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Highlights Index December The Year of 2005

All blog posts will be un-linked. Two blogs disappeared when I changed webhosts 4/2012.

12-31-05 Demo Log Index Ringing in the New Year with the ClayMates.

12-24-05: Coleus Cane

Made on Christmas Eve during the Second Annual Three Day Holiday Marathon Demo.

12-24-05 Demo Log Index

12-25-05- Second day of Holiday Demo

12-25-05 Demo Log Index

12-26-05: Third day of the Holiday Demo

12-26-05 Demo Log Index


Rambles for new clayers that were posted to the list

Basics of Cane Design

From the simple to complex

2004 Holiday Marathon Demo Logs: Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and The First Day of Kwanzaa (or Boxing Day for the UK). For an idea of what goes on during the holiday demos. Only took me a year to find them and get them on web pages.

Winter Holiday Tutorials

A variety of tutorials that may be helpful for your winter holiday: Christmas, Chanukah or Kwanzaa.

Snake Tin - 12-02-05: Made last year.  There was a question on the list about whether CDs could be cured without them melting.

You can do multiple cures of CDs.

Lady With Pot

Index 6: 12-01-05

Taking her off the tile and giving her something more interesting to sit upon. Checking her out in hard light to see where I need to file sculpt more.

Armature-Skin Ulrike in Germany shot these 20 avi files: Making an armature, adding skin and sculpting a face. Making clay fabric, dressing and posing the figure. TLS hair. YouTube: Josana: Sculpting Female - Start to Finish 13 Videos

It's been over a year and a half that these avi files were caught during a demo, so you'll have to excuse me for being remiss in getting them up on my site. Better late than never.

06-22-04: Josana was created from the figure made in this demo.

Orchid Cane made the dress fabric pattern.


and the Orchid Drape PenPal Lady's Dress.



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