06-12-04: Second Hour - Natasha in French and German. nj 120604 natasha b. 30 photos |
ammowife68: good point Katie: good question phyllisinvegas: they rope cows and live on ranches pdduke2003: back at work (or is it fun?) Fearless Leader: http://www.norajean.com/DemoStuff/05-16-04-SpotPetal- Index.htm phyllisinvegas: and raise cows beddie0510: sylvie: est-ce que il faut d'explication pour les choses à la camera?? vlady6us: oh i know that....was just funnin' Katie: phyllisinvegas: and a cowpoke does just what his name implies phyllisinvegas: lol vlady6us: and i have ridden on a cow..when i was a little kid vlady6us: yeah..pokes cows....LOL Katie: ha, he pokes cows vlady6us: poor cows phyllisinvegas: lol sylviedecottignies: non merçi je vois bien ce que nora fait à l'aide de la caméra merçi beaucoup beddie0510: très bien....*uff* mingapunga: glück gehabt kitycat2222000: there's a difference poking cows or poking steers beddie0510: jou vlady6us: there is??? vlady6us: lol pdduke2003: I am NOT going to ask what???? phyllisinvegas: goota vlady6us: u sure didEB-Blend-Grp phyllisinvegas: run fast when you poke a steer kitycat2222000: for sure - if you poke a cow you wear rubber gloves clear to your armpits vlady6us: lol Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): i changed my settings on my computer and i now have very clear pictures, right clicked/properties/screen area/1024 by 768 pixels and true color (32 bit) / just thought you'd like to know how to clear the burry pictures on web cam Katie: Mine is clear, but thank-you Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): yw vlady6us: same here ty chani69m: ok since I missed the fisrt part, I'm guessing she started with a skinner blend right?? vlady6us: yes..with red and pearl mingapunga: kathy how did you change your name, that is shown to us. I tried it, but could manage it. Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): file Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): edit my screen name pdduke2003: thank you will try! I think she does speed blur at times though Janice (jlam0401) joined the room Janice: Hi all. Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): that will take you to a different widow, than you can change it vlady6us: hi janice..is that your name??im so bad at names Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): hi janice vlady6us: and cant find my list...lol Katie: Hi Janice kitycat2222000: Hi Janice Janice: Yes, Sandie. This is Janice. vlady6us: oh wow..thanks mingapunga: I will try it, does it funtion offline? Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): not sure, do it before leaving the room Janice: Bon Jour Silvie. Comment t'allez vous? mingapunga: ok, right now, it is not available Donna: when I did it I had to leave the room, then come back. It has worked well ever since sylviedecottignies: bonjour janice je vais bien et vous? mingapunga: ok i will try now, brb mingapunga left the room vlady6us: neat nj Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): try again , if a few min. mingapunga joined the room Janice: Je suis bien. Fearless Leader: Now are there any questions at this point? pdduke2003: I love that technique Fearless Leader: we did the blend b_may66 joined the room vlady6us: can see lots of potential in that sylviedecottignies: j'en suis très heureuse vlady6us: hi b_may Fearless Leader: then we put snakes into the blend Fearless Leader: any questions on blends or anything up to this point? pdduke2003: not I kitycat2222000: none here chani69m: what could this be used for other than flowers?? phyllisinvegas: nope Fearless Leader: anything you want spots in, yes beddie0510: jlam is better in french than me - thank god b_may66: Hello Donna: why do you squish the blend each time, rather than just fold it? Fearless Leader: if it's a spot it is a snake of clay, if it is a line then it is a sheet of clay, if it is a blend, it is a blend...LOL chani69m: sorry I will be full of questions, I'm very new to doing many things with clay kitycat2222000: I'm new too chani Fearless Leader: I can get a blend with 6 passes on the pasta press by twisting the clay like a wet wash cloth, if you just fold it in half it is 24 passes. vlady6us: thats why we are all here..to help each other andi..especially nora jean pdduke2003: chani69m - what is your name? Donna: oooh I like that! kitycat2222000: Ms. Kitty (c chani69m: so that is why you were twisting it, I couldn't figure out why kitycat2222000: or Carole Fearless Leader: EB-Blend-Grp chani69m: Andi pdduke2003: M or F? Fearless Leader: Now I'll reduce this cane so we can get some flower petals off of it. chani69m: F