalias: roll, mash and pinch again buci131: Yep boobearns: NJ, on your site it shows the pre-cigar piece having jagged edges, do you trim them off? lindaslists: yes lindaslists: no lindaslists: I think she just tucks them in dahs512: linda make up your mind.... buci131: Yes, lengthwise; No, trimming txgoodlife: now your rolling it into another cigar??? buci131: Just to clarify lindaslists: yes was for the length wise comment dahs512: yes maam, in the same direction buci131: Yep, that's what makes the blend with so few passes through the pm boobearns: roll, press, repeat, repeat, repeat dahs512: just jokin' you lindaslists: LOL txgoodlife: repeat with cigar shape and pasta machine dahs512: yes auntyalias: one half fold pass and three cigars chenoa_2b joined the room dahs512: totally makes sense...easy breezy auntyalias: and we have a blend, two more passes just to be anal retentive and we're ready to do the Jelly Roll auntyalias: slash air bubbles boobearns: do 5 cigars, or 3? greatauntjudy: NJ the slasher? dahs512: lol lindaslists: until it looks blended auntyalias: Doro as many as it takes, sometimes I don't blend it completely on purpose boobearns: OK auntyalias: now isn auntyalias: isn't that easier lindaslists: warm soft clay doesn't take as many times as firmer cool clay dahs512: yeppers boobearns: so far so good merrie60us: yes auntyalias: than folding it in half and doing two dozen passes? buci131: Wahoo! dahs512: or more buci131: Thank you oodles for the demo on that! auntyalias: now let's make this into a ribbon lindaslists: looks good auntyalias: roll another cigar auntyalias: and stuff it in the rollers from the narrow end txgoodlife: I will have to try this tomorrow. tedi382001: Thankyou NJ auntyalias: Jude, didn't you have problems with the ribbon? auntyalias: this is how it is done buddhamoon: was all the blending just now done on the widest pasta setting? txgoodlife: I have problems with the ribbon greatauntjudy: Yes, I do. auntyalias: see how I rolled the end there auntyalias: so it tapers auntyalias: that goes into the rollers first greatauntjudy: I can't do long. auntyalias: what I do is stick it in the roller auntyalias: grab what's coming out and just ease it along auntyalias: so it doesn't ruffle and gather under the rollers auntyalias: my other hand turning the crank auntyalias: the sticking up part will take care of itself auntyalias: here I'll show ya txgoodlife: which end goes into the roller? the tapered end dahs512: yes merrie60us: yes greatauntjudy: Does it keep straight that way? auntyalias: there auntyalias: yup, on it's own Jude txgoodlife: wow! auntyalias: any questions on this part? greatauntjudy: Hmmm...okie, will try that next time. Mine are always crooked. buddhamoon: was all the blending just now done on the widest pasta setting? also the ribbon? auntyalias: or are we ready for a jelly roll? teri56: roll it baby! auntyalias: all at the widest or thickest pasta press setting auntyalias: LOL Teri, okie dokie auntyalias: Tiger is dark at the center and light on the outside dahs512: we're cookin' now... auntyalias: I use one hand to guide and one hand to roll lindaslists: brb have to move my car auntyalias: guide like this buci131: You have a place on your site where you gather all the ribbon up in spots to fit it in your pm--is that before the jelly roll? ac4lb: man, dang phone calls, never get phone calls, but today everyone is calling, 3rd in less than an hour boobearns: don't answer it? auntyalias: Eva, that's when I'm connecting a couple of different blends together, I just gather up the ribbon and mash it through teri56: I like the tip to guide with one hand - mine are always messy at the ends. buci131: Huh? buddhamoon: does covering a jelly roll make it a bulls eye? auntyalias: yes, I call it a Jelly Blend auntyalias: for short buci131: You mean you do more than one skinner and then put them together? auntyalias: Eva, you said "huh?" auntyalias: about the gathering the ribbons? auntyalias: and mashing it through the press? buci131: Yes--you mean you do more than one skinner and then put them together? auntyalias: yes buci131: How? auntyalias: so we can go from red to purple, purple to blue, blue to green, green