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Flower Index Flower and Leaf Index

Leaf Index

01-19-06-YellowOrange Flower Index

DemoLog 1: Blending Orange and Yellow for Flower Petal

DemoLog2: Yellow and orange flower petal with stripes, As a Posey and as an Orchid

10-13-04 Flower Jar Index: Lavender, crimson, pearl. 

05-16-04: Spots before my eyes and on the petals too a half a dozen variations on a theme  

05-15-04 Stargazer Lily Quick "How To" in text for the StarGazer Lily Cane technique.

04-15-04: Bed O Flowers with Leaves. 12 pictures. Adding slices of leaf cane from the 03-09-04 flower and leaf demo and putting them in the gaps, anchoring down the flowers. The First Cure, close ups, and comment. 
04-09-04: Taking the canes made on 03-09-04, adding them together to make the first Orchid Canes. 

The 17 Flower Canes made 03-10-04.

03-09-04-1, Start of the Flower Cane DemoLog. 

03-09-04-2: Continuation of Flower Cane DemoLog.

04-03-04 Demo:  One cane makes many flowers. Two examples, dozen pictures and 2 demo logs. 

Lei Index, Step by Step tutorial on making Lei flowers 

Lei Pendants Done
Fiji Inspired Flower and Leaf Pendants

Wisteria Index

Wisteria Beads-01-Thms

Wisteria Lei with Leaves

Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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