Biz-Archive Tute-List

Clay Techniques-02

Tiny Shirt 2 and Kimono on Doll

Fearless Leader: back
Fearless Leader: nice thing about clay fabric
Fearless Leader: no need to clip the curves
Fearless Leader: for the clay stretches
Fearless Leader: I'll wait for Linda B to get back and then move
lindaslists: mariah had an owie that needed a gma
Fearless Leader: Linda in Ohio, good time for a potty break
lindaslists: yes
Fearless Leader: oh needed a shim poi poi
lindaslists: yep
lindaslists: kiss better
lindaslists: mom stepped on her
Fearless Leader: shall we have a quick potty break or are we ok to
move forward?
daytonlinda: gonna mix up some corn bread. brb
lindaslists: break please
Fearless Leader: ok break for a couple of minutes
lindaslists: ok
Fearless Leader: and then well put these principles to clay
Fearless Leader: I'll check the list and make sure things are alright.
Fearless Leader: back
jill_z_q: ooh cornbread sounds yummy
Fearless Leader: Suzy ever put creamed corn in your corn meal batter?
Fearless Leader: it's really good
jill_z_q: yeah they make that
jill_z_q: at el torito
Fearless Leader: yum
jill_z_q: it is really good
Fearless Leader: makes my mouth water
jill_z_q: me too thinking about
jill_z_q: lol
Fearless Leader: I wish you could see
Fearless Leader:
jill_z_q: me too
jill_z_q: well
jill_z_q: I did find out some info
jill_z_q: let me send you the link
Fearless Leader: ok
lindaslists: back
jill_z_q: Front
lindaslists: lol
jill_z_q: I just got brand spankin new Rio Grande catalog today
Fearless Leader: Suzy are you behind a fire wall?
lindaslists: are you sure this isn't the PB channel?
daytonlinda: man, cooking takes a lot longer when you have to blow out
the eggs
Fearless Leader: are we all here?
Fearless Leader: LOL
lindaslists: lol
Fearless Leader: no kidding
Fearless Leader: LOL
jill_z_q: I'm personally not behind a firewall
jill_z_q: but I think the router is
jill_z_q: but there is a big BUT there
lindaslists: cream corn sounds good in corn bread
jill_z_q: I htink I might have to install firewall
jill_z_q: and let it
jill_z_q: okay it
Fearless Leader: that might work. I need to move forward on this
jill_z_q: go ahead
Fearless Leader: my clay sheet is getting cold here in the fog
jill_z_q: going to look at my catalog
Fearless Leader: ok honey
jill_z_q: we'll talk later
Fearless Leader: Yes, let's do
Fearless Leader: Now about the clothing patterns, here is the doll I
have handy
Fearless Leader: now we can do a couple of things from this point
Fearless Leader: we can cut out some clothing and just hang it on a
mini hanger
Fearless Leader: like a shirt
Fearless Leader: or we can cut out the shirt and put it on the doll
Fearless Leader: it's up to you two
lindaslists: can we do clothes on a hanger first
daytonlinda: i like the hanger too
Fearless Leader: Ok, so a shirt then, on a hanger?
lindaslists: cool
lindaslists: can't see
Fearless Leader: oh just wresteling with the wire to make a hanger
lindaslists: ok
Fearless Leader: it's green floral wire and didn't show up against the
green mat I work on
Fearless Leader: so let's cut out a shirt, put it together and put it
on this hanger, ok?
lindaslists: ok
daytonlinda: yep
lindaslists: cut out front and laydown to cut out back
daytonlinda: i guess clay is more forgiving than fabric
lindaslists: matching front and back seams inside out at shoulders
lindaslists: sealing seam
lindaslists: cut front in half
rubensmodel joined the room
Fearless Leader: RubensModel
Fearless Leader: Welcome
rubensmodel: hi, ya'll!
Fearless Leader: we're cutting out mini clothing to put on a mini
Fearless Leader: how shall we address you?
rubensmodel: I'm on a Windows computer at work, so I can "play," I'm
edie, aka purple_one!
Fearless Leader: Edie, that's right, I kept on thinking of my ex
bosslady, Edy
Fearless Leader: and I thought, no that's not right, but it was close
Fearless Leader: so here is what we're doing right now
rubensmodel: close enough!
Fearless Leader: see the little hanger there?
Fearless Leader: we're making a shirt to hang on it
Fearless Leader: this is my first "sewing" clay cloth
rubensmodel: too cool! I'd wear that shirt...
