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10-31-19-TOF-Chop-Toss-BeadThis video shows just how easy it is to take a new cane, chop it up, toss it like egg salad, and make natasha beads.

I used new Tongues of Fire cane that I made with rejuvenated polymer clay.

Sculpey Diluent, Baby Oil, and Translucent Liquid Polymer clay was used to bring old clay to life. Check Return to Polymer Clay Index for those videos
10-31-19-TOF-ChopBeadThis is how that Tongues of Fire cane looked after giving it a Chop and Toss Natasha work out.

For more on Chop check the links below.

Earliest experiments from 2000 to 2003

Newer experiments from 2003-2009 and now 2019 when I get this new TOF chop in this section.

Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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NJ Archive 1997-1999