to yellow buci131: Do you just overlap a little and then send them through the pm? auntyalias: by making two color blends first auntyalias: yup, I'm not delicate about it either, for it will be rolled up and reduced merrie60us: I got lost here what are you talking about? lindaslists: ok dark to light auntyalias: Biz-Archive/Faux/Tiger/Blend-Tiger-Grp buci131: Goody! Thanks-another place I got lost on your blend tute merrie60us: oh thanks auntyalias: check the tute Merrie, she's referring to pictures on that page auntyalias: I'm going to put another sheet of pearl around this jelly blend, are we clear up to this point? buci131: Yessireebob merrie60us: yes dahs512: yes lindaslists: yes boobearns: yup boobearns: why the extra sheet of pearl? auntyalias: ok do we remember how to get the indentation line? That we cut INSIDE the indentation to make a BUT END? tedi382001: yes sylsnovelties: yup dahs512: yes buci131: What? buci131: What indentation line? buci131: Oh, never mind auntyalias: Doro, it's because I want the outside of the cane to all be pearl, part of the outside of the cane is still blended clay colors. Also when you reduce the outer surround sheet thins out and you don't want your colors getting messed up. auntyalias: Eva buci131: Yes, I know what you're talking about boobearns: OK, thanks auntyalias: I'm finishing on one question and I will show you what I mean auntyalias: about the indentation frogger70301 joined the room auntyalias: ok? auntyalias: Blend-Tiger-Grp.htm auntyalias: Mitch, that's the tute page we're on and I'm doing the indentation trick on the surround sheet. auntyalias: When you surround a bullseye auntyalias: and you don't want to have overlap of color making a line thick when you didn't want it that way sylsnovelties: Oh, I remember now. auntyalias: to make the two sides of the surround sheet to meet evenly auntyalias: you roll the surround sheet around your cane auntyalias: and roll it until the edge of the surround sheet touches itself, makes an indentation, roll back and it is on the INSIDE of that indentation that you must cut to have an even seam, now I'll show it ac4lb: HI mitch frogger70301: Hey, boo. buci131: Hey, lady frogger70301: Hey, honey. boobearns: yes?? auntyalias: so we have a surround sheet ready to cover this jelly roll blend auntyalias: it's hard to see in pearl, but there's an indentation line auntyalias: and I slice on the inside of that indentation auntyalias: Ok I'm going to reduce this slightly and we're ready to put in stripes in the Tiger sylsnovelties: Stripe that baby! boobearns: oh, Syl, like your pinch pot! auntyalias: Ok one trick about stripes auntyalias: folks forget that tiger stripes are tapered sylsnovelties: Thanks Doro! sylsnovelties: I wouldn't have done that NJ. auntyalias: and they use sheets with blunt cut ends and put them in as stripes and it just doesn't work auntyalias: so I'll show you how I taper the stripes first merrie60us left the room txgoodlife: Are you pinching the black? dahs512: pinching bothe sides txgoodlife: k buci131: on the edges frogger70301: that's what I was gionna ask. txgoodlife: Do you need that long of a black sheet? auntyalias: Maybe auntyalias: just in case I do Honey (honeyrivers) joined the room auntyalias: I want it ready txgoodlife: k auntyalias: HONEYRIVERS auntyalias: you made it honeyrivers: OMG - I made it dahs512: yeahhh! sylsnovelties: Great! auntyalias: Just sent you and invite and this is the tute we're doing auntyalias: http://www.norajean.com/Blend-Tiger-Grp.htm dahs512: We have 18 in the room now honeyrivers: thanks everyone for the help and sorry for disturbing auntyalias: That's the most we've had ever! sylsnovelties: Wow! ac4lb: it's great txgoodlife: hi ellen auntyalias: Ok, For those who have come late I'll repeat this whole process for you after a break auntyalias: ok? honeyrivers: <wave> chenoa_2b: Hey when you throw a party, every one wants to go eh? lol auntyalias: but let's move forward on this ac4lb: good, since everybody and their brother called me tonight auntyalias: We have a jelly roll blend auntyalias: and we have tapered stripes merrie60us joined the room auntyalias: now how on earth are we going to get the stripes