pdduke2003: gotcha! Fearless Leader: The FIST OF DOOM or POING DE SORT MALHEUREUX jude: Clay abuse! mingapunga: change the nickname wasn't available now beddie0510: lol phyllisinvegas: eeeeeeeeek she pounding her cane Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): how do you keep it from getting distorted? vlady6us: oh no..the poor cane pdduke2003: welcome to the demo, and do not worry about a ton of questions! I probably asked everyone of them already vlady6us: lol pauline chani69m: so you don't just roll the clay out? vlady6us: now she is trying to choke it to death phyllisinvegas: lol mingapunga: lol vlady6us: she is getting all the spaces and air bubbles out of the cane jude: No, rolling it distorts it more. Squeeze is better. vlady6us: compressing it phyllisinvegas: ah i see Fearless Leader: now we will pull it chani69m: any time I have done a cane I just started rolling it, now I know better LOL Janice: Mon français est très pauvre. Mais j'attrape un mot que je comprends de temps en temps. pdduke2003: she is trying to move the internal part of the cane along with the outside part vlady6us: i squeeze then roll just a little bit to get it smooth and even vlady6us: then squeeze some more pdduke2003: that is why she does the squeeze! beddie0510 left the room beddie0510 joined the room pdduke2003 left the room sylviedecottignies: moi c'est pareil pour l'anglais vlady6us: way cool nj phyllisinvegas: pizza anyone? beddie0510: wanted to change the colour..lol chani69m: that looks really neat! vlady6us: no thanks..eating rice with little bits of steak and chicken with peppers and pan juices vlady6us: hubby made it yesterday chani69m: ooohh it could be pizza if you used different colors huh?? I think I need to make some pizza soon vlady6us left the room beddie0510: oh phylis,i'd like one, never had a pizza from vegas phyllisinvegas: believe me you missed nothing beddie0510: i see chani69m: another question, how would you keep the cane from distorting if you wanted to keep it round? phyllisinvegas: good tacos bad pizza vlady6us joined the room Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): looks like pepperoni phyllisinvegas: right beddie0510: oh, tacos are good too...its years ago that i had my last taco vlady6us: i do tacos all the time vlady6us: so easy to make Janice: J'ai pris 3 années de français dans l'école secondaire et cela était il y a longtemps beddie0510: we have no big taco tradition in germany mingapunga: Sandie. out of clay? vlady6us: not out of clay phyllisinvegas: what tradition do you have there? vlady6us: and thats to bad bet beddie0510: schnitzel???....lol sylviedecottignies: moi aussi j'ai appris un peu l'anglais à l'école mais je ne me débrouille pas aussi bien que vous phyllisinvegas: kewl mingapunga: halbes Hähnchen jude: Neato, NJ! Katie: beautiful NJ vlady6us: how neat that is chani69m: I want to make clay tacos, my dolls love tacos phyllisinvegas: wow looks like a tiger lily beddie0510: halbes hähnchen - genau sylviedecottignies: c'est très joli nora Fearless Leader: Now for a quick rose? beddie0510: sure mingapunga: yae Katie: ok kitycat2222000: you make it look so easy NJ chani69m: sounds good mingapunga: saw the link with the soft and hard clay, to make a rose, great pdduke2003 joined the room vlady6us: wb pauline pdduke2003: grrrrrrrrr Janice: Je triche. J'utilise un service de traducteur d'internet. sylviedecottignies: comment ça marche phyllisinvegas: is that part of the skinner blend? or just red? mingapunga: a part of the lower-cane, I gues chani69m: is there a translator handy? I don't speak french mingapunga: flower beddie0510: sylvie: http://babelfish.altavista.com/ beddie0510: chani: they speak about speaking french chani69m: is the blue thing clay?? pdduke2003: how warm is it down in FL today Sandie vlady6us: looks like it to me vlady6us: 91 phyllisinvegas: looks like pen score stuff chani69m: oh ok vlady6us: very hot and very humid pdduke2003: we are at 65 vlady6us: oh u lucky u pdduke2003: and dry, and breezy mingapunga: we had rain the whole day vlady6us: almost perfect weather pdduke2003: yuck Katie: Have to go. Bye everyone. crzy4dzny left the room vlady6us: we will have rain soon im sure mingapunga: bye chani69m: bye phyllisinvegas: bye Katie pdduke2003: yes for me it is Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): bye katie vlady6us: i hear thunder in the distance now pdduke2003: do you get off the computer when it does vlady6us: if its real bad i do Fearless Leader: There's the Rose jude: Nice rose, NJ. vlady6us: depends on how close it comes phyllisinvegas: purdy Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): nice