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Highlights Index December 2008

All blog posts will be un-linked. Two blogs disappeared when I changed webhosts 4/2012.

12-01-2008: Tongues of Fire Beads, 12-05-2008: Oil Slick Spiral Chop Beads, BEADS, 12-20-08" Poinsettia "4 slice bead", 12-22-08: Poinsettia Necklace.


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12-22-08: Poinsettia Necklace

12-20-08" Poinsettia "4 slice bead", how to get the full flower repeated on a bead without pulling your hair out.

Check the Poinsettia Demo Screen shots to see how the cane was made. 

Winter Holiday Tutorials: A page with links to tutes for Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanzaa.

Merry Hanukhristokwanzamass Everyone

2001 Christmas Ramble: Buying stuff has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus.  

BEADS: Gathering up the various bead sections going back to 2004. This will keep me from looking all over for tutorials for CITY-o-Clay.

12-05-2008: Oil Slick Spiral Chop Beads. The spiral is in the cane that gets the chop and toss. This is a continuation of the oil slick obsession.

Previous experiments:

11-16-2008: Oil Slick Chop

Oil Slick Chop Index 2

12-01-2008: Tongues of Fire Beads.


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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