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Human Study: thumbnails and links to sculpting efforts from 2002 until the present.

Skeleton Study

Man and Beast Index

Human Anatomy

Baby Face - Index:

04-18-2009: Feet-O-Clay: This is for Kay in South Africa, who is having trouble with her wrists. An alternate way to condition clay. ;-) Captions below the pictures. Photos taken 02-20-2001. This clay mix was for "Caucasian skin" colored clay.

05-13-08: BH4DO , Afro-American face sculpting, mold making, for a stop motion animation project. Check the Tools page for face sculpting tutorials.

Update: This section is being rebuilt. I'll add links to the sections as they get done.
04-20-08 Face Molds How to sculpt many faces from one.
05-08-08 Add Face Mold How to add more mass to an existing face.
05-13-08: Making a Face Mold with polymer clay

04-23-08 Sculpting Known Faces - A review and part of a post to CITY-o-Clay, some tricks to sculpting a "known face".

This particular known face is Lex Gigeroff, one of the creators of LEXX. Yes, ClayMates, he's wearing my tiger stripe cowgirl hat with Tiger Cane medalions.  That was in 2001 and I'm still laughing.

06-28-07 Broken Wings: Recycling bits, pieces and building a scene for a broken fairy.

06-21-07 Dano Doll: A study of a real person. Review of the process with links to the aluminum foil armature, leaf shaped sheets for muscles, on out to the eyes and moustache. As of 05-13-08 he's still uncured. 

She-Knees: 08-30-06 -There's a quick trick to forming knees. This is how a woman's knees can be formed with a pinch and a push.

01-10-06: Preparation: Links to avi files, Rambles and Tutorials about face sculpting. This page is to help the CITY-o-Clay ClayMates prepare for the three day face sculpting demo scheduled for Jan 13, 14 and 15th.

Lady With Pot


Here she is the Lady With A Pot. She was inspired by the Asian Earthquake.

10-15-05 - AnatoMan Index

09-10-05: Sculpting Demo

DemoLog 1

DemoLog 2

DemoLog 3

06-11-09: I have to find these screen shots since Epson Photo Storage closed down.

03-12-05 Sculpting an old face

03-14-05- Sculpt the Green Man Head

 03-05-05- Sculpt the Baby Face

3-14-05 Sculpt the baby

06-11-09: I have to find these screen shots since Epson Photo Storage closed down.

11-19-04: Screen shots from the Demo on sculpting a hand. Thank you Shannon for shooting the shots.

10-13-04 Demo Figures The Monk and the girl and the baby.

09-19-03: Review of Faces and Figures The one page where the links to sculpting How-To tutes can be found. For the new Sculptor it's what I suggest as a jumping off point.
09-28-04: Faces in different scales. From half inch mini scene scale to full sized face mask the techniques are the same.
09-17 and 18, 2004 Demo: Snakeskin, autumn leaves, Tiger and Man with Masks

8 demo logs for Friday and Saturday.


Taco Lady She's a work in progress. There's a dozen different techniques that went into her making so far. From Sculpting, sheet making, food. Result of Demo of 08-27-28, 2004
07-28-04: Lurking Man - Index, He got started in demo on Sunday and by Wednesday he got a face. 

Abalone Fold Lady: 07-15-04: Folding clay in abalone colors produces the greatest ends. These fan shaped pleated iridescent ends can be gathered and ruffled and used as clothing elements. 
Josana: On June 20, 2004, this figure was begun in demo. She started out with a pinch pot in her arms and then I changed it for the baby. Her dress is clay fabric and she was a fully sculpted nude before being dressed. She was dressed before she was posed. 

04-25-04: Arnold Vosloo as a MerDude. I'm on this kick to see if I can capture movement. Pose the figures in different positions than we usually see them.
04-30-2004 Demo Log and Sample Picture: Sculpting the face



Female face 03-14-04: See the screen shots that DonnaB in Sacramento caught for the female face sculpting effort. 

Sleeping Lady 03-22-04: Taking the conservative route with flesh colored clay, curing between body sculpting and adding TLS clothing. Lots of curing, sanding and filing. 

Once More With Feeling The Ramble


Lobster Lady Section

Sculpting Indexes made prior to August 2003

  1. It's Raining Men  It's all about the guys

  2. Sculpt Index 2003 Tutes of full sized face and eyeballs

  3. Dolls Figures Faces How-To Tutes earliest efforts

April 22, 2003: Here is our man's old face and the section he came from. All Sizes. The techniques used to build figures works in all sizes. Check it out. 

September 2002 Webcam Demo: Clay Techniques-02: Sculpting faces big and small, young and old, male and female.
Hi folks,
In honor of September as sculpting month I've posted on of my figure
sculpting aids for your use. It's a drawing of a standard male human figure with a wire armature overlay. There are measuring points at the joints. What I do is size it to the dimensions of the figure I am going to sculpt, then print it out. I can take measurements right from the drawing as I work on the armature or the clay figure.

Human Figure, Armature Drawing

Robert Houghtaling Sculpture and Design


Monthly Highlights Since 8/2003

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