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12-24-05-3: Easy Breezy Blend - Top of the hour break

12-24-05 Demo Log Index
norajean_sf: Just copied half hour of log, this is a
note to myself
mousefingers1: Hi Pam from UT
mousefingers1: Nora, what are you making today?
norajean_sf: Ok, I'm back. When I copy a log I'll tell
you because it means I'm away from Conference for a
norajean_sf: I copy it to an email to myself and save
as a draft to send later
clayalley has joined the conference.

melodyhill2000 has joined the conference.

jfp76801: she is teaching us how to make taffey
norajean_sf: I'm bringing in two more folks
clayalley: Yeah
norajean_sf: Introduce yourselves new folks
nefret111: what is your specialty, jim?
jfp76801: Pens
nefret111: thanks
clayalley: New Folks?  Who ME?  Clay Alley Karen
norajean_sf: I'm going to show you how to do a blend
and I'll get a link for that
clayalley: who all is here today?
nefret111: i like to make things that look like old
minwin has joined the conference.

clayalley: see lots of names I don't recognize
melodyhill2000: I'm confused-how do I get the webcam
back that I disconnected myself from?
norajean_sf: EB-Blend-Grp
You have invited minwin to view your webcam.

norajean_sf: sent you an invite to cam minwin
jfp76801: turn the old artifacts looking stuff into
norajean_sf: before I do the blend, are there any
questions about preparing the clay?
phyllisinvegas: Hi Karen
clayalley: Hey Phyllis
clayalley: thought my typing wasn't coming thru
phyllisinvegas: we see you
phyllisinvegas: lol
norajean_sf: I can see you Karen
clayalley: LOL
phyllisinvegas: hope you are dressed
clayalley: Wellllll
norajean_sf: I'm just doing the octopus dance here
reeling folks in
thailanat: hi clayalley, i'm nat from france
norajean_sf: getting links
norajean_sf: scratching my nose
tedi382001: may I have an invite to the webcam please
clayalley: Hey Nat
norajean_sf: and drinking coffee
clayalley: How you doing!
You have invited tedi382001 to view your webcam.

norajean_sf: There ya go Amy
norajean_sf: anyone else need invite to webcam?
melodyhill2000: I need another invite to the webcam
norajean_sf: ok
thailanat: fine thx :-)
nefret111: jim - yes, sometimes - or a small book or
ornament or on a box or something
You have invited melodyhill2000 to view your webcam.

tedi382001: thanks nj
norajean_sf: sent
melodyhill2000: thanks
norajean_sf: any questions about the prep of the clay
or are we good to start on the Easy Breezy Blend Trick
clayalley: lets go momma
phyllisinvegas: ready
norajean_sf: Easy Breezy, no two dozen passes on the
pasta machine with this trick
clayalley: skinner blend trick?
norajean_sf: the trick is to wring the two colors like
a wet wash cloth and while I'm doing this Non-Skinner
norajean_sf: LOL
norajean_sf: It's the Easy Breezy Blend Karen
jfp76801: i have been saving up insulin bottles to
cover and turn into jewelry
norajean_sf: only 6 passes through the pasta machine
clayalley: the triangles, right
norajean_sf: not two dozen
phyllisinvegas: wring it like a chicken's neck
norajean_sf: Shall I begin or are there any questions?
norajean_sf: Exactly Phyllis
melodyhill2000: no questions-yet
clayalley: wring it with the Fist of Doom
phyllisinvegas: lol Karen
nefret111: great, jim
norajean_sf: Ok, I'll do it twice, here I go
clayalley: oh boy
clayalley: 2 sheets of clay, one white or pearl, the
other red
clayalley: lay one on top the other and cut corner to
clayalley: corner
norajean_sf: see how one end has all red and the other
end has all pearl?
clayalley: take half of each sheet
clayalley: and lay side by side to make a box
phyllisinvegas: lopsided triangle
norajean_sf: now I'll fold it in half and start
wringing it like a wet wash cloth
clayalley: not really corner to corner.... more like
an inch form the corner
clayalley: fold the red to touch the red on the other
clayalley: do the same with the pearl
clayalley: fold in half again l
clayalley: length wise, twist
clayalley: like wringing a chickens neck
phyllisinvegas: and shout and know yourself out
clayalley: lol phyllis
norajean_sf: now to press it
phyllisinvegas: oops knock
clayalley: run it thru the pasta machine
norajean_sf: now we do that just a couple of times to
get a blend
clayalley: roll the sheet , twist it, scrunch it down
to half its sixe and run it thru the pm again.
clayalley: and do that again
clayalley: thats 3 times now
phyllisinvegas: squish the top to fit in the rollers
clayalley: like a triangle
clayalley: getting there
phyllisinvegas: looking good
phyllisinvegas: Valentine's day right around the
clayalley: 4th - fold in half, fold in half again, and
again, twist, scrunch, pinch to a triangle shape, thru
the pm again
norajean_sf: how many times have I pressed this?
clayalley: 4th
phyllisinvegas: Karen is paying attention
norajean_sf: Thanks for the Virtual Scribe effort
Karen, it helps the demo logs a lot.
phyllisinvegas: lol
norajean_sf: Ok, so let's go for just two more
clayalley: trying to be of service for a bit
phyllisinvegas: great tutorial Karen
norajean_sf: got to bring someone in, brb
leasbeadheaven has joined the conference.

You have invited leasbeadheaven to view your webcam.

norajean_sf: ok, so two more Wringing Twists to this
blend for just 6 passes through the pasta machine
norajean_sf: I'm going to add a bit more pearl to the
end there
norajean_sf: because I can
norajean_sf: LOL
phyllisinvegas: lol
clayalley: lol NJ
clayalley: you can add to the pearl (or red) if you
wish and then fold, twist, scrunch, pinch into a
triangle and run thru the pm for the 5th time
clayalley: blend is happening quickly now
clayalley: for the 6th, you can roll up the sheet,
twist, scrunch, pinch into triangle and run it thru
the pm
norajean_sf: ok, I'm going to fold this and press it
so the pearl is at one end and the red is on the other
end of the ribbon
phyllisinvegas: and just look how nice and neat her
sheet is, how come mine don't come out that way?
clayalley: see, by now I would have brown mud
phyllisinvegas: lol
phyllisinvegas: loooong sheet
norajean_sf: ok, so we could roll this so the pearl is
in the center of a jelly roll
norajean_sf: or the red could be in the center of the
jelly roll
norajean_sf: Or
norajean_sf: we could FAN FOLD it so the pearl or the
red is at one end
norajean_sf: depending on what sort of effect we want
norajean_sf: I'm going to show you the fan fold, ok?
clayalley: love the fan fold
phyllisinvegas: neat I love that look
norajean_sf: and there's a nifty tutorial for this and
I'll get the link
phyllisinvegas: That is a great turorial
norajean_sf: Check out that tutorial while I do the
half hour save, if you've seen that tutorial go potty,
get more coffee so we will have a top of the hour
norajean_sf: Ok?
clayalley: gotcha
norajean_sf: coolness
phyllisinvegas: k

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