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Highlights Index

The Year of 2004

October 2004

10-25-04 Sorting Scraps

Doing Demos twice a week for a couple of years produces a big pile of scrap and cane ends.

10-24-04 EyeBall Pin

After Demo there were stray eyeballs, slices of half round, some flowers and leaves, so why not put them all together for an EyeBall Pin? Something Creepy for Halloween.

pcPolyzine Logo

Nora Jean Gatine LogoCelebrating Día de Los Muertos
Nora Jean Gatine Honors This Festive Mexican Holiday

Day of the Dead - Review of Day of the dead with pictures and links to tutorials and samples of actual celebrations.

2003 Day of the Dead Close ups of last year's Oferenda

Mexico Index - Mexico inspired clay efforts

The Halloween Wreath Moderator Denise organized this group effort to raise funds for the MSATClayArt outreach programs.

10-18-04- Flower and Leaf Mask in Black, Silver and Pearl

Rant: Don't Call Them "Dolls"

10-13-04 Demo Figures The Monk and the girl and the baby.

10-13-04 Flower Jar Index

10-01-04: Friday Night Demo and what was made with the clay that was prepped. A surprise thing at the end.

Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

The official Clay Suppler for



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