into the jelly roll blend? boobearns: with you so far! auntyalias: we need a new tute page for that boobearns: cut the jelly roll? merrie60us: I got bumped and missed how to make the stripes can someone fill me in please ac4lb: she's going to do it again after a break merrie60us: oh good auntyalias: Cane-Tiger-004-D.htm dahs512: she just got through pinching the sides of that black strip you see there sylsnovelties: Long black sheet and smish both edges along the length. auntyalias: Check this page out auntyalias: and I'm going to the potty, brb dahs512: quick break everyone dahs512: grab your munchys auntyalias: ya, let's take 5 before we do stripes, I have to change cam angles lindaslists: Have to check on daughter. She's handing off my roof painting my eaves. ac4lb: lOL, I just got the funniest vision of everyone scattering to their respective loos, sylsnovelties: heeheehee Good one Kathy dahs512: I'm gonna cut an copy this so far NJ buci131: Okay, Teri, how do you add a parenthesis phrase after your name on YM (in this case, "chatting"? auntyalias: Okie dokie sylsnovelties: I've been trying to keep the log too. chenoa_2b: Alex is watchimg like a hawk.lol nora is his favorite show. lol teri56: down at the bottom of your yahoo msgr window, it gives your status STEP TWO
frogger70301: Can I ask a quick question?
dahs512: STEP 2 auntyalias: sure honey frogger70301: If you're ready to start go ahead. buci131: So, NJ will you be doing this part again after a break, too? I have to go get The Kid. frogger70301: I can wait. auntyalias: I'll be repeating this whole process again when this one is done lindaslists: great auntyalias: Eva, go get the child, I'll do it again buci131: Goody, gotta go. Will try to be back soon. auntyalias: for you one to one if need be teri56: bye Eva auntyalias: drive safely Honey (honeyrivers) joined the room merrie60us: bye eve lindaslists: bye frogger70301: bye, hon. buci131: Bye all. auntyalias: Mitch buci131 left the room auntyalias: you had a question frogger70301: copper premo-good mica shift? auntyalias: let's do it now or it'll needle you and you won't pay as close attnetion auntyalias: great mica, mix with pearl it's really pretty frogger70301: thanks. auntyalias: mix copper and black for bronze frogger70301: trying to cover a tin. auntyalias: makes nice statues for a Park Mini Scene and trophies lindaslists: I love the RS and gold auntyalias: any other questions before we do these stripes lindaslists left the room lindaslists joined the room lindaslists: same direction? txgoodlife: I don't know if I can sit here too much longer, my back is hurting. I forgot to take pain pills this afternoon. auntyalias: also how you cut, if you saw away you get the zig zag mica auntyalias: you'll see it in the tiger tute auntyalias: Also auntyalias: here's a trick I learned about mica auntyalias: brush the surface with your finger to direction your mica lazybird54 joined the room lindaslists: ? auntyalias: if your mica isn't shining in the direction you want, you did a zig zag cut, brush your finger tip over the surface of the clay lindaslists: oh auntyalias: or, compress it a little and then pull it out like with the natasha bead trick auntyalias: and then brush it a bit with the finger tip like burnishing auntyalias: it really fixes some boo boo's I've done auntyalias: and when I did Mitch's tin auntyalias: with the green and gold leaves auntyalias: before I cured it I burnished it with my finger tips auntyalias: to kick up the Mica auntyalias: give it an experimental effort auntyalias: are we all ready to put stripes into this, can everyone see the cam? lindaslists: OH!!! merrie60us: yes teri56: ready here buddhamoon: yes auntyalias: For those who joined us late, I'll repeat this whole process txgoodlife: please lazybird54: Thanks! auntyalias: or do Leopard or Zebra by popular demand lindaslists: cool merrie60us: zebra would be great auntyalias: zebra is so easy it's illegal in 27 states lindaslists: lOL merrie60us: lindaslists: Nevada included auntyalias: ok on to stripes then, and don't get frightened it looks pretty gruesome lindaslists: not much else illegal here though sylsnovelties: Yikes ac4lb: 19 in here now teri56: