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Highlights Index Demos of 2005

All blog posts will be un-linked. Two blogs disappeared when I changed webhosts 4/2012.

December 2005 Highlights Holiday review, Holiday Marathon, Lady with a Pot and catching up with avis from a year and a half ago.

November 2005 Experiments with color mixing for "Toasty Top" on mini baked goods.

October 2005, and a bit from September. Resurrected a bunch of "Spooky Stuff" from 1999, Potted about, did some sculpting and a How-To Page on covering tins.

August 2005, Moved MSATClayArt  to the Biz site. Resurrected some older items like this extruded clay bit.

May, June and July 2005 Because of a nerve pinch on my neck three months are on one page.

April 2005 04-23-05: ClayMates - I'm not doing demo for a while. Wrist in a wrap and arm in a sling. Other COCMods are doing casual webcam gatherings, check the list for scheduling.
March 2005 up to the first spring full moon. Recommended reading is something I do here from time to time. The process of being an artist must expand further than "tips and techniques" books within our medium.
February 2005

January 2005

MSATClayArt has had a name change to CITY-o-Clay



Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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ComboTutes: New and old stuff

First Three Years - Biz-Archive

NJ Archive 1997-1999