chani69m: beautiful rose NJ mingapunga: sweet beddie0510: we had a thunderstorm this afternoon elissaheart joined the room jude: I love doing roses mainly because I can do them! sylviedecottignies: très beau nora vlady6us: hi elissa pdduke2003: I fly off mine, not taking another chance at losing a whole system elissaheart: hi! vlady6us: we have one almost everyday now..its rainy season in florida pdduke2003: hello phyllisinvegas: you just kinda press the bottom of the pedal to make it stick? Fearless Leader: by using a CONE of clay, you can slice off different sizes of petals mingapunga: elissa, with the wonderful hearts? elissaheart: I think that's me. thanks! kitycat2222000: very pretty vlady6us: elissa with the chrysanthemum cane???? is that you??? mingapunga: you are welcome Fearless Leader: start with a leaf shape elissaheart: C'est moi!!! pdduke2003: kmrhodes - are you out there? Fearless Leader: then flatten it and pull the top wide sistersay2002 joined the room vlady6us: ive made jillions of them elissa....thank you kitycat2222000: can I ask a question when you blended with pearl - as you were blending I could see the gradations, but in the finished flower petals where did it go? sistersay2002: Hi, Just popped in for a few ! elissaheart: You're very welcome, vlady! vlady6us: yw elissa Fearless Leader: Ok, I believe there was a request for Natasha Bead, from Germany vlady6us: hi sisters...i think u are faith... beddie0510: yeah vlady6us: bad at names shargoose joined the room vlady6us: hi shar jude: NJ, kitycat has a question. mingapunga: yes, that would be great pdduke2003: kitycat has a question NJ vlady6us: the roses are great nj Fearless Leader: Oh, questions first sistersay2002: Yup = me faith vlady6us: ty faith Fearless Leader: Ms. Kitty, what's your question, honey? vlady6us: misplaced my list... kitycat2222000: sorry - I lost track of the 'Skinner' glend when you made the petals kitycat2222000: blend Fearless Leader: EB-Blend-Grp mingapunga: brb vlady6us: ok jude: The lighter color doesn't show up in the cam. kmrhodes left the room kitycat2222000: well what I meant was - it was apparent in the blending stage, but I can't detect it in the petals pdduke2003: are you looking for the spots like the cane she made? kitycat2222000: okay - kitycat2222000: no, just the shading of colors pdduke2003: ok chani69m: I think you miss some of the shading over the cam phyllisinvegas: like what happened to the white? kitycat2222000: right jude: I dont' see it either. Donna: It is a little lighter in the centers Donna: of the petals jude: OI jude: OIC, it's int he center. phyllisinvegas: ok i see it mingapunga: back, made some pictures, maybe you find the lost steps there, i will put them in my epson account tomorrow kitycat2222000: okay, I see it there, just suttle vlady6us: ty ulrike jude: Okie, NJ, thanks. kitycat2222000: dsubtle = gads my spelling Fearless Leader: Now for a quick Natasha, shall we chop Tiger Cane? kitycat2222000: subtle jude: I love the tiger cane. vlady6us: sure nj chani69m: yes please, I would love to see this mingapunga: poor tiger kitycat2222000: love that Fearless Leader: I have to wash the red off of my hands, brb phyllisinvegas: is that the tiger's tail? Fearless Leader: more like tiger back Fearless Leader: the end of a tiger tail is striped black and white Fearless Leader: so the cubs can follow phyllisinvegas: lol i see vlady6us: does anyone have problems cutting good cane slices cause the blade bends???? pdduke2003: yes elissaheart: you need to use the stiffer blade. vlady6us: i went to hardware store and got blades that go in a wall paper stripper Fearless Leader: just compress the air out, don't twist it, chani69m: no I have a problem with the cane distorting jude: Try using a miter box. kitycat2222000: I saw a blade that was reinforced on the dull edge vlady6us: they are really cheap for the small ones and very sharp Donna: good idea -- I have an old miter box I was going to toss pdduke2003: I really need to invest in some more blades, I have 3 (1rigid, and 2 flexible) vlady6us: im trying a mitre box too but cant get the slices thin enough pdduke2003: and they are all worn out jude: I got one a long time ago, it's very small, and it's metal. vlady6us: there are 2 sizes of wall paper blades.. elissaheart: are you having problems distorting a round cane? vlady6us: sometimes i do elissa pdduke2003: especially with Sculpey3 chani69m: yes I am Fearless Leader: Ok, let me get a link for Natasha bead, it's the one done in layers, but it's the best one vlady6us: depends on what brand of clay i use vlady6us: and i know to turn the cane for every slice