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Review Index Blends: We had a discussion about "shading" with polymer clay. Shading is done by doing a blend. An overview of the use of blends. How to do blends by hand, Jelly Roll Blend with sheet/stripes or snakes/dots, inverting a blend for the "natasha banana" effect, Tiger and Leopard and Oh My!
Shading equals blends with polymer clay.

There are possible elements in a cane: snakes, sheets, and blends.
Snakes for dots
Sheets for lines
Blends for sharing or gradation of color.

With those three elements you can make just about anything in the 2D surface of a cane.

Here are some links:
That page has links to blend experiments from my first three years of hosting this group.


Here's some screen shots of blending by hand:


When colors are blended loose, not all the way, you can get some interesting effects:


The loose blend is what I use for eyeball cane:



Once you blend two colors you can "fan fold", like how we made paper fans as kids:



Or one could do a jelly roll with a blend like we do with the tiger cane:



slice that jelly roll blend and insert black for tiger stripes:




Or you can take that jelly roll blend and bury snakes in it to get spots on a shaded background, like with this stargazer lily.




Change the color of the background, change the color of the snakes buried inside and you can get a leopard effect.


Ok, let's take that jelly roll blend and turn it inside out:






Here's a rose in brown shades and blends played a large part of that cane construction:


You can use non-nature colors as a blend to make some weird leaves:



Not only can you create shading with blends you can also create highlights:

Miniaturists would be well served to study the chiaroscuro web section. When miniaturists need pipes, radiators, shiny metal surfaces that have highlights and shadows, blending in the highlights and shadows is a good bet. Room boxes might not have the right lighting, the metal pipes might not cast enough shadow or reflect enough highlights to serve the purpose they were intended. Yeah, I know this is an obscure tangent, but I find it fascinating. LOL

Blends give a lot of clayers THE FEAR, but blends are your friend.


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