StarGazer Lily - 9/6/02 |
Fearless Leader: Hey honey
buci131: Hi all buci131: Kathy you made it for a few! ac4lb: I just got home a little while ago and am trying to catch up on email. I had a bunch of emails about the bonsai all come in tonight and 40 hits to my site since this morning for some reason buci131: That's wonderful! buci131: Nice pile of leaves there NJ buci131: Did you do those this afternoon? Fearless Leader: sorry Said was talking to me buci131: That's okay. Fearless Leader: This was done with Kato Klay ac4lb: not complaining mind you Fearless Leader: when I only had black and white Fearless Leader: to work with Fearless Leader: so I did these leaves buci131: Oh, it looks like brown and white. The coloring looks great on the cam Fearless Leader: and then my wrist and shoulder went out and I told Donna Kato that I couldn't beta test for her anymore Fearless Leader: she still sent me all the colors and I sent it to the claymates on the list buci131: That's very cool Fearless Leader: who had no clay and were new and to those who knew for clay and been around a while Fearless Leader: to test both sides of the experience buci131: great idea Fearless Leader: So Teri tested and so did Becky/dgre Fearless Leader: and we sent the reports to Donna Fearless Leader: when the ladies were finished with their findings Fearless Leader: I was very proud of them Fearless Leader: Fearless Troopers Fearless Leader: I tell ya Fearless Leader: LOL buci131: I bet that was great input for her elirdt joined the room Fearless Leader: Hey Rose buci131: Hi Rose buci131: back for more, eh? Fearless Leader: you got here, you're going to be an old hand at this elirdt: hey I figured it ou dahs512 joined the room elirdt: yest it was so cool Fearless Leader: Oh I'm so much more prepared than this after noon Fearless Leader: I have Stargazer Lilies to show you elirdt: how do you do it sooo fast dahs512: Hey everyone buci131: Hiya Denise Fearless Leader: Tiger Lilies too dahs512: The family has other things to do... buci131: Goodie Fearless Leader: Hey Denise, these black and white leaves are with Kato Klay Fearless Leader: we have a bunch of time before we start so I'll take any questions about anything dahs512: Is it any different...better...worse...than premo elirdt: I have a simple on buci131: will we be doing the elephant leaves like on your site? elirdt: when you did the basket cane Fearless Leader: If you want to honey buci131: I really LOVE those elirdt: how did you do the very first stp Fearless Leader: I'll do what ever you want buci131: Yippee Fearless Leader: they go a little different than the chevron leaves elirdt: the log that you cut up Fearless Leader: I cut logs every day Fearless Leader: which one LOL buci131: You're bad elirdt: the one that went from light to dark Fearless Leader: the basket weave? elirdt: yes dahs512: I don't know the elephant buci131: I wondered about that too Fearless Leader: I'm going to do that in two different color families buci131: Denise check out her site under Autumn leaves dahs512: ok Fearless Leader: I've been conditioning clay since we logged off Fearless Leader: Denise I'll get you the urls on those tutes dahs512: I've been doing tiger can to use on a couch buci131: Hold on Denise and I'll see if I can find it elirdt: silly me I actually tried to keep up with you on the last run Fearless Leader: Autumn-Leaf-Grp.htm elirdt: i did finish the cane for the leaf Fearless Leader: AutumnLeaves-Grp.htm Fearless Leader: There, so we have it on record, who's on Log Saving Duty? buci131: You're too fast for me NJ Fearless Leader: and Who's doing screen shots Fearless Leader: I'm so prepared. Man I made rent today buci131: I can do log saving Fearless Leader: borrowed from Peter to pay Paul Fearless Leader: but it's fricking paid elirdt: how do you save a log buci131: Three cheers for NJ! Fearless Leader: James has three claims that got log jammed Fearless Leader: they are all going to come at once dahs512: I still don't know how to do screen shots without panicking Fearless Leader: so it's feast and famine time with paper work snafu buci131: Nice chunk of change at once Fearless Leader: Don't panic my Darling Denise elirdt: I have adobe photoshop Fearless Leader: please? Fearless Leader: no stress elirdt: but don't know how to use it dahs512: If you need an important shot tell me and I'll get it