vlady6us: i really like these little rigid blades tho... Fearless Leader: Biz-Archive/Chop/Beads/Index that's the main page Biz-Archive/Chop/LayeredBeads-how2 that's a good tutorial for Natasha beads chani69m: I use sculpy3 mostly, and I do turn the cane, but it still smooshes Fearless Leader: Now, what you do is cut this in half length wise Fearless Leader: open like a book elissaheart: could make a long.trough out of scrap clay and powder it to avoid sticking, then put the round cane in it and slice through the cane and the trough. the trough will keep the cane from distorting. Fearless Leader: take those two sides and slice down the middle again Fearless Leader: and open them like a book vlady6us: the clay is soft....u might try putting it in the refigerator for a little while andi Fearless Leader: you'll get mirror images shargoose left the room Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): computer hint - when asking a question and it didn't get answered, just push the up arrow button, keep pushing up arrow button till you see the question you asked then push enter, this way you don't have to re-type every thing. vlady6us: thank u elissa chani69m: I'll try that next, TY beddie0510: looks easy kitycat2222000: thanks vlady6us: im gonna try that elissa beddie0510: ui, a face!!! elissaheart: thanks for that hint, Kathy! I never knew that! pdduke2003: I want to see how she gets rid of the darn center seam sistersay2002: with a mustache beddie0510: yes shargoose joined the room vlady6us: wb shar shargoose: Thanks beddie0510: i like it when these things just happen... vlady6us: yw andi shargoose: Storms here may not stay long Fearless Leader: Yo, Sharon, ok vlady6us: oh thats good shar Fearless Leader: Now about those pesky seams pdduke2003: YES ! sistersay2002: yes shargoose: At least getting rain for my flowers!! vlady6us: oh thats good phyllisinvegas: what is rain? Fearless Leader: take your finger tip and put it over the seam and press and "jiggle"... Fearless Leader: prenez votre bout de doigt et mettez-l'au-dessus de la couture et la pression et le "jiggle" ;... vlady6us: the stuff we get every day now shargoose: But severe stirm watch out so I'll keep an eye out for lightning pdduke2003: I love to make these beads, but the seams sometimes show thru Fearless Leader: nehmen Sie Ihre Fingerspitze und setzen Sie sie über der Naht und die Presse und das "jiggle"... phyllisinvegas: we are in a drought beddie0510: nora: actually that would have been my next question, how to get rid of the seams shargoose: We need some rain but not buckets full!! vlady6us: nora..sometimes i use a small piece of "fun foam" to get rid of seams and finger prints Donna: that tiger sure makes nice looking designs for the beads mingapunga: those translators are not worth a penny beddie0510: fun foam? vlady6us: kids use to to make shapes with to glue on things beddie0510: these translating machines are a lot of fun pdduke2003: have you been playing in the tubbie again Sandie? vlady6us: it comes in sheets and is very inexpensive vlady6us: lol pauline vlady6us: as a matter of fact....yes kitycat2222000: So basically the function is to PRESS it all together? mingapunga: right, bettina pdduke2003: no details pleazzzzzzzz vlady6us: yes carole vlady6us: lol pauline sistersay2002: NJ - are you just using the heat of your hand and pressure or are you smushing the line? kitycat2222000: beautiful jude: I have got to go. Thanks NJ! Great schtuff! Bye all! Fearless Leader: Jiggling it, side to side, back and forth vlady6us: love all natasha Fearless Leader: See ya Aunt Jude greatauntjudy left the room mingapunga: wonderful Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): can this bead be pushed down to make it square? kitycat2222000: okay - genteling it together pdduke2003: I need to stay c_l_b_t_ much longer!!!! vlady6us: explain that one pauline chani69m left the room pdduke2003: not here I won't - later! vlady6us: lol...ok chani69m joined the room vlady6us: wb andi chani69m: argh, I got booted vlady6us: me too..twice so far pdduke2003: I am holding my breath so Yahoo does not bounce me out again vlady6us: i like that nj..a lot chani69m: LOL, maybe I should try that too sistersay2002: beautiful job vlady6us: dont hold it to long..u will pass out pauline kitycat2222000: looks like taffy and licorice - yum elissaheart: gorgeous! mingapunga: sandie, does it function beddie0510: nice bead - thx nora pdduke2003: what is that bead on? a toothpick? chani69m: that bead is beautiful, I am gonna have to try that sometime vlady6us: im sorry ulrike..does what function?? Fearless Leader: turkey skewer Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): can this bead be pushed down to make it square? pdduke2003: oh cool sistersay2002: NJ - what tool are you using sistersay2002: white rubber tip? mingapunga: sorry it was: pdduke2003: I am holding my breath so Yahoo does not bounce me out again vlady6us: ahhhhhhhhhhh ok... Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): can you make it into a pillow bead? Fearless Leader: That's a clay shaper shargoose: Got to go sistersay2002: ok - thanks shargoose: T storms vlady6us: nj..is the tip of that soft????? Fearless Leader: with this natasha technique you can get these tapered beads, square beads and Tube beads shargoose: TTYL vlady6us: ok shar shargoose left the room pdduke2003: take care shar chani69m: can you use that bead to make a new cane and cut slices instead of making a bead?? elissaheart: Kathy, that might be tricky. You could make a square bead using a shorter cube of clay, instead of a rectangle. Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): ok pdduke2003: oh that is nice vlady6us: love that Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): looks just like wood pdduke2003: I have not tried thta pdduke2003: ath vlady6us: yeah it does pdduke2003: my hands are not listening to me! Fearless Leader: bullseyes and sheets make wood grain, slice Down the log vlady6us: LOL kitycat2222000: I have to learn the faux wood cane chani69m: is there a tute for the wood cane?? vlady6us: yes there is andi Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): pdduke - i had that problem last night Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): my fingers were all over the key board phyllisinvegas: oh wow neat kitycat2222000: are you going to do this blend now? vlady6us: looks like a chop chop to me vlady6us: i have visions of a natasha bead coming up Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): me to vlady6us: lol phyllisinvegas: if I wanted to make a big flat sheet out of a can would I just lay some pieces next to each other and kind of roll it out? phyllisinvegas: er cane pdduke2003: I don't seem to be the only one.... vlady6us: i roll out a thin sheet of another color and then put thin slices on that then roll a bit with hand roller then use the p. machine. mingapunga: i would do it this way pdduke2003: he he he he phyllisinvegas: ah thanks vlady6us: yw vlady6us: there might be an easier way but thats how i do it phyllisinvegas: like a leopard cane would you put it on a black sheet? vlady6us: i probably would phyllisinvegas: k pdduke2003: what would happen if you took this bead at this point and kept it as a cane ? vlady6us: depends on what u wanted to do with it..i might use bright red vlady6us: oh thats pretty nj...really pretty vlady6us: love those colors kitycat2222000: You could use that for a parquet table top mingapunga: love the demo of the wood grain Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): did NJ cam freeze? vlady6us: me too ulrike Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): never mind elissaheart: nope vlady6us: wouldnt that be pretty carole? pdduke2003: I never thought of putting them back together back to back b_may66 left the room mingapunga: that is the way the pattern goes from one side to the other kitycat2222000: I can't tell - is she rolling the shaper or just pressing it elissaheart: I think both. Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): i think rolling to smooth kitycat2222000: so fascinating vlady6us: that is gorgeous elissaheart: beautiful, NJ! Kathy (arizona_sweet2004): yes beautiful sylviedecottignies: ici il se fait tard je vais vous laisser merçi nora pour toutes ces jolies choses merçi à bettine et à janice d'avoir pris la peine de me traduire à bientot j'espère beddie0510: au revoir sylvie dona5611 left the room Donna (dona5611) joined the room vlady6us: bye sylvie vlady6us: hi dona beddie0510: bonne nuit esther_reeves: night sylvie sylviedecottignies: au revoir bettina Janice: bon Nuit silvie. mingapunga: bye elissaheart: bon soir! kitycat2222000: bye bye Silvie vlady6us: cool nj Donna: that's a first for me -- got booted --seen it happen to lot of others! vlady6us: all to often dona sylviedecottignies: merçi janice j'espère qu'on aura une autre occasion de se parler ce fut très agréable sistersay2002: Lovely! Sorry I have to leave! Thanks for including me on the invites. vlady6us: see ya faith.. Fearless Leader: Ciao Bella Sylvie sistersay2002 left the room vlady6us: have to reboot..back in a few minutes pdduke2003: OK sylviedecottignies: bonsoir à toutes je v Fearless Leader: I'll save log here, brb |
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