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The Year of 2004

May 2004 Highlights

Starting your own website

05-24-04 How Proud I Am of YOU

Second Cure of the Flying Fairy

StarGazer Lily Text HOW TO

Demo Log of StarGazer Lily

Spots before my eyes Flower Petals with Spots

Tiger Lily

Stargazer Lily Cane

Mother's Day Special Flower Petal and Leaf Review

05-03-04, Adding Mass to Vosloo 

05-01-04 Purple Flower Cane Demo.


DonnaB in Sacramento caught these screen shots and has them stored on her Epson Account. Thank you Donna, you're a Peach. Now about that goofy picture of me.... 

AnimalCane  (34 photos)
Zebra and giraffe canes. NJs demo 5/30/2004
05/15/08 on photo gallery page

Leopard  (27 photos)
NJ Demo of Leopard cane May 2004, couple shots of tiger cane also. Created on 5/29/2004

05/15/08 on photo gallery page

Tin with face  (56 photos)
NJ demo of covering a tin, chevron cane, face mold May 2004 Created on 5/29/2004

05/15/08 on photo gallery page

Starting your own website

05-28-04: A ClayMate was considering starting up a website of her own and she asked the list how should she go about it. I did a brain dump and this is what I shared with her. 

05-24-04 How Proud I Am of YOU

Giving the ClayMates a Techno Buff pat on the back

Second Cure 05-19-04: Four pictures of adding the Mother's Day Flowers to her back and giving her some eyeballs and face.

Female face  (23 photos)
Webcam demo by NJ of sculpting a female face using a face mold. Created on 5/19/2004 put on photo gallery page 05/15/08

FaceMolds  (40 photos)
Demo by NJ on making and using face molds.
Created on 5/19/2004 put on photo gallery page 05/15/08

May 15, 2004

StarGazer Lily Text HOW TO

Demo Log of StarGazer Lily


Spots before my eyes

and on the petals too. A half a dozen variations on a theme

  Spot Flower (40 Screen Shots)

This Tiger Lily petal cane was done at the same demo as the StarGazer Lily, using the same techniques. 1 Picture 

Here is our man's old face and the section he came from. All Sizes. The techniques used to build figures works in all sizes. Check it out. 

Stargazer Lily Cane: Part of today's 9 hour demo. Sharon/Shargoose caught these 74 screen shots, along with chat dialogue and put them up on her Epson site. Thank you Sharon!

I have to trim 248megs of shots from my Epson account before the month's end. Yikes.

  Spot Flower (40 Screen Shots)

Mother's Day Special

Three days of demos and a handful of pictures. Two Demo Logs covering Friday Night and Saturday Noon to 5pm. More logs to come. Links to tutorials and all that happy stuff. 

Stop in and see finished work live and on webcam, chat with the artist and Make me an offer. Help keep art teaching free and on the bleeding edge of free technology. 

The Fifth of May is Cinco de Mayo in Mexico and Kodomo No Hi "Boy's Day" in Japan. Here are the two themed sections on Mexico and Japan for ideas for celebrating this day in clay. 

Mexico Index

Japan Index

 05-03-04, Adding Mass to Vosloo  The point? You can add raw clay to cured clay to add mass when sculpting. You can cure a figure many times. Polymer Clay is forgiving like that. 

05-01-04 Purple Flower Cane Demo. Raising Cane for the New ClayMates in Demo. Basic review of NJ Easy Breezy Blend, Jellyroll Blend for segments of leaves and flowers. Log and three sample pictures. 


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