Fearless Leader: we are mellow yellow buci131: Denise, I couldn't fig out how to do it on my computer. Sorry, dear. Fearless Leader: Who knows how to do screen shots without their hair standing up on end and getting a tight tummy? Fearless Leader: I don't know dahs512: You wouldn't believe how many screen shots I got of the chat text...lol Fearless Leader: and I'm not going to worry about it Fearless Leader: LOL buci131: If her hair stands on end, can we get a webcam shot of Denise Fearless Leader: it's frosting on the cake for those who can't make it to webcam, but all that I do here is on the site Fearless Leader: it's all on the tutes buci131: And we're doing the text logs Fearless Leader: ok, that's good Fearless Leader: and we still have a quarter of an hour before the official start Fearless Leader: Syl should be here Fearless Leader: so should Aunt Jude Fearless Leader: Syl is good at screen shots Fearless Leader: so we still have time Fearless Leader: who has sheets prepared? dahs512: They know shots! Fearless Leader: who mixed their colors? elirdt: i do Fearless Leader: coolness Fearless Leader: who else? dahs512: I been doing tiger Fearless Leader: I got a brain fart on tiger buci131: not me--I wasn't planning on claying along--computer's too far from my table and my eyes aren't that good Fearless Leader: monster brain fart wanna hear about it? dahs512: I looked at your site dahs512: You didn't put as many stripes Fearless Leader: naw Fearless Leader: we put in more Fearless Leader: just really thin Fearless Leader: and we don't do it just one line Fearless Leader: we have little openings Fearless Leader: in the stripes dahs512: I saw that Fearless Leader: like we're doing one stripe dahs512: that's what I'm doing buci131: I didn't see that Fearless Leader: put a bit of background filler Fearless Leader: and then put another stripe over it Fearless Leader: so there's these almond shaped openings in the stripes Fearless Leader: themselves buci131: It's on your site? Fearless Leader: baby tigers have FAT stripes dahs512: tree stripes Fearless Leader: so they are almost all black Fearless Leader: as the tiger grows Fearless Leader: those stripes open up Fearless Leader: gap Fearless Leader: have background fur color inserted between thin stripes Fearless Leader: making these fish shapes, almond shapes Fearless Leader: it's not on my site because I've been doing homework Fearless Leader: the Leopard has a lighter background coat than I've been doing it Fearless Leader: more blend buci131: And you're doing the demo on these when? Fearless Leader: and then there is the 3-4-5 spots around a different inner spot color ac4lb: Just to let you know that I will stick around as long as I can stay awake Fearless Leader: that was ok Fearless Leader: then... Fearless Leader: the Ocelot Fearless Leader: is really interesting, buci131: Ok Kathy buci131: Ocelot is like the jaguar isn't it--spots not quite closed up totally Fearless Leader: flattened interrupted bullseyes, the inner spot color really different Fearless Leader: The Jaguar is dots and dots and dots Fearless Leader: no inner color Fearless Leader: with a jellyroll blend for the back ground Fearless Leader: and I did get LION Fearless Leader: I was working with tawny blends Fearless Leader: and I think I like it elirdt: I have a question, I missed the shortcut on the skinner blend Fearless Leader: I was not satisfied with my leopard or tiger so we will do it again Fearless Leader: I'll do that for you at the end Rose elirdt: thnks Fearless Leader: I have all the canes prepared ahead of time for tonight's demo Fearless Leader: for anyone who wants to see the Easy Breezy blend stick around towards the end Fearless Leader: we'll go over things like that Fearless Leader: but when this demo starts, all the canes and blends are already prepared elirdt: what is pearl that you put in you clay Fearless Leader: to lighten a color mix and get that mica shift I always use pearl Fearless Leader: more than white Fearless Leader: white is flat Fearless Leader: mix white with red and you get a pastel pink Fearless Leader: I'm not into pastels as such Fearless Leader: mix pearl with red and you get something interesting Fearless Leader: it shimmers elirdt: where do you get pearl Fearless Leader: looks like silk if you press it flat and drape it like fabric Fearless Leader: http://www.clayalley.com buci131: it's clay too, Rose Fearless Leader: she gives us pounds of clay for $9.00 or $9.50 I forget elirdt: i am very new to clay only 3 months buci131: Pearl colored clay, like the metallics--with the mica in it Fearless Leader: I mix pearl colored clay with primary and secondary colors Fearless Leader: use it in lieu of white elirdt: ok i see Fearless Leader: white bores me Fearless Leader: unless it's blended with GOLD elirdt: i thought it was a chemical you added Fearless Leader: then it's really interesting, but then I got my mica shift, that shimmer. Fearless Leader: I keep my supplies down to clay Fearless Leader: and stuff you get from the supermarket buci131: White and gold, one to one, make a beautiful skin tone Fearless Leader: the only indulgence is Translucent Liquid Sculpey Fearless Leader: which you can do lampwork beads with dahs512: I scanned my tiger...unreduced..and put it in the pix list elirdt: cool Fearless Leader: or faux lampwork beads I mean elirdt: of course Fearless Leader: I don't want my tutorials to use expensive or fancy supplies Fearless Leader: so the tutes will be useable by a wider range of clayers elirdt: that is very nice Fearless Leader: if I said, buy this fancy pants stuff that's expensive and hard to get Fearless Leader: and then Fearless Leader: use this tute Fearless Leader: how useful is that, it's not elirdt: true Fearless Leader: no extra stuff, no fancy pants extra supplies Fearless Leader: cheap, quick and easy Fearless Leader: my tutes are like me Fearless Leader: LOL Fearless Leader: it's my motto elirdt: boy you type fast ac4lb: I was waiting for that one Fearless Leader: It's my job to type fast. English major and secretary elirdt: I am not sure how long I will get to be online Fearless Leader: and old time chat room hanger outer elirdt: my hubby might kick me off to go to bed Fearless Leader: It's not 9 yet Fearless Leader: tell him this is a party thrown just for you elirdt: true, Fearless Leader: for you to leave would be Fearless Leader: uncomfortable Fearless Leader: we would miss you Fearless Leader: and pout buci131: brb--baby check Fearless Leader: you'd feel put upon Fearless Leader: kiss that baby Fearless Leader: for all of us ac4lb: my hubby tried that and I told him to go watch tv and I'd come to bed in a little while elirdt: that he is elirdt: a baby i mean ac4lb: for me too Fearless Leader: I told James the next man who tells me to turn off the bed side light because he is sleepy Fearless Leader: is getting sucker punched Fearless Leader: POW Fearless Leader: there Fearless Leader: you're out now Fearless Leader: and then I can go back to reading Fearless Leader: I'm cranky that way elirdt: too funny Fearless Leader: God gave us the urge to create Fearless Leader: those who stand in our way of expressing our God given urges Fearless Leader: deserves to be knocked over elirdt: how big of a person are you? Fearless Leader: Excuse me, but I didn't make an appointment to be possessed greatauntjudy joined the room Fearless Leader: by the urge to create Fearless Leader: 5'3" elirdt: me too Fearless Leader: but I take up about 6'5" in ego space Fearless Leader: in person ac4lb: 5'2" here Fearless Leader: LOL elirdt: wow Fearless Leader: Aunt Jude Fearless Leader: we're waiting for Syl Fearless Leader: where the heck is she already? greatauntjudy: She's online and taking care of "matters" first. Will brb. Fearless Leader: That girl, shall we do your StarGazer Lilies first then Fearless Leader: while we wait for Syl? elirdt: your the boss greatauntjudy: Okie!! greatauntjudy: Let's wait. greatauntjudy: here she is! Fearless Leader: where where Fearless Leader: tell her come on now or miss Stargazer Lilies Fearless Leader: and we need screen shots bad Fearless Leader: real bad greatauntjudy: She's coming now. ac4lb: She said she's on her way sylsnovelties joined the room Fearless Leader: YEAH Fearless Leader: SYL IS IN DA HOUSE elirdt: yippee Fearless Leader: now we can start for real greatauntjudy: Geez... sylsnovelties: Sorry, had to pee real quick Fearless Leader: whew, screen shot Goddess if you could do your tender mercies for us sylsnovelties: heeheehee ac4lb: that's important stuff to take care of, haha greatauntjudy: Syl! I told them you had to take care of "matters" first. Fearless Leader: ah, those "matters" Fearless Leader: biological