almost expect it to start spurting blood! sylsnovelties: auntyalias: ok, questions? merrie60us: none auntyalias: before the next step sylsnovelties: Looks good. auntyalias: I have to change cam angles for the next step txgoodlife: none from me lindaslists: got this part dahs512: We have 19 in the room! auntyalias: now do you remember when I cut this black strip auntyalias: I used the width of the jelly roll blend as a measure? sylsnovelties: yup merrie60us: no txgoodlife: yep merrie60us: is that part of the ribbon auntyalias: Well trust me, LOL I did, use your cane as the measure for the ribbon that will be the stripes greatauntjudy: If it was over a minute ago, I don't remember nuttin. auntyalias: LOL auntyalias: ok, here's the big fat assed trick auntyalias: ready? ac4lb: yup sylsnovelties: ready greatauntjudy: Okie! merrie60us: ready auntyalias: arrgy auntyalias: the pinching made it wider auntyalias: rats auntyalias: I'm going to trim a bit and then pinch real fast and do it right this time greatauntjudy: Ah, ha! auntyalias: naw, I'm just going to go for it greatauntjudy: Didn't that look like some kind of ice cream thingy for dessert? sylsnovelties: heeheehee auntyalias: any questions so far? merrie60us: no dahs512: nope txgoodlife: nope greatauntjudy: Nope! sylsnovelties: You put the pieces on the black and then trimmed the black, right? auntyalias: just like you cut the deck when you play cards auntyalias: and then restack auntyalias: we restack this deck the same way we cut it chenoa_2b: But I wou ld never be able to get them stacked up the way they should be! lol auntyalias: we put the pieces on the ribbon with all the same sides going down greatauntjudy: I agree, who remembers? dahs512: that's why she lines them up auntyalias: this way you won't have to remember greatauntjudy: I could number them maybe. auntyalias: make it a habit to lay them down with the same face going down, now let's restack this lindaslists: Like putting the veins in a leaf cane lindaslists: that's how I do the leaf veins auntyalias: got myself turned around auntyalias: Linda lindaslists: yes auntyalias: I'm going to do this as a leaf lindaslists: oh auntyalias: doing the chevron flip greatauntjudy: I love that. auntyalias: for that stripe down the center of the tiger's back auntyalias: but first we have to reduce this greatauntjudy: More clay abuse? auntyalias: fist o doom greatauntjudy: chenoa_2b: Nooo! not the fist of doom! dylinna: why taper the edges of the black? auntyalias: now let's add some short stripes auntyalias: I screwed up auntyalias: I'm tapering these short stripes though greatauntjudy: GASP! lindaslists: I htink I did too, your in good company auntyalias: Hey perfection lives in the realm of God and the Angels auntyalias: I'm only mortal dahs512: How did you screw up? lindaslists: there be angles here auntyalias: that's why I show my miscalculation lindaslists: aggels auntyalias: ok for the short stripes lindaslists: angels sylsnovelties: Do you taper the stripe ends so that it will come together the same on the ouside? dahs512: aggies auntyalias: I slice part way in auntyalias: see tedi382001: gotta run, thanks NJ , nite ladies ac4lb: night dahs512: bye tedi382001 left the room auntyalias: take a tapered sheet and insert dahs512: are you only tapering on the inside side of the short ones? dahs512: never mind linda_d_45419: gotta go, thanks all sylsnovelties: Nite ac4lb: see ya merrie60us: How many short ones do you insert and are they parallel to the long ones? linda_d_45419 left the room dahs512: in the crotch of the Vs merrie60us: I got it auntyalias: Now to do the chevron flip auntyalias: when you have lines going from right to left auntyalias: you can slice diagonally across those lines auntyalias: when you take one side of what you've cut and flip it over auntyalias: it makes arrow heads, chevrons auntyalias: I will do that now, but I'm adding a center sheet to where I cut auntyalias: that can be a vein in a leaf auntyalias: or the center back stripe of the tiger sylsnovelties: Terrific! ac4lb: beautiful chelyha: That's BadAss! chenoa_2b: the leaves or petals for a tiger lilly! auntyalias: I'm going to put another pearl surround on this cane