Biz-Archive Tute-List

2003- January Highlights

2003- January Highlights Check the highlight page for all the tutorials for this month. This page only lists the webcam demo information.

2003 January's Demos

WebCam Logs Screen Shots DigiCam

1- January 30, 2003: Larger Pinch Pots, a review, Denise Saved.

2- January 30, 2003: Larger Pinch Pots, a review, I saved.

 *It's a bubble pinch pot or I'm a duck

Taking a pinch pot and closing it up totally so there's air trapped inside is called a bubble pinch pot. What folks don't realize is they can then take this bubble and make anything they want. So I made a duck. It's a hollow duck. That means that I don't use up clay to fill a space, I use air. But then again a lot of folks say I'm full of hot air.

Thank you Mitch for capturing these shots.

* 1- January 29, 2003: Natasha Log to Pinch Pot in Minutes

* 2- January 29, 2003: Natasha Log to Pinch Pot in Minutes

* 3- January 29, 2003: Natasha Log to Pinch Pot in Minutes

11-12-2006: Denise caught over 60 screen shots of the pinch pots that had to be removed from Epson due to lack of space. She sent me a ton of screen shots on a CD and I have to look for those pinch pot screen shots for this space here.
*  1- January 27, 2003, Chiaroscuro Review

* 2- January 27, 2003, Chiaroscuro Review


* January 21, 2003: Chiaroscuro, playing with light and shadow through blends.  Denise saved this log of the chat during the first cane. Thank you Denise!

I saved these logs 

* 2) up to making the gold

* 3) making the gold and comparing to silver

* 4) The Green, Green-Yellow and Pearl, low contrast light and shadow, leaf press.

* 5) The pressing of the light green.

* 6) Doing it again with three blends, black to dark green, dark green to light green, light green to pearl. Pressing leaves and comparing. 

*7) Gold leaf press to the end of the all day demo.


* Kathy, Eva and Denise  caught these screen shots of doing the blends and fan fold for working with light and shadow. 119 pictures

Now on their new photo gallery page.





* Mitch caught these screen shots of CherylH doing a leaf cane. Three blends, dark green to yellow green, yellow green to pearl, dark green to black. Fan folded, stacked and chevron flipped. Then pressed into action in a circle. 24 pictures.


Chiaroscuro Preview: The top tubes, with the dragon's eyeball are just silver. The lower tubes have highlight and shadow that were blended in. 

January 14, 2003: Denise saved this log of making the imitation orchid with Papaya Cane. To match the screen shots. 

* Doing an Orchid with Papaya Cane, 84 pictures shot by Denise. Thank you honey for all your hard work. 
January 1, 2003:  Doing Animal Heads Short Order.

 Seeking the Unicorn through the Horse.

 Seeking the Horse 2.

 Mini Food Review: Turkey Sandwich, Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich, Romaine Lettuce. 


 Three Horses Heads CherylH found. 

 Horse Head Anatomy

 Mini Food Preview for the next Demo