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Tins 2004- 2005- 2006 

We get free tins in the mail, you know the ones with CDs in them and we just toss them out. Don't do that.

Those tins are blank canvases that you can create upon. This is the index for some of the tins finished in 2004. There will be links to the New Projects area where you can see the making of these tins.

Scroll to the bottom for Demos on How-To make tins the Rock and Roll way.

How-To page on covering tins

For samples of Old Tins From the past. Using mint tins, bunch of examples

07-30-2009: SWOL-Tins Index: SWOL means Shaved Wave Over Lap, taking the shavings off of a wave texture sheet pressed into layers of different colors of clay and slapping the shavings onto a background of shaved wave patterns. See the Shaved Wave Overlap and the Shaved Wave Close up for the how-to.
06-27-09: "The words 'vision, paradise and suitcase' were mentioned in my clay group. Well, all ya gotta do is mention something even vaguely beachy (paradise)
and I start breathing heavy."
Michele Holly, aka Luny, put together a page on wonderful things to do with tins. Do check it out.

03-20-07 flip top tin

03-20-07 Mica Tin

03-03-07 Brown Rose Tin

LeafManTin-01-08-06 Demo
12-25-05- Second day of Holiday Demo

Abalone Fold Face Tin

Snake Tin - 12-02-05: Made last year.

07-26-04: AbaFold Ruffled Face Tin. A face is surrounded with ruffles and glitter

01-25-04: The Trick of Shaving Waves.

This is a  post to the MSATClayArt list with the debriefing of the experiment done in Demo yesterday.

The tutorial, demo logs, screen shots still need to be built, but at least one shot and a quick how-to of this trick had to be shared. 

WaveShave-013: First example of the Shaved Wave Technique. 

01-10-04: Two Tins

Two Tins with faces on them. Don't toss those tins you get in the mail into the trash. Put clay on them, practice your mold making and pressed and folded sheets.

01-11-04-TwoTins Index

Taking the Chevron Flip and kicking it up a notch


experimenting with more abalone mixes

01-12-04-OneTin Index

Example of how a face mold without expression can be given one easily.

Demo Screen Shots with Mint Tins

12/2004 - Shargoose/Sharon had caught these screen shots of covering the tin with holly leaves. But we didn't get the shots saved when Epson photo storage closed down.

Tin with face  (56 photos)
NJ demo of covering a tin, chevron cane, face mold May 2004
Created on 5/29/2004

05/15/08 on photo gallery page


36 Screen Shot of LSD Tin Covering

The Doll and the Tin on LSD large digital pictures


More LSD Tins large digital pictures





Rainbow Blend Leaves with Flowers Sheet Covered Tin


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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NJ Archive 1997-1999