merrie60us: Should cane be round chelyha: It looks awesome! I love it. greatauntjudy: I think the cane can be any shape you want. greatauntjudy: I use that cane, making them pointy and it's a leaf. dahs512: The sheet thing is always the scarey part for me chenoa_2b: a tiger quilt! dahs512: lots of distortion dahs512: when I do it sylsnovelties: Same here. jakmiami joined the room teri56: WOW sylsnovelties: That is just gorgeous!!! merrie60us: great sylsnovelties: dahs512: merrie60us: did you place cane slices on pearl? just curious teri56: time for me to scoot, gang - it's been fun! merrie60us: sylsnovelties: Nite Teri! teri56: see you all next time teri56: NJ - thanks for the great demo!!! teri56: xoxo merrie60us: nite Teri greatauntjudy: Night Teri. teri56 left the room sylsnovelties: Nite Doro honeyrivers: thanks NJ for the Tute - I'm glad I was finally able to get on ... honeyrivers left the room lindaslists: Do you use the same color background as your outside of your cane? sylsnovelties: I can't believe how great that sheet looks!!! dahs512: yes she did, i think sylsnovelties: Is that what makes the edges look jagged? lindaslists: So we could use gold as the outside of the cane and gold for the background to blend in dahs512: that's why you don't see a ditict edge merrie60us: Sounds good dahs512: distinct dahs512: tigrt blanky dahs512: tiger lindaslists: ok dahs512: box in a blanket! Bill (aerophilatelist) joined the room ac4lb: Hi Bill dahs512: Hello Bill, she's wrapping a tin aerophilatelist: Thanks dahs512: are you watching on the webcam? aerophilatelist: Yes, I had less trouble doing that than finding the chat! dahs512: It's the old right click on the name trick chelyha left the room aerophilatelist: I'm a Mac user at heart - one button is all I use ;= merrie60us: I have to leave for a minute but I will be right back this is great!!! merrie60us left the room auntyalias: On now we can continue to decorate this tin with sliced tiger leaves auntyalias: but I wanted to show you the wrapping the tin in one sheet sylsnovelties: That is just gorgeous NJ! auntyalias: what needs to happen here is on the back auntyalias: I use a wood carving tool auntyalias: and carve out the channel the hinges are at auntyalias: just clear the clay away so it can open auntyalias: but you can keep your designs whole auntyalias: by using one sheet to wrap a tin auntyalias: pinch the edges like darts and cut them off auntyalias: smooth them but it's one of the fastest and easiest ways of attacking a tin or any other box buddhamoon: what brand of clay is this? handling it this long for me, it wouldn't slice well and would be too soft. I've had to really rest it between steps. how many minutes in freezer/fridge would be sufficient for rest to manipulate and reduce like you are in this demo? auntyalias: remember the Tiger's Eye box where I used four sheets for the inside and outside of the box? auntyalias: It's hot right now, this is new Premo, it's a bit tacky auntyalias: I have no AC ac4lb: Night folks, I have to be to work at 7 a.m. better get some sleep. Take care all and thanks NJ sylsnovelties: Nite Kathy auntyalias: Night Kathy auntyalias: ok, time for questions auntyalias: and then we'll do this again from the start ac4lb left the room sylsnovelties: When you put the slices on the sheet, was the sheet the same color as your wrap? Honey (honeyrivers) joined the room honeyrivers: back - trying to work out some bugs in my system... auntyalias: I don't understand Syl auntyalias: for the tin? sylsnovelties: You used pearl to wrap the cane right? auntyalias: I put the tiger slices on pearl just like it's surround sheet on the cane yes sylsnovelties: When you sliced it, did you lay it on a sheet of pearl? dahs512: I'm gonna save this second part NJ auntyalias: and then after pressing it going one way txgoodlife: I need to check out. Good nite all. Great tut! sylsnovelties: Okie, thanks! txgoodlife left the room buddhamoon: thanks NJ. gotta go now. bye all. auntyalias: and then pressing the second direction I backed it again with another thickness of pearl to stretch it out auntyalias: ok Stevie honeyrivers left the room sylsnovelties: Nit3 buddhamoon left the room |