breaks we call them sylsnovelties: ok greatauntjudy: And, see comes in and says she had to "pee"...geez. Fearless Leader: We're going to start out with StarGazer Lilies sylsnovelties: 1 Fearless Leader: just for Aunt Jude greatauntjudy: They are so neat. Fearless Leader: cuz she asked dahs512: Syl, I tried earlier on the shots...lol Fearless Leader: ok, I prepared a blend already sylsnovelties: No problem. I'm ready sylsnovelties: yell out if you want a scrren shot. ac4lb: what are the colors Fearless Leader: Crimson and pearl ac4lb: thanks Fearless Leader: done as a blend Fearless Leader: and then as a ribbon Fearless Leader: and a snake of each Fearless Leader: for we will put pearl snakes on the Crimson side sylsnovelties: 2 on blend Fearless Leader: and we put the crimson snakes on the pearl side Fearless Leader: and do a jelly roll Fearless Leader: dark on the inside and light on the outside Fearless Leader: are we ready? ac4lb: yes dahs512: i guess so sylsnovelties: yes elirdt: yup buci131: I think so greatauntjudy: Okie, but if I ask really stupid questions ignore. I'm really brain-fried today. hehehehehe silversaxs joined the room buci131: Hiya. We're doing Stargazer Lilies right now ac4lb: She's laying pearl snakes across the crimson buci131: a blend of pearl and crimson silversaxs: Hi Eva greatauntjudy: Little white ropes across the blend on the crimson side...okie, got it. buci131: made into a ribbon buci131: Hello dahs512: shot? buci131: again buci131: That would be a good shot sylsnovelties: 3 dahs512: ty buci131: looks like she put some crimson snakes now ac4lb: Ok now she's switched to the crimson across the pearl greatauntjudy: Crimson across the pearl? Okie. buci131: Now she's starting the roll ac4lb: now rolling up from dark to light buci131: rolling the snakes up in the blended ribbon dahs512: Rolling the dark end first greatauntjudy: Rollin', rollin', rollin', keep them doggies rollin'...er... sylsnovelties: 4 buci131: rawhide! dahs512: lol greatauntjudy: Fist of doom! buci131: now she's reducing greatauntjudy: Yup! Rawhide. sylsnovelties: Rawhide! buci131: the cane, that is ac4lb: she's reducing the cane buci131: now she's moving so quickly she's just a blur on my screen greatauntjudy: Hmmm...I don't have a fist of doom. I wonder...would a vise work? buci131: ouch greatauntjudy: Wait, no, don't think so...you need something to go around the clay and squeeze and a vise won't. Oh, well. buci131: looks like she's pinching the outer edges sylsnovelties: Sit on it, Jude dahs512: shaped into a triangular cane? buci131: making a triangle--a wide triangle sylsnovelties: 5 greatauntjudy: I don't want to destroy it, Syl. dahs512: isociles...sp...lol greatauntjudy: She shaped them into the petal shapes. Neat. greatauntjudy: I am going to make some of these. Yup, I am. buci131: now she's slicing her cane in the middle and making petals from the slices buci131: I hope she takes digicam pics of these, too. I'd really like to see the colors on this. buci131: she's stretched one petal out and folded it in a "u" shape buci131: lengthwise, it looks like dahs512: squinching them a little doen the center sylsnovelties: 6 greatauntjudy: Folding lengthwise. buci131: maybe like a venus fly-trap--folded in half lengthwise and then bent into a u shape buci131: like a mouth dahs512: good description buci131: thank you buci131: now she's placed two petals together buci131: across from each other buci131: curved downward sylsnovelties: 7 buci131: now she's placed a third sylsnovelties: 8 dahs512: starting on the inside of the cluster and adding petals to the outside edge buci131: and a fourth buci131: How many petals, total? buci131: five? buci131: looks like one was placed in the middle after the four buci131: did she stick it on a skewer? sylsnovelties: 9 sylsnovelties: toothpick maybe greatauntjudy: My guess is toothpick. dahs512: It's sooo tiny Fearless Leader: it's a turkey skewer buci131: Ha! greatauntjudy: Ouch! Fearless Leader: I wish I could get it clearer buci131: can you take a digicam pic? dahs512: You are amazing as usual. buci131: I'd love to see the colors well ac4lb: love the colors NJ greatauntjudy: NJ has a tute on this on her site. Don't have the URL handy. sylsnovelties: I love crimson! ac4lb: me too dahs512: Do you want me to save to here, or is someone else doing it.. buci131: I'm doing it. I'll save.