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October 2004

Finished Mask with Flowers

10-16-04 Demo, Leaf Mask, check below this big picture for the links and thumbnails to tutorials that went into this mask. Black, silver and pearl blend, jelly roll blend, flattened to a fat ribbon, cut and stack for a chevron flip.


We started out with the Easy Breezy Blend. It can be seen at the link above, there's screen shots and everything.

Then we did the chevron flip for review.

image21 Epson closed down and we didn't save these pictures. Check out these instead.

May 2003 Highlights

05-29-03 Leaf Demo

#1-Three Color Leaf blend: Chevron flip with a hand blend

#2Second hand blend chevron flip leaf and made into a pitcher

Shargoose/Sharon caught these screen shots of doing the chevron flip.

We did it with black, silver and pearl, just like the Lexx Iris cane

Then after the leaves were made I pressed them to a sheet

After pressing the leaves to a sheet I made it into this mask.



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