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MSATClayArt Face Sculpting Non Swap Link for Tips Page 

JudithK shared her first face sculpting effort. Pictures 1-4, she asked for feedback and this is what I wrote to her. 


Ok honey I know what's the boggle.

Take most of that nose and move it to the chin. Dude got no chin, he
could a couple of them since he's portly. The nose is too large.

Remember the one eye width measurement?

The lid of the eye, out towards the temple, bring that down or he
looks like he's related to me. Caucasian features with Asian eyes.
When you bring the eyelid down a bit measure the open area of the eye.

That measure is the width of the base of the nose. To have a nose that
large there has to be a problem, like he just lost a fight. You could
pinch off a lot and still have a good sized nose. Also... when making
the new trimmed down nose, do this.

Take that eye width measure and build up the nose with the nostrils
not open, so it is a solid triangle from the outer edges of the nose
to the tip when looked at from beneath. After you get that all
smoothed and pretty, DRILL those nostrils and pull sideways. Instant
Sculpting for that rounded area on the side of the nose.

But you're on the right trail. You're doing just fine. As you keep us
posted I'll add more to your web section. This process is important
for all new face sculptors to see. Now let me go save these new
pictures to your growing file.