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The platter this little tea is set on is the penny. For reals. I think this is half scale, maybe even quarter scale. The trick to canes is you can reduce them to the size you need to keep in scale with your doll house or room box, the details stays there even when it's reduced this small.

Size, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Remember that bullseye of bread mix surrounded with the melted cheddar cheese mix? This bun here is the very end of that cane, reduced to the size I wanted it to be and pinched off. Smear around that melted cheddar cheese mix on bread mix and you got a toasty top, check out the The Diner for the web section on breads, oranges and leopard spot which is what this set is made of... well the scraps of leopard cane anyway. We're still in the reduce, reuse and recycle mode.