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2003-March Highlights

Filing Faces

Let's Face It, Nothing Is Perfect The First Time Around

The first curing does not have to be perfect with the faces and hands. I cure quickly to capture the flow of the clay fabric and so I don't goof up what I have in rough draft for the exposed body parts. Then when the clay fabric is cured I can hold these items and turn them about to file and carve the face to finish and give definition and not wreck what I have done so far. Good tip for those with hand tremors, cured clay doesn't dink and get fingerprints when you're filing. More control over the clay. 

03-18-03 ramble on sculpting faces

03-18-03- Showing Emotion and How That's Communication

  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
First Filing of the Face
1,  The Group
2,  Nursing Mom-1
3, Nursing Mom-2
4, Nursing Mom-3
5, Trio-1
6, Trio-2
7, Ma, Pa and The Kid