Fearless Leader: with doing "face to face" and all that
Fearless Leader: so I'm sort of futzing along as I go
Fearless Leader: I am going to put on the second sleeve now
Fearless Leader: so now we only have the under arm and side seam to do
and it's ready to hang on the hanger
Fearless Leader: I can't do face to face on the sleeves
Fearless Leader: for I can't pop them right side out without damaging
the clay
Fearless Leader: so it'll be an over lap seam, but no one is going to
see for the arms will hang down when on the hanger
Fearless Leader: ok?
rubensmodel: awesome!
Fearless Leader: there
lindaslists: that is so cute
daytonlinda: too cool.
Fearless Leader: so any pattern that you use for cloth sewing
Fearless Leader: you can adjust to mini size for these sort of things
Fearless Leader: this would be a cute earring
lindaslists: exactly
Fearless Leader: if one worked retail clothing
Fearless Leader: LOL
Fearless Leader: now putting clay cloth on a doll is much easier
lindaslists: I was thinking of pins and earrings
Fearless Leader: you just cut away what you don't need
Fearless Leader: and mash down the seams
Fearless Leader: then POSE the doll
Fearless Leader: after it got dressed
Fearless Leader: not before
Fearless Leader: always make your dolls naked, keep them raw
Fearless Leader: raw clay I mean
Fearless Leader: LOL
Fearless Leader: then clothe them
Fearless Leader: then pose them
Fearless Leader: it makes your sculpting life a lot easier that way
lindaslists: in the raw
Fearless Leader: shall I show you on the asian doll?
lindaslists: yes
Fearless Leader: do a quick dress for her
Fearless Leader: ok
lindaslists: I love kimonos
Fearless Leader: just rectangles really
Fearless Leader: Kimonos
Fearless Leader: see where I bent and unbent her arm
lindaslists: cool
Fearless Leader: see where the foil shows?
lindaslists: yes
Fearless Leader: that's ok
Fearless Leader: just smear a bit of skin there
Fearless Leader: for you got a dip there too
lindaslists: sleeves
lindaslists left the room
lindaslists joined the room
Fearless Leader: so there's a bit of fussing needed for the under arm
and side seam
Fearless Leader: then the collar
Fearless Leader: and the obi
lindaslists: ok
Fearless Leader: but basically it's just rectangles
lindaslists: can I see the back
lindaslists: that is so beautiful
Fearless Leader: her nose got smushed. LOL
Fearless Leader: I have to change the camera angle now
Fearless Leader: ok
Fearless Leader: now I'll take questions
lindaslists: that was easier than I thought
Fearless Leader: Easy Breezy
lindaslists: yep
Fearless Leader: no sweat sculpting
daytonlinda: easy? i wont live long enough to master that!
Fearless Leader: and you get the folds of the fabric in a natural way
Fearless Leader: now now, if you think that way you'll never give it
Fearless Leader: and hamper yourself
lindaslists: I always wondered how you got the clothes on the dolls
Fearless Leader: I have all the Faith in the world in all of you
daytonlinda: i seem to be heavy handed. i will flatten the whole lady
not just her nose!
Fearless Leader: well there's times when the head and face are cured
lindaslists: I have to go and take care of some kitchen stuff. Thanks
for the demos. I samed the pics.
lindaslists: saved
Fearless Leader: okie dokie Linda
lindaslists left the room
Fearless Leader: I have to take a break before the 7pm showing
Fearless Leader: and I got to heat up dinner for the crew myself
Fearless Leader: so any questions?
daytonlinda: yep, id better git too. eat my very la
Fearless Leader: before I turn into a house wife?
daytonlinda: late supper
Fearless Leader: Ok Linda from Ohio, you were in Japan longer than I
Fearless Leader: I never went
Fearless Leader: so my cousins can marry well
Fearless Leader: if I went there they'd blame their poor choices on my
Fearless Leader: LOL
rubensmodel: see ya'll later -- my sweetie's coming to visit but I'll
be back later
daytonlinda: my kids loved it there
Fearless Leader: coolness Edie, see you later maybe
daytonlinda: bye all
Fearless Leader: I'd best save log
Fearless Leader: ciao bella